San Andreas Regional Center

Home Community Based Services (HCBS) are referrals from San Andreas Regional Center (SARC). SARC is a state waiver program. The majority of the applicants are disabled children. Although the children are disabled, they are typically treated as Medically Indigent Children (MIC) and set up on a 6V aid code.

The parents must list their income on the application because the EW must screen for no SOC MC first. If the child is ineligible for no SOC MC, the SARC waiver applies.

Note: OTLICP aid codes are considered no SOC MC (i.e. T1, T3, etc.).

SARC Special Treatment

SARC applications are treated differently than other MC applications as follows:

  • The income and resources of the parents are not considered.
  • The other family members should NOT be pended in the SARC case.
  • IEVS should only be requested for the child, not the parents.
  • The parents must list their income on the application because a determination must be made that the client would not be eligible for no SOC MC without deeming.

SARC Aid Codes

The SARC aid codes are as follows:

  • 6V (no SOC), or
  • 6W (SOC).

Application Process

The “Department of Developmental Services Waiver Referral” (DHCS 7096) form will be attached to the appropriate CalSAWS and MEDS screens, along with an informational notice that must be sent to the clients.

The following must occur with SARC applications:

  1. Designated SARC Employee:    
    1. Uploads the DHCS 7096 form to BenefitsCal or submits by fax to DO.
  2. Clerical Staff:
    1. Retrieves the DHCS 7096.
    2. Sends the informational notice to the parents along with application packet.
    3. If parents return the packet, completes application registration in CalSAWS.
    4. Creates and assigns a Task to EW for processing.
    5. If packet is not returned, then sends a 2nd notice.
  3. EW:
    1. Completes required pages in CalSAWS and evaluates for MAGI MC first, before the special waiver program.
    2. Mails NOA(s).
    3. Documents actions in a Jounal entry.
    4. Checks MEDS in 2 business days.

Note: All SARC cases are to be transferred to BSC.

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