SSI/SSP Denial Applications

Effective July 1, 2009, Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Payment (SSI/SSP) applicants who were denied by Social Security Administration (SSA) due to excess income are referred to the county via Daily MEDS Alert 9043 to complete Medi-Cal eligibility determination, including Medicare Savings Programs. These referrals are considered new Medi-Cal applications which will be processed back to the date of the SSI/SSP application.

Date of Application

The date of application for Medi-Cal is:

  • The original SSI/SSP application date,
  • The denial date when the application date is a future date(e.g. applicant applies as aged but is 64 years 9 months of age),
  • The date California residency began if later than the SSI/SSP application date, or
  • The initial Medi-Cal application date when the case is currently pending.

Note: When the residency date is a later date, the EW must clarify with the client the actual residency date. The client’s statement is acceptable.

SSI/SSP Denials Medi-Cal Packet

The following forms must be sent to the SSI Denials individual:

  • MC 219 - Important Information for Persons Requesting Medi-Cal,
  • MC 210 PS - Property Supplement,
  • MC 007 - Medi-Cal General Property Limitations,
  • MC 003 - Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Brochure,
  • SCD 2350 - Request for Tax Household Information (RFTHI),
  • SCD 1264 - Language Survey
  • SCD 508 - Would You Like to Register to Vote?
  • DHS 7077 - Notice Regarding Standards for Medi-Cal Eligibility,
  • DHS 7077-A - Notice Regarding Transfer of a Home for Both a Married and an Unmarried Applicant/Beneficiary, and
  • Pub 68 - Medi-Cal “What It Means To You” Brochure.

MEDS Screens

The EW can access the following [ISDX] MEDS screens and use the SSI/SSP applicant’s information, on these screens to determine eligibility. When the information found in MEDS is incomplete, unclear, inconsistent or contradictory, the EW should request further information and verification from the applicant.

  • [SDX1] - SDX Inquiry - Client Data From MEDS
  • [SDX2] - SDX Inquiry - Client Address Data From MEDS
  • [SDX3] - SDX Inquiry - Client Information (displaying the SSI Application Date)
  • [SDX4] - SDX Inquiry - Client Income/Status Data
  • [SDX5] - SDX Inquiry - Household Information

To access above screens, log in to MEDS, clear the screen and type, ISDX.

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