In-Home Support Services (IHSS)

When an MC individual receiving IHSS benefits, reports a change of address outside of the county, the EW must inform the IHSS worker of the address change in addition to initiating an eICT for the MC case. This is to ensure that the client will receive uninterrupted benefits and services in both programs in the new residence county. IHSS information can be viewed in MEDS from the Special Program screen (INQ1/INQ2) with Aid Codes 2K, 2L, 2M, or 2N.

When an MC individual, also receiving IHSS, moves to Santa Clara County, the eICT must be picked up in our county within the allotted 30 days to prevent a hardship on the client with continuing IHSS.


The eICT procedures in the following case situations have different or additional requirements.

  • If a client becomes incarcerated within California but outside of Santa Clara County but the permanent residence address will remain in Santa Clara County a new case must be created in the County of incarceration if the individual requires Medi-Cal Inmate Eligibility Program (MCIEP) benefits. Refer to Medi-Cal Inmate Eligibility Program (MCIEP)
  • If an incompetent Long Term Care (LTC) individual is moved to a facility within California but outside of Santa Clara County and has a family member/representative acting on his/her behalf the Authorized Representative can request that the individual’s case remain in Santa Clara County. Refer to County of Responsibility in CalHEERS

CalWORKs ICT Discontinued Cases

The MC program does not have the same ICT rules as CalWORKs program. The client’s failure to complete the CalWORKs ICT requirements does not result in the termination of the client’s Medi-Cal benefits.

ICT Liaison Escalation

If there are problems/issues during the eICT process, the EW and EW Supervisor must first try to resolve these issues with their counterparts in the other county. eICT problems that cannot be resolved by the EW and EW Supervisor with the other county are to be referred to the ICT Coordinator and MC liaison.

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California Residency

County of Responsibility in CalHEERS