Excess Property Due to SSI Overpayments

Many MC applicants (mostly those residing in nursing homes) have difficulty getting SSA to stop their SSI/SSP payments for which they are no longer eligible. These individuals feel obligated to keep the money in order to repay SSA.

  • Excess resources due to the fact that SSA has not yet terminated SSI/SSP monthly payments is considered unavailable property if:
    • The applicant verifies that SSA has been notified that he/she is now in a nursing facility, or
    • The applicant has a notice which states that he/she is no longer eligible for SSI.
  • The amount of the SSI overpayment is calculated by multiplying the monthly award:
    • By the number of months that the LTC person has been institutionalized, or
    • From the date of ineligibility stated on the SSI notice of action.

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