Property Verification

Important: Effective January 1, 2024, asset limits are eliminated and should not be used in determining eligibility for Non-MAGI MC programs at application, redetermination, or when a change in circumstance is reported. All Medi-Cal policy guidance regarding property and resources remains in effect for eligibility determinations before implementation on January 1, 2024.

Property must be verified at Application, Redetermination, and whenever a client reports a change in property. Property can be verified by documents in Imaging that were used for verification within the last 90 days.

Verification Required

Principal Residence

The “Principal Residence Questionnaire” (SCD 1407) must be completed only when the information is not included in the most recent Statement of Facts.

  • The questionnaire must be returned within 30 calendar days
  • Send a case alert for return
  • If not returned, contact the applicant/client to determine the reason for the delay
  • No valid reason, deny or discontinue with timely NOA for failure to provide essential information.

Market Value of Real Property Other Than Home

  • Tax statement
  • Records maintained by tax assessor's office
  • Written statement from a member of a recognized professional appraisal society which gives the appraisal value of the property
  • Checking account, savings account (current statement).
  • Recently signed correspondence from the institution holding funds.
  • An ATM receipt may be used only as a temporary verification until the next routine bank statement is available.

Value of Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds

  • Viewing certificate or signed statement from issuing institution stating the description of the investment, including the number of shares owned, and
  • Telephone contact with a recognized stock exchange broker to establish the current selling price of the property, through listing in the current newspaper.

U.S. Savings Bonds

  • View Bonds, and
  • Contact bank or institution where bonds may be liquidated.

Deeds of Trusts, Mortgages, and Promissory Notes.

  • View documents, and
  • Take one of the following actions:
    • View document from lender which establishes principal amount remaining on the note
    • Appraisal from a qualified person.
    • Telephone call to the recognized broker.

Value of Nonexempt Vehicles.

  • Vehicle registration
  • Kelley Blue Book, or
  • Appraisal statement.

Note: The value of an exempt vehicle does not have to be verified.

Nonexempt Insurance Policies

  • Value tables included in policy
  • Statement from insurance company.

Nonexempt jewelry (NMV over $100 for each piece)

  • Three appraisal statements.

Burial Trusts or Pre-Paid Burial Contract

  • View Trust or Contract
  • Signed correspondence from the trustor or contractor which details its value

Nonexempt Property Held in Trust

  • Document indicating current value
  • Appraisal of property.

Value of Oil Leases

  • Written or telephone contact with a professional appraisal society
  • Records maintained by a tax assessor
  • Written or telephone contact with the company or organization developing the natural resource which establishes the current value.


Non-MAGI Asset Waiver


Beginning March 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023, the Non-MAGI Asset Test is temporarily waived at renewal or during a reported change in circumstance. 

Eligibility Worker's (EWs) must redetermine eligibility using existing property information already available in the case record or from the last eligibility determination.  If no assets were reported at redetermination or at application, eligibility must be evaluated without requesting verification. If the individual reports new assets at renewal or at a change in circumstance, disregard the increase or change in assets and continue to process eligibility without requesting property or asset verification until the beneficiary's next redetermination. Document in the CalSAWS Journal Detail page that the Non-MAGI Asset Waiver was applied to the case at renewal or for a change in circumstance report.

The property waiver flexibility applies to all Non-MAGI programs, including when a spouse enters Long Term Care (LTC). It is important to note that the EW will still need to assess for Spousal Impoverishment regarding income when a spouse transitions into LTC. 


Non-MAGI Asset Elimination

Beginning January 1, 2024, assets are no longer considered when determining eligibility for All Non-MAGI Medi-Cal programs.


Note: Asset Verification program (AVP) reporting requirements still apply before January 1, 2024, for Long Term Care (LTC) and Non-MAGI (ABD) recipients and applicants. For information on AVP reporting requirements refer to MCHB Chapter 8, section: Verification Requirements at MC RD and CIC.


Example #1Example #1  Mr. Lopez applies for Non-MAGI MC in September 2021. He attests to unearned income only with no property or assets. Mr. Lopez is approved for Non-MAGI MC. The Continuous Coverage Unwinding begins and on August 2023, the EW receives a completed annual renewal packet for Mr. Lopez. Mr. Lopez reports new personal property and asset information but did not submit property verification with the renewal packet. Outcome: As Mr. Lopez did not report assets at application, the EW can complete the property determination without requesting verification. 


Example #2Example #2 The EW completes Ms. Li's annual renewal in August 2023. In October 2023, Ms. Li contacts the county to report an increase in earned income and property. She reports a new part-time job, including an additional vehicle that she inherited. Outcome: The change in circumstance can be completed for the earned income only without requesting verification for the additional vehicle.


Related Topics

Property Limits

Property Assessments