DDSD Referral Timeline
The county is required to submit the disability packet to DDSD within ten calendar days of the date the applicant submits a completed 223 or “Supplemental Statement of Facts for Medi-Cal Child Applicant Only - Under Age 18” (MC 223C).
Note: An MC 223 or MC 223C cannot be submitted in lieu of an MC application.
It is not always possible to submit the disability packet within the required 10 days. Such exceptions must be documented in the case record clearly stating the reason for late submission of the packet as well as the date the applicant provided all necessary information. However, do not hold the referral to DDSD pending verification of other non-disability factors.
Client claims disability on the MC application and completes the MC 223 or MC 223C. The client fails to submit the MC 220(s) within 10-days. The EW documents the missing information as the reason for not sending the referral within 10 days. The client subsequently provides the MC 220s but fails to provide verification of property. After reviewing all the information submitted and personally contacting the client, the client appears to be eligible. The EW documents the date all information and forms were received and sends the referral to DDSD pending verification. After the DDSD referral is sent, the client provides verification of property and is found to be over the property limit. The client is denied MC and the worker sends an “DDSD Pending Information Update” (MC 222 LA) informing DDSD that the client is ineligible so that the disability evaluation can be stopped.
EWs must send a “90-Day Status Letter” (MC 179) when the DDSD packet has not been forwarded to DDSD by the 80th day from the date of the disability-based application. The MC 179 is also available in CalSAWS.
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