DDSD Referral Packets
There are two types of DDSD Referral Packets: full and limited.
Full DDSD Packet
A Full DDSD Packet Includes:
- A copy of prior MC 221, if applicable, and SP2 DDSD 221R, and
- A new MC 221 with Item #8 properly marked (i.e., reexamination, redetermination, initial referral, etc.), and
- MC 223 (for over age 18) or MC 223C (for under age 18), and
- MC 220 for every medical source listed on the MC 223 or MC 223C.
Limited DDSD Packet
A Limited DDSD Packet includes:
- A copy of the prior MC 221 if available, and SP2 DDSD 221R, and
- A New MC 221 with the reason for the limited referral clearly stated in the “County Worker Comments” section.
- Note: Indicate on Item #10 if the referral is for redetermination after break in aid of 12 months of less, unless a full referral packet is sent.
Reminder: The DDSD referral packet must be scanned into Imaging.
Related Topics
Individuals Who Must Not be Referred to DDSD
Documents to Include in the DDSD Referral