Disability Referral Checklist

Counties who have a high volume of returned disability packets due to inappropriate or incomplete referrals, or incorrect usage of obsolete forms are subject to corrective action measures. Below are reminders to address some of the error prone areas:

  • Check for prior SSA or DDSD decisions (available in the case/system) that are still currently in effect prior to sending disability referrals.
  • Use the latest revision of the MC 220.
  • Invalid or pseudo Social Security Numbers (SSN) must not be used. If the client has no SSN, check the applicable box (pending or none) on Item 2 of the MC 221.
  • Ensure that pertinent case/county information is complete and correct.
  • Ensure that all required forms are completed and properly signed. The MC 220 must be witnessed if the individual authorizing the release of information signs with a mark, or the signature is illegible, or signed in foreign characters.
  • The Date Applied (Item 5 of the MC 221) is the date the individual applied as a disabled individual and not necessarily the date of application. It is important that the Date Applied entered is correct because it is the beginning date for the 90-day time limit. Also, any dates earlier than the date needed to have disability linkage results in unnecessary disability determination for DDSD.
    • Example 1Example 1A mother and child apply for MC on 4/1/18. There is AFDC-MN linkage and no share of cost in April. The mother claims disability in 5/15/18. The EW must use 5/15/18 in Item 5 of the MC 221. Document on CaWIN Search Case Comments window the date the mother claims disability.
    • Example 2Example 2Same situation above except that retro MC is requested for 3/18. The intake EW must use 5/15/18 in Item 5 and enter 3/18 in Item 6 “List retro month(s)” of the MC 221.  
  • Limit the request for disability determination for a retroactive onset date sufficient to cover only the number of retro months requested by the applicant. For example, some applicants/recipients may only request one or two months of retroactive coverage.
  • Ensure that all medical sources are listed for the requested period, including packets with death certificates.
  • To obtain earlier onset dates on a case with a prior DDSD decision, submit a copy of the prior decision (or MC 221) with a notation in Item 10 of the MC 221 that a “retro onset date is needed.”
  • A limited packet may be sent to request a copy of a prior DDSD decision. Item 10 of the MC 221 should be annotated that “a copy of a prior DDSD decision is being requested.”
  • A limited packet may be sent if the reexam date is unknown or not available. Annotate in Item 10 of the MC 221 the purpose of the limited packet.
  • Mail three copies of the MC 221. One copy is mailed back to the county after DDSD finishes processing the case and others are needed by DDSD for their records.
  • If an applicant provides an SSA award letter, a disability referral is not necessary.
  • The MC 179 must be sent by the EW to the client when a DDSD packet has not been forwarded to DDSD by the 80th day from the date of the disability-based application.
  • When determining disability for a child instead of completing the MC 223, complete the MC 223C. Part 4 of the MC 223C includes the name and address of all schools the child has attended, all services the child is receiving (i.e., special education, speech/language therapy, special accommodations, etc.). Names and telephone numbers of the child’s Social Worker, Psychologist or Speech Pathologist and Individual Education Plan (IEP) should also be included, if available. IEP is completed by the school wherein the teachers assess a child’s ability for the school year.

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DDSD Referral Packets