Hierarchy of Telephonic Signature

When capturing a telephonic signature, staff is required to use the highest-level method that is currently available.

The hierarchy of these methods are as follows:

  1. Telephonic Signature Audio Recording - CalSAWS
  2. Electronic Signature Recording - Covered Ca, BenefitsCal, DocuSign
  3. CalSAWS E-sign Entry with Journal Entry [Refer to Job Aid (JA) Electronic Signature (e-Sign)]  


Note: Staff shall always use method 1. If method 1 is unavailable, a case comment must be added stating “the Electronic signature captured was the highest method of signature available”.


The hierarchy in telephonic signature methods are dependent on the availability of the systems. If staff does not have access to the above mentioned software systems, they must follow the hierarchy until access to the systems is granted/restored. System access is requested through the IS help desk.

Related Topics

Telephonic Signature

Official Telephonic Signature Process

Telephonic Signature Workaround