IEVS Applicant and Recipient Reports
IEVS matches the applicant and recipient names and social security numbers against federal and state data files. This section provides guidance on the Application IEVS System, the IEVS Recipient System and work-flow guidance for the IEVS Specialized units.
Federal law requires that all applicants and recipients information is verified by a third party. Currently, Applicant IEVS compares the information from:
- State welfare information files
- California EDD wages, UIB files, DIB files, EDD NHR files, and online Real-Time UIB/DIB verification
- California State FTB asset, interest and dividend files
- CalWORKs and CalFresh disqualification and overpayment/overissuance files
- Social Security Administration Title II, Title XVI SSI/SSP benefit files, Medicare benefit files, social security number validation files, Forty-Quarter work history files, and NPM files
- Homeless Indicator
- Wages.
The IEVS System returns the information online as part of the MEDS system. Because IEVS is a verification system, it:
- Confirms/verifies information provided by applicants.
- Reduces or eliminates the need to refer applicants to EDD or SSA to verify receipt or non-receipt of benefits.
- Reduces or eliminates the need to refer applicants to SSA for proof of social security numbers.
- Helps identify missing or erroneous applicant information.
Applicants and Recipients
All applicants and recipients must have an IEVS match to verify eligibility. These include:
- Individuals requesting assistance
- Individuals being added to existing cases or new social security numbers entered
- Individuals whose income and resources are considered in determining benefits, such as stepparents or excluded parents.
Information Found in the IEVS Applicant Report
- Eligibility Data which contains
- MEDS/CDB Data, Disqualification & Outstanding O/P data
- EDD Data which contains
- UI Data
- DI Data
- Employer/Wage Data
- FTB Data which contains:
- Asset Information
- SSA Data which contains:
- SSA Title II Data (Social Security)
- SSA Title XVI Data (SSI/SSP)
- Medicare Data
- Forty (40) Quarters Data
Information Found in the IEVS Recipient Report
The Recipient System consists of eleven sub-systems:
- New Hire Registry (NHR)
- Payment Verification System (PVS) Match
- Jail Reporting System (JRS) Match
- California Youth Authority (CYA) Match
- Nationwide Prisoner Match (NPM)
- Deceased Person Match (DPM)
- Integrated Fraud Detection (IFD)/Earning Clearance System (ECS) Match
- Asset Match - Franchise Tax Board (FTB)
- Asset Match - Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- Beneficiary Earnings Exchange Record (BEER)
- Fleeing Felon Match (FFM)
- Asset Verification Program (AVP)
Disqualified or Excluded Persons
Individuals whose income and resources are included in the eligibility determination must also be included in the IEVS match process even though they may not be receiving benefits themselves. This includes the following individuals:
- Excluded parents
- Excluded children
- Ineligible undocumented non-citizens
- Individual disqualified for:
- Intentional Program Violations
- Failure to comply with work requirements
- Failure to provide verification of social security numbers
- Senior parents
- Stepparents
- Sponsors of non-citizens and the sponsor’s spouse if that individual also signed the Affidavit of Support.
Procedures for Generating IEVS Abstracts
The client's name and SSN are processed in CalSAWS automatically when:
- Applications (including Add a Program) are authorized or
- A person with a social security number is added to an active case.
Within three to five calendar days, the information is available in CalSAWS.
When an SSN is entered and/or changed for a person in an active case, the Eligibility Worker (EW) must send a “Forced Add to IEVS” transaction via the Interface Activities subsystem to generate an IEVS report.
The EW can also use the “Request for MEDS Terminal Operator Action” (SCD 1296) form to request IEVS information online. This can only be done for applicants, not for recipients.
Once the IEVS report is received, the EW must take the following actions:
1. |
Review the match for the following identifying case information:
2. |
Determine if the identifying case information listed above matches the client. |
THEN... |
A match, |
No match, |
If a family member in the case used the child's SSN, refer the case to DA Investigations. Note: If part of the information in an abstract report is erroneous while other information is correct, take the appropriate actions on the case and document in the case journal actions were not taken on the erroneous information. |
A discrepancy, |
Try to resolve any discrepancy at the interview when there is a difference between client provided information and IEVS match results which impacts current or prior eligibility. If the EW is unable to resolve a discrepancy relevant to the determination of eligibility for the upcoming certification period during the interview, a “Request for Verification” (CW 2200) form must be sent. |
3. |
Record and/or identify any discrepancies in the case journal. |
Reviewing the Summary Abstract
The CalSAWS abstract report will display a summary for each case and a summary for each individual who has provided an SSN. Upon receipt of an abstract, the worker is required to take the following actions:
1. |
Review the summary abstract to ensure that correct data (SSN, etc.) was submitted to DHS. |
2. |
Resubmit an IEVS inquiry if the name, SSN, DOB, or gender is incorrect for any applicant. This should be done by correcting the CalSAWS entry and/or going on-line via MEDS. |
3. |
If the applicant information is correct, review the match result columns to see which, if any, inquiries resulted in a match. |
4. |
5. |
Processing the Abstracts
Once the IEVS report is received, the EW must take the following actions:
1. |
Review the match for the following identifying case information:
2. |
Determine if the identifying case information listed above matches the client. |
THEN... |
A match, |
No match, |
If a family member in the case used the child's SSN, do not destroy the abstract and refer the case to DA Investigations. Note: If part of the information in an abstract report is erroneous while other information is correct, black out the invalid information and scan the modified abstract into the IDM system. |
A discrepancy, |
Try to resolve any discrepancy at the interview when there is a difference between client provided information and IEVS match results which impacts current or prior eligibility. If the EW is unable to resolve a discrepancy relevant to the determination of eligibility for the upcoming certification period during the interview, a “Request for Verification” (CW 2200) form must be sent. |
3. |
Record and/or identify any discrepancies in CalWIN’s Create IEVS Applicant Review Document response window from the Search IEVS Applicant Reports subsystem. |
EW Responsibility in Resolving Discrepancies
When a IEVS Report indicates a discrepancy, the EW must:
1. |
Contact the client immediately. |
2. |
Inform the client of the IEVS information which is significantly different from the current or prior information. |
3. |
Request verification/clarification following standard procedures for requesting additional information allowing at least ten days for the applicant to provide the information. Except for Asset Match Cases. |
4. |
Grant an extension of time, if the client requests, in order to allow the client to obtain the needed information. |
5. |
Assist the applicant in attempting to obtain the information. |
6. |
Keep the case pending/open as long as the applicant is cooperating. |
Client Responsibility
When a discrepancy occurs (past or present), clients must cooperate to the best of their ability by:
- Providing information as requested, and
- Signing releases of information when requested.
In order to deny or discontinue a case, the following steps must be taken:
IF THE... |
THEN... |
Applicant/Recipient does not respond to a request for clarification, |
The EW must make one additional attempt to contact the applicant/recipient and obtain the necessary information. |
Applicant still does not respond, |
Recipient still does not respond, |
Discontinue with a proper 10 day Notice of Action citing the reason and regulation. |
Note: EWs must follow SB87 procedures and time-frames before discontinuing Medi-Cal benefits.
IEVS Applicant Reports at Recertification and Redetermination
CalSAWS requests IEVS Applicant data automatically at least 15 days prior to the beginning of the CalWORKs and CalFresh Redetermination/Recertification review month.
An AP18 transaction is sent to MEDS through the nightly batch process for:
- each eligible member of the household or assisted unit and,
- each individual who has income and resources that are considered for the eligibility determination.
Processing Applicant IEVS Reports
Applicant IEVS data must be completed at the initial application and each subsequent RRR. EWs must use the Applicant IEVS data to assist in resolving any potential discrepancies with what was reported on the application and/or in the interview. These discrepancies must be resolved prior to the beginning of the new certification period. If the EW is unable to resolve a discrepancy relevant to the redetermination of eligibility for the upcoming certification period during the interview, a “Request for Verification” (CW 2200) form must be sent.
Delayed IEVS Applicant reports are an issue experienced periodically.The EW must not delay the determination of eligibility while waiting for the receipt of IEVS information if the necessary information to establish eligibility, benefits, or share of cost has been supplied.
IEVS does NOT supersede program rules in determining eligibility.
If the IEVS information is not available at the time eligibility is determined, it must be reviewed when received, and if the IEVS information has an impact on the amount of benefits or share of cost, the appropriate case action must be taken.
The review of the IEVS abstract/report is not considered complete until it as been dispositioned in CalSAWS and the result is documented in the case journal.
If the IEVS Applicant report is received... | Then... | |
Prior to case transfer... | The intake EW is responsible for processing the IEVS applicant report before the case is transferred out of their caseload. | |
After the case transfer... | The assigned continuing EW reviews the IEVS applicant report. | |
If the report was received... | Then... | |
Prior to case transfer | Initiate a case rejection. | |
After the case transfer | Processes the IEVS applicant report. |
Important: If the case is unassigned, the unprocessed IEVS applicant report should be reviewed and processed at the next SAR 7 or RRR, whichever is sooner.
The following chart shows the frequency of the reports, who is responsible for processing the report and the discrepancy tolerance level in each aid program:
Subsystem | Issuance | Responsibility | Tolerance Level | ||
CW | CF | MC | |||
NEW HIRE REGISTRY (NHR410) | Monthly | EW | *N/A | *N/A | *N/A |
PVS MATCH UIB, DIB, RSDI (PVS040) | Monthly | EW | *N/A | *N/A | $400 case total UIB/DIB *N/A on RSDI |
JAIL REPORTING SYSTEM (JRS) MATCH | Monthly | Investigator, EW and EE from IEVS unit | *N/A | *N/A | *N/A |
CALIFORNIA YOUTH AUTHORITY (CYA) | Monthly | Investigator, EW and EE from IEVS unit | *N/A | *N/A | *N/A |
NATIONWIDE PRISONER MATCH (NPM) | Semi-annually in April and October | Investigator, EW and EE from IEVS unit | *N/A | *N/A | *N/A |
DECEASED PERSON MATCH (DPM) | Semi-annually in April and October | Investigator, EW and EE from IEVS unit | *N/A | *N/A | *N/A |
IFD/ECS MATCH (ECS 155) | Quarterly in March, June, September and December | EE from IEVS unit | $1000 | $1000 | $100 (active cases) $250 (inactive cases) |
ASSET MATCH (FTB) | Annually in February | EE from IEVS unit | $50 | $100 | $100 (active cases) $250 (inactive cases) |
ASSET MATCH (IRS) | Annually | EE from IEVS unit | $50 | $100 | $100 (active cases) $1000 (inactive cases) |
BEER | Annually | EE from IEVS unit | $4,800 | $11,200 | $12,000 |
FLEEING FELON MATCH (FFM) | Monthly | Investigator, EW and EE from IEVS unit | *N/A | *N/A | Not Matched |
Asset Verification Program (AVP) | Monthly | EW | *N/A | *N/A | The AVP Report is not a verification. EWs must request verification of the asset to confirm the dollar value. |
* No tolerance level — all matches will be sent to the county. |
Note: Reports will not be forwarded to the county when the dollar amount is less than the tolerance level, except for ECS 155s.
Processing Time Frame
County staff must take the following actions within 45 calendar days of the date of receipt or run date:
- Review the report and determine whether it may affect eligibility or benefit amounts.
- Document the determination in the case journal.
- Send a request for verification to the client if a potential discrepancy exists.
Exception: The initial 45-day processing rule does not apply to the CYA, DPM, FFM, and NPM matches.
Date of Discovery
Potential discrepancies are considered discovered or identified on the run date or date of receipt of the IEVS report, whichever is later. The date of discovery is dependent on how the county receives each of the ten reports, either in paper or electronically.
The run date for electronically received reports is the date CalSAWS received the data.
IEVS Report Processing Completed
For open cases, all ten recipient IEVS reports are considered completed when an overpayment or overissuance has been established by the quarter after the quarter in which the discrepancy was discovered or identified or determined that no discrepancy exists based on the recipient’s reporting requirements.
The final outcome of the IEVS review (e.g. OI/OP established or no discrepancy exists) must be documented in the case journal.
Exception: FTI must be excluded from the case journal.
IEVS reports received on closed cases are not subject to processing time frames, but must still be processed as soon as administratively possible.
A pending investigation by the SIU cannot delay the processing of an IEVS report. The EW or EE must determine if an OP/OI has occurred and establish the claim as an Inadvertent Household Error until an IPV is determined. Action to begin collection must be initiated whether the investigation has concluded and findings have been reported to staff.
The review of the IEVS abstract/report is not considered complete until the response document is completed.
EW Responsibility Processing Recipient IEVS Reports
The EW MUST take the following steps:
- Review CalSAWS IEVS Report data to make sure the data coincides with case information on file. Take appropriate action in a timely manner according to the affected programs’ regulations. This may include contacting the client, and/or requesting verification.
- Disposition the CalSAWS abstract.
- Document in the case journal.
Social Security Forty Quarters Data
This information will only be returned on the abstract when an Alien Number is indicated on the IEVS match for the individual. The 40-quarter data identifies by calendar year each quarter that an individual earned the minimum number of dollar earnings to qualify for Social Security related benefits. The information can be used in determining the work history of parents for CalWORKs/Section 1931(b) linkage, Title II, Medicare eligibility or qualifying quarters for CalFresh eligibility.
The abstract will display the following information on the case summary page:
The Social Security Number for which the 40 quarters of information is received. |
Several messages could print.
The following information will appear on the detail page of the abstract:
40 quarters data reported by SSA as of MM/DD/YY. It will identify the date that the 40 quarters earnings match was made by SSA. |
The Social Security Number for which the 40 quarters of information is received. |
The total number of quarters for the SSN |
The number of quarters for the displayed SSN after 1996. REMINDER: Beginning in 1/97a qualifying quarter can NOT be credited toward the 40 quarter requirement if a benefit from a federal means-tested program was received in that quarter. |
Each year with earnings will be listed and under each quarter an “*” will display if there were sufficient earnings in that quarter to qualify under Social Security criteria for benefits. |
Outstanding Overpayment and Overissuance Information Found on Applicant IEVS Report
The information in this section of the abstract identifies individuals with outstanding CalWORKs Overpayments and/or CalFresh Overissuances in other counties. The information is 1 to 12 months old. Adjust any Overpayments/Overissuances that occurred in another California county after contacting that county’s collections department to obtain the current overpayment/overissuance balance. The following information is included on the abstract:
SSN | The Social Security Number identified with an outstanding OP/OI in the identified county. |
CLIENT NAME | Last name and first name of the individual based on the SSN listed. All persons identified as having an OP/OI will be listed separately. |
COUNTY | The 2 digit county code for the county reporting the OP/OI. A county will be listed for each person. |
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