Verification Type

When verifying information, Counties cannot require a specific type of verification. Verification can be secured using methods such as, but not limited to, documentary evidence, electronic verification, collateral contacts, and client statement. When certain verification methods are unavailable to the household, the county must use the best available information. Best available information refers to verification types that are readily available to the household. When documentary evidence or electronic verification are not readily available, the best available information may include collateral contacts or client statement. The EWs are reminded to use existing verification and electronic verification sources when applicable to the household.

Mandatory Verification [63-300.5(e)]


Gross non-exempt income, including income from cash earnings, must be verified for all households at applicaton and recertification. However, if verification of income has been unsuccessful after exhausting all attempts because the person or organization providing the income has failed to cooperate with the household and the EW, and all other sources of verification are unavailable, the eligibility worker will determine an amount to be used based on the best available information. Best available information refers to verification types that are readily available to the household, including collateral contacts or client statement or an affidavit completed by the household.

Noncitizen Status

Based on the application, the EW will determine if members identified as noncitizens are eligible noncitizens, by requiring that the household present verification for each noncitizen member. Refer to Citizenship for specific requirements for verification of noncitizen status.


The applicant's identity must be verified. When an authorized representative applies on behalf of a household, the identity of both the authorized representative and the head of household must be verified. Identity may be verified through readily available documentary evidence, or if this is unavailable, through a collateral contact. Examples of acceptable documentary evidence which the applicant may provide include, but are not limited to:

  • A Social Security card or other document containing the Social Security Number.
  • A driver's license.
  • A work or school ID.
  • An ID for health benefits or for another assistance program.
  • Wage stubs.
  • A birth certificate.
  • Collateral contact.

If the household is applying for or already receiving Medi-Cal and identity has been verified via MEDS verification with SSA, then the verification of identity requirement in the CalFresh is considered to be met.

Any documents which reasonably establish applicant’s and his or her authorized representative’s identity must be accepted, and no requirement for a specific type of document may be imposed.


Refer to Social Security Number Requirements for information on verification of SSN.


Residency must be verified. Verification should be completed whenever possible, in conjunction with the verification of other information such as, but not limited to:

  • Rent or mortgage payments,
  • Utility expenses,
  • Identity, or
  • Collateral contact.

The client's address does not have to be on the rental statement or receipt if there is other acceptable evidence to verify residence. Any document or collateral contact which reasonably establishes the applicant's residence must be accepted and no specific type of verification may be requested. If the household has no evidence of residence, the EW must assist the household in obtaining verification. Obtain a written “Authorization for Release of Information” (CSF 13), signed by the head of household or AR, prior to obtaining information.

Residence verification may not exist or be impossible to obtain for unusual cases such as some migrant farm worker households, homeless households, or households newly arrived in the community. In such instances, if the applicant, with the EW's help, has made reasonable efforts to obtain verification and (1) verification cannot be obtained and (2) the applicant's statement regarding residency is not questionable, verification may be postponed:

  • Until recertification for migrant farm worker or newly arrived households.
  • Indefinitely for homeless households.
  • The determination that residence verification cannot be obtained must be documented in the case file.

Unoccupied Home

A household cannot claim expenses for an unoccupied home, Do not use the SUA, LUA or TUA.


For those households entitled to claim the SUA (i.e., households which incur the cost of heating and/or cooling separate and apart from rent or mortgage payments), the EW must verify that the household actually incurs heating/ cooling cost if questionable. The EW is not permitted to verify more than one utility unless circumstances are questionable.

Note: While verification is not required in order to allow SUA, it must still be documented on the Maintain Case Comments window, that the household is incurring heating and/or cooling costs separate and apart from the rent or mortgage payments.

Medical Expenses

The amount of an elderly or disabled person's deductible medical expenses must be verified prior to being allowed. Verification of other factors, such as the allowability of costs incurred or the eligibility for such a deduction of the person incurring the cost, will be required if questionable. Failure to verify medical expenses is not a basis for denying or discontinuing a case. If obtaining verification of a medical expense may delay the household's certification, the EW must advise the household that its eligibility and benefit level may be determined without providing a deduction for the claimed but unverified expense.

Child Support

Verify the household’s:

  • Legal obligation to pay child support, and
  • Child support obligation amount, and
  • Actual monthly amount of child support paid.

The household is responsible for providing verification. Households that fail or refuse to cooperate by supplying the necessary verifications shall have their eligibility and benefit level determined without the child support exclusion.

Verification is required when:

  • The exclusion is first allowed.
  • There is a change in the legal obligation.
  • There is an increase in the payment amount.

Do not verify a decrease in the actual child support payment.

Sponsored Noncitizens

For sponsored noncitizens, the EW shall verify the factors of eligibility. The sponsored noncitizen must provide all verification required. Refer to Sponsored Deeming.


The household must provide verification of disability unless the county already has verification on file. Individuals receiving SSI or Social Security (Title II) are considered disabled if they provide verification that they are receiving these benefits or if this information can be obtained electronically through the Applicant IEVS. The same applies to recipients of Veterans Benefits or Railroad Disability Benefits. Failure to verify a disability is not a basis for denying or discontinuing a case. If the disability cannot be verified within 30 days of the date of the application, the CWD shall determine the household’s eligibility and benefit level by applying the gross income test.

Verify disability when establishing:

  • Classification as an elderly/disabled households.
  • Allowance of a deduction for excess medical expenses.
  • Separate household status for an individual whose disability prevents him/her from purchasing and preparing meals separately.

Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD)

The ABAWD individuals’ work hours and/or countable months must be verified.

Note: The United States Department of Agriculture, FNS, has approved an ABAWD waiver extension through September 30, 2012.

Refer to Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) - Work Requirements.

QC Review

Households applying after 95 days from the end of the annual review period in which the household refused to cooperate with a Quality Control (QC) reviewer, shall provide verification of all eligibility requirements, including items that would normally only be verified if questionable.

Refer to Questionable Information [63-300.5(g)].

Related Topics

Questionable information

Sponsored Deeming

Social Security Number Requirements


Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) - Work Requirements