Completion and Documentation of All Redetermination Actions and Forms

The Redetermination is considered complete when:

  1. The appropriate information is gathered and forms are signed (either in the client’s handwriting or by Telephonic Signature):
    1. The completed SAWS 2 Plus or Statement of Facts and SAWS 2A SAR (Rights and Responsibilities) are reviewed with each parent/caretaker,
    2. Appropriate verification is received and imaged into the case [Refer to Budgeting Method at Redetermination],
    3. The actions taken and forms provided are documented in the Journal page of CalSAWS, and
  2. All required information is updated in CalSAWS,
  3. A TOA Notice of Action is issued for each active adult in the case,
  4. A Reminder is created in CalSAWS for any known future changes,
  5. Case is Authorized in CalSAWS.
  6. Notices of Action regarding changes to the grant amount or a No Change at Redetermination Notice of Action to inform recipients that their redetermination of benefits has been approved with no change in benefit amount must be sent to the AUs.

ExampleExampleRD narrative for a telephone interview: “A RD interview was completed by telephone with client. All required forms reviewed and completed and verifications on file. Client stated she understands her rights and responsibilities. All required forms and brochures given and explained. EBT card and PIN responsibilities reviewed. No changes in property since last SAWS 2 Plus was completed. AU members and income remain the same as last income report received. Client reported that absent parent is now working and provided his employer’s information. Absent Parent Details pages updated in CalSAWS. All eligibility factors cleared. Case reauthorized”.

ExampleExampleRD narrative for a face-to-face interview: “A face-to-face RD interview was completed. All required forms reviewed and completed and verifications on file. Client(s) stated they understand their rights and responsibilities. All required forms and brochures given and explained. EBT card and PIN responsibilities reviewed. No changes in property since last SAWS 2 Plus was completed. AU members and income remain the same as last income report received. All eligibility factors cleared. Case reauthorized”.

Assembly Bill (AB) 79 households are no longer required to submit income received in the Data month for RD. This does not change the requirement of reported income in the Data month for the SAR7.

Income verifications at RD is based on income received in the last 30 days. The 30-day period can be determined by the date:

  • RD packet is submitted; or
  • Telephonic Signature (TS) interview is conducted; or
  • Listed on the CW 2200.

Late Redeterminations

When the redetermination of eligibility (SAWS 2 Plus/Statement of Facts) is not received by the 15th day of the month in which it is due, a discontinuance notice must be sent. In addition to the discontinuance notice, the Eligibility Worker must attempt to make a personal contact with the recipient either by telephone, in a face-to-face meeting or by text/email when consent has been provided per AB 79.

During the personal contact, the recipient must be reminded that a redetermination must be completed no later than the last day of the month in which it is due. Also during the personal contact, an attempt to collect the necessary information to complete the redetermination must be made. When unable to make the personal contact, the attempt to contact the recipient and collect the necessary information must be entered in the Journal Detail page.

If the recipient submits a completed SAWS 2 Plus/Statement of Facts by close of business on the last day of the month in which it was due, the discontinuance shall be rescinded and a  determination of eligibility and grant amount must be made.

Note: An interview is required.

Processing Late Redeterminations

If a redetermination is completed after the 15th but on or before the last day of the month, rescind the discontinuance and determine eligibility based on the information reported on the SAWS 2 Plus/Statement of Facts.

If the recipient submits a complete SAWS 2 Plus/Statement of Facts during the month following the discontinuance, upon recipient request, a good cause determination for failure to complete the redetermination timely must be made.

Good Cause Determination

A recipient may have good cause for not meeting the redetermination reporting requirements. Good cause exists only when the recipient cannot reasonably be expected to fulfill their reporting responsibilities due to factors outside of their control. The burden of proof rests with the recipient.

A good cause determination shall be granted if the request is made by the parent, caretaker relative, or an authorized representative. A request is defined as any clear expression, whether verbal or written, that the recipient wants an opportunity to present their explanation for not meeting the redetermination reporting requirements. A request for a State Hearing may also be considered a request for a good cause determination when the issue to be heard is specifically related to the discontinuance for failure to complete a timely redetermination. In lieu of a request by the recipient, the Eligibility Worker along with the Eligibility Work Supervisor may independently determine if good cause exists.

Good cause exists when:

  • The recipient is suffering from a mental or physical condition which prevents timely and complete reporting.
  • The recipient's failure to submit a timely and complete report is directly attributable to county error.
  • There are other extenuating circumstances.

AB 79 Reporting Changes to Semi-Annual Report and Annual Redetermination - Questions & Answers

Income Verification at Redetermination

  1. Should EWs request verification of income for the 30 days prior to the submission of the redetermination package, 30 days prior to the interview, or request verification of income 30 days prior to the date listed on the CW 2200?
    1. Answer: The intent is to obtain the most recent income and will depend on individual case circumstances.
      1. For example:
        1. If the assistance unit (AU) reports income and provides verification of the most recent 30 days of income with their redetermination package, then this is sufficient, and no additional verification is required.
        2. If the AU reports income at the time of the redetermination interview and does not provide the most recent 30 days of income with their completed redetermination package, then the EW must request verification of income received during the last 30 days from the date listed on the CW 2200 - Request for Verification form. This is because the CW 2200 requires a specified due date to be included for each requested item. 
  2. What if the AU provides verification of income for a period of 30 days but that is different than the 30-day period/date range listed on the CW 2200, but is still sufficient to reasonably anticipate income?
    1. Answer: The requirement is for the AU to provide sufficient evidence to determine eligibility and grant amounts. If the AU provides verification of income that is reflective of a 30-day period and is reasonably anticipated to continue, then the EW can use the information provided. The EW must not request any additional income verification and must not discontinue the case for failure to provide income verification if the AU provided sufficient information to determine eligibility and prospective grant amounts despite falling outside of the date range listed on the CW 2200.
  3. What action should the EW take if one of the paystubs submitted by the AU is older than 30 days prior to the date specified on the CW 2200?
    1. Answer: If the AU provided sufficient information to determine eligibility, the EW can use the provided verification and process the redetermination. A paystub received outside of the 30-day period may be representative of reasonably anticipated income available to the AU to determine continued eligibility and determine the monthly grant amount for the next SAR payment period.

SAR 7 Form Signature Requirement

  1. How "early" is too early to accept a SAR 7? Does the SAR 7 have to be accepted regardless of the date that it is signed?
    1. Answer: The provision of AB 79 only eliminated the requirement that the SAR 7 be signed on or after the first of the month in which it is due. It did not change any other SAR 7 processing rules. The AU must still provide required information from the data month for the SAR 7 to be considered complete. If the AU answered all the questions and provided the required verifications for the data month, then the SAR 7 must be processed as complete if all the information is available to determine eligibility and the grant amount for the next SAR payment period, regardless of the date it is signed.
  2. What action should the EW take when a SAR 7 is received with a signature but without a date?
    1. Answer: To execute the SAR 7 properly under penalty of perjury it requires both the signature and the date to be completed by the client. If the signature and/or date is missing from the SAR 7, then the SAR 7 must be considered incomplete. In case the client signed the form but missed entering the date, the best practice to capture the missing date is to contact the AU and capture the date through electronic or telephonic signature. 

Expansion of Options for Personal Contact and Attempting to Collect Required Information

  1. Would an automated call (robocall) satisfy the requirement of a personal contact via phone?
    1. Answer: Yes, automated calls will satisfy this requirement, but the automated call must provide information that leads back to a worker, call center, or provide a phone number the recipient can call for assistance. The intent of personal contact is to attempt to complete the SAR 7 or annual redetermination and allow the EW to obtain clarification from the recipient rather than wait until the AU is discontinued. Additionally, the attempt to make the contact and collect the information must be documented in the case record by the worker as required by AB 79.
  2. For AUs without a working phone number, would an additional notice mailed to the AU count as a personal contact attempt?
    1. Answer: Yes, the requirement is to attempt a personal contact. If the AU does not have a working phone number, the EW may attempt a personal contact via other means such as text, email, etc. 
  3. When should the EW attempt a personal contact?
    1. Answer: For both Redetermination and SAR 7, the personal contact must be attempted prior to the discontinuance of benefits. While it is recommended to initiate contact after a missed redetermination interview, the personal contact may be attempted after issuing the appropriate Notice of Action but must occur prior to the effective date of discontinuance.
      1. However, when a SAR 7 is due and personal contact cannot be completed, the EW shall send the Balderas written reminder no later than five days prior to the end of the month.
  4. Is there specific language for texts or electronic messages that must be included to meet the requirement of attempting to collect the necessary information?
    1. Answer: There is no specific language requirements but the message, whether text or other electronic method, must assist the recipient in completing their report.
      1. For example, a text could inform the recipient that the their SAR 7 has not been received and provide the number to call in which a recipient can call to complete their report.
  5. Can the EW now take a verbal statement from the recipient to complete a SAR 7 when questions are unanswered?
    1. Answer: The recipient can request the EW's assistance in completing the report. This means that if the recipient misses a yes or no question, the recipient may ask the worker to check the appropriate box on their behalf. Although, the EW cannot sign and date the form on behalf of the recipient, they can use telephonic or other electronic signature to complete the signature requirement.
  6. Since EW may not attempt to collect missing information or verification without first informing the AU, does this mean the worker cannot use the Work Number as verification?
    1. Answer: This language was added to ensure that although EWs are required to attempt to collect information from the recipient to complete the report, the policy for third party verifications still apply. EWs may use the Work Number to verify income and employment information at application, redetermination, and to determine ongoing eligibility for CalWORKs.
      1. The Work Number may be used in conjunction with, but not in lieu of, existing required income and eligibility sources, including Applicant and Recipient IEVS.
      2. EWs are permitted to use the information obtained from the Work Number in the same manner as they would use information provided by an employer. If the EW finds a possible error or reporting discrepancy, the EW is to contact the recipient and provide them with the opportunity to clarify or resolve any discrepancy or error prior to taking any adverse action.


Related Topics

Annual CalWORKs Redeterminations

Scheduling RD Appointments

Redetermination Forms