Inter-County Transfers (ICT)

When a recipient family moves from one county to another within the State of California (with no change in family composition), the responsibility for the determination of eligibility and the authorization of CalWORKs/RCA, CalFresh, and Medi-Cal must also be transferred from the county currently paying aid to the county in which the recipient has moved. There must be no interruption or overlapping in payment of aid as a result of a recipient moving from one county to another to make his/her home.

Effective June 1, 2017, Senate Bill (SB) 1339 mandates the following new requirements:

Recipients who move from one county to another must notify either the Sending or Receiving county of their change in residence. In addition to this change, SB 1339 enacts the following:

  • No redetermination (RD) to determine continuing eligibility unless the next scheduled RD is due in either of the final two months of the SAR period.
  • Whichever county the recipient notifies of the move first, must initiate the ICT within seven business day of receiving notification.
  • Recipients must not be asked for or required to provide copies of documents that were previously provided.
  • Recipients may report residence changes to the sending or receiving county in person, in writing, by telephone, or online.
  • Benefits and payment responsibility must be transferred to the Receiving county no later than the first day of the next available benefit month following 30 days after a county is notified of a move from one county to another.

Reminder: CalWORKs recipients are required to report a change in residence within 10 days of the actual move. However, failure to report a move within the state to a different county in itself does not constitute a basis for an overpayment or any other negative action.


The following definitions pertain to ICT procedures:

Inter-County Tranfer

A transfer of responsibility for determination of eligibility and provision of social services from one county to another.

Receiving County

The county where the recipient has moved.

Sending County

The county from where the recipient has moved. The Sending county is responsible for continuing to pay aid during the ICT period or until the end of the month in which aid is discontinued for cause (i.e. lack of income report), whichever is earlier.

Transfer Period

The period of time in which the Sending county remains responsible for payment of benefits.

30-Day Transfer Period

The 30-day ICT transfer period begins when the county is notified of the move. Whichever county (Sending or Receiving) is notified shall initiate the ICT within seven business days of receiving the notification.

Expiration of the Transfer Period

The expiration of the transfer period occurs at the end of the month following the 30-day transfer period after the Sending or Receiving county either mails or electronically transfers the notification of the ICT to the Receiving county or the end of the month in which benefits are discontinued for cause, whichever is earliest.

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Transfer Period

Client Moves During ICT

Special Transfer Provisions Between Regions

Other ICT Requirements

Domestic Abuse Cases

Recipient Responsibility

Incoming ICTs

Outgoing ICTs

Other ICT Requirements