Ineligible Noncitizen Parent General Information

[EAS 44-133.7]

Ineligible Noncitizen Parent

Regulations concerning income budgeted to the AU from an Ineligible Noncitizen Parent apply ONLY WHEN the Ineligible Noncitizen Parent:

  • Is the natural or adoptive parent and resides in the home with his or her aided child(ren), and
  • Is NOT eligible for assistance because he/she is not a citizen or eligible noncitizen.

IRCA Parent

Use the stepparent deeming provisions when the Ineligible Noncitizen Parent meets both of the following criteria:

  • Is the natural or adoptive parent of an aided child, and
  • Is being naturalized under IRCA but does not yet have appropriate noncitizen status to be included in the AU.

Note: There will be very few, if any, noncitizens to whom this is applicable.

Unmarried Parents

When the Ineligible Noncitizen parents are unmarried and both unmarried parents are in the home with their CalWORKs eligible child(ren), create one Ineligible Parent Unit (IPU) and include the needs of the other appropriate persons in the home.

Caretaker Relative

The caretaker relative parent cannot choose to be excluded from the AU and then be in the IPU. The caretaker relative must be in the AU unless excluded by law or for cause.

Note: If the caretaker relative is excluded for cause, then the needs of that individual are not included as either part of the IPU or the AU.

Related Topics

Ineligible Noncitizen Parent Unit

Computation of Income to the AU

Ineligible Noncitizen Parent Examples

Case Situations of Ineligible Noncitizen Child(ren) Living in the Home