Ineligible Noncitizen Parent Unit

[EAS 44-133.71]


The IPU may include, in addition to the Ineligible Noncitizen Parent any of the following individuals related to the Ineligible Noncitizen Parent unless that individual is required to be in the AU:

  • The spouse of the Ineligible Noncitizen Parent.
  • Any separate children of the Ineligible Noncitizen Parent.
  • Any children the Ineligible Noncitizen Parent has in common with the spouse.
  • Any other persons residing in the home who may be claimed by the Ineligible Noncitizen Parent as dependents for federal income tax purposes.

The members of the IPU are considered non-AU members in the budgeting process.

An individual may NOT be included in the IPU if that individual is:

  • Included in an AU, or
  • Excluded from the AU for cause (e.g. sanctioned or refused to meet a condition of eligibility).

Unmet Needs Of Ineligible Noncitizen Child

The needs of the ineligible noncitizen child are met by counting that child in the IPU, when appropriate.

Related Topics

General Information

Computation of Income to the AU

Ineligible Noncitizen Parent Examples

Case Situations of Ineligible Noncitizen Child(ren) Living in the Home