Ineligible Noncitizen Parent Examples

Situation #1

Important: Current Income Disregard and MAP values must be used in calculations. Income Disregard and MAP values in the example below may not reflect current values.

Married couple, father has legal noncitizen status. Mother is an undocumented noncitizen. They have three children, two are citizens and the other child is an undocumented noncitizen. The father has no income. The mother is employed and earns $675 per month. None of the children have income.This is an "Employable" AU of 3, a non-AU of 2, and a "family" of 5. The budget computationcomputation shows:

Situation #2

Married couple, mother has legal noncitizen status. Father is an undocumented noncitizen. They have two children, both are citizens. One of the citizen children has a verified diabetic special need and receives a special need allowance of $15 monthly. The father is employed and earns $475 monthly. The mother and children have no income other than CalWORKs. This is an "Employable" AU of 3, a non-AU of 1 and a "family" of 4. The budget computationcomputation shows:

Situation #3

Married couple, mother and father are both undocumented noncitizens. The mother has one separate child who is in the AU. They have two other children; one is an undocumented noncitizen and the other has no basis of deprivation. The mother is pregnant and in her last trimester. The mother is employed and earns $450 monthly. The father is employed full-time and earns $800 monthly. This is an Employable AU of 1, a non-AU of 4 and a "family" of 5. The budget computationcomputation shows:

Situation #4

Married couple, mother and father are both undocumented noncitizens. They have three citizen children. The father is employed and earns $450 monthly. The mother is employed and earns $400 per month. This is an "Employable" AU of 3, a non-AU of 2 and a "family" of 5. The budget computationcomputation shows:

Situation #5

Married couple, mother is an undocumented noncitizen and father is a citizen. They have three children, one is a citizen and two are undocumented noncitizens. The mother is employed and earns $400 monthly. The father is disabled and receives State Disability Insurance of $625 monthly. This is an "Employable" AU of 2, a non-AU of 3 and a "family" of 5. The budget computationcomputation shows:

Situation #6

Married couple, father is an undocumented noncitizen, mother is a legal noncitizen. They have two citizen children, and two undocumented noncitizen children. The father receives DIB of $400 monthly. The mother is unemployed and receives $400 per month from UIB. The children have no income. This is an "Employable" AU of 3, a non-AU of 3 and a "family" of 6. The budget computationcomputation shows:

Situation #7

Unmarried couple, father and mother are both undocumented noncitizens. They have two citizen children. The mother receives UIB of $400 monthly. The father is employed part time and receives $525 per month. This is an "Employable" AU of 2, a non-AU of 2 and a "family" of 4. The budgetbudget shows:

Situation #8

Unmarried couple, undocumented noncitizen father and mother. They have three citizen children. The father has earnings of $775 monthly. The family receives free rent and utilities. This is an "Employable" AU of 3, a non-AU of 2 and a "family" of 5. The budget computationcomputation shows:

Related Topics

General Information

Ineligible Noncitizen Parent Unit

Computation of Income to the AU

Case Situations of Ineligible Noncitizen Child(ren) Living in the Home