Overpayment Due to Need, Income or Other Circumstance

[EAS 44-352.12]

Establishment of Overpayments

An overpayment must be established when an AU receives more cash aid than entitled to as a result of:

  • Failing to report income or circumstances timely, or
  • The EW failing to act correctly or timely on certain client reports.

The EW must redetermine the cash aid the AU should have received based on the required report and correct county action.

Reminder: Effective 1/1/17, Assembly Bill (AB) 2062 prohibits the creation of overpayments for the month following a change in IRT for a SAR AU or following a change in income over the IRT or household composition for a AR/CO AU if the recipient reported the change timely and the EW is unable to provide a 10-day NOA of the termination or reduction in benefits before the first month following the change.

Required Action

When it is determined that an overpayment has occurred, the EW must follow these general guidelines:

  1. Carefully review the case record to determine if all eligibility factors are correct. This includes, but is not limited to, deprivation, income eligibility.
  2. Enter the new information in Data Collection and run EDBC for CalSAWS to recompute the budgets and determine the amount of the overpayment.
  3. Review the overpayment record from the Display Benefit Discrepancy window of the Benefit Recovery subsystem to validate the overpayment amount.
  4. Print the Notice of Action (M44-350A) from the Search/View Client Correspondence in Print Queue window in CalSAWS and send to the client, notifying the individual of the overpayment, the reason for the overpayment, the balance owing, and the grant adjustment determination.

Refer to the OLUM for complete instructions on determining benefit discrepancies.

Related Topics

Overpayments - Rules

Type of Overpayment

Suspected Overpayment

Computing the Correct Grant Amount Under Semi-Annual Reporting (SAR)

Effect of Child Support

Recoupment of an Overpayment

Alternative Repayment Methods

Inter-County Collections (ICC)

Supportive Services (CWES) Overpayments

Overpayments and Referral to Collections

Mandatory Inclusion