Family Services
In Santa Clara County SSA, the Family Stabilization services and the CalWORKs Housing Support Program (CHSP) are incorporated into the Family Services (FS) Program. This includes intensive case management designed to address crisis situations. This strategy is designed to enhance and assist with participation, prior to, or concurrent with WTW activities. In addition to housing services, FS includes mental health counseling, substance abuse counseling, domestic violence services and access to Social Work staff.
FS is a multi-disciplinary approach to WTW services with the purpose of helping the client stabilize any family situation, issue, problem or barrier to employment that is adversely affecting the client’s ability to participate in WTW. Participation is voluntary and failure to comply with the FS plan without good cause is not subject to the non-compliance process.
The FS Program helps eligible WTW and non-WTW CalWORKs families with housing assistance and support through three program offerings: CalWORKs Housing Support Program which includes At-Risk through the Office of Supportive Housing (OSH) Prevention Services, and Family Stabilization Housing Assistance. Families whose needs are not met through either the At-Risk or CHSP programs will be assessed for Family Stabilization Housing Assistance.
At-Risk (OSH Prevention) Services will provide housed families with homeless prevention assistance to help navigate a temporary crisis and preserve existing housing. The supporting Agency for this program will be OSH. Abode Services and Sacred Heart Community Service are OSH providers that support the agency's housing programs.
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