Family Services (FS) Program Family Stabilization Housing Assistance

The Family Stabilization Housing Assistance program is primarily designed as a homeless prevention measure to stabilize housing needs for eligible CWES clients and ultimately engage and increase their participation in WTW activities and help them towards their path to self-sufficiency.

Eligible Families

To be eligible for the Family Stabilization Housing Assistance program, the CWES client must:

  • Be an active CWES client (registrant), OR
  • Be in Good Cause status, OR
  • Family Reunification, OR
  • Be in an Exempt status, OR
  • Agree to cure WTW Sanction and sign curing sanction plan (if the client is in a sanctioned status)

Homeless/Housing Condition for Program Eligibility

Eligible CWES clients must meet one or more of the conditions below to be eligible to apply for the Family Stabilization Housing Assistance program and must provide verification of eviction, past due rent, or homelessness at the time of application:

  • In receipt of an eviction notice.
  • Is behind in rent and may be subject to eviction.
  • Be homeless – such as lacking a fixed and regular nighttime residence, or living in a shelter.
  • Be at risk of homelessness.

At Risk of Homelessness for Program Eligibility

WTW families, who are at risk of homelessness and require help with a singular event or set 
of circumstances to prevent their homelessness, will be referred to either the At-Risk OSH Prevention 
services or Family Stabilization Housing Assistance for financial assistance with their housing costs.

Being at-risk of homelessness includes but is not limited to: 

  • Experiencing housing instability, including recipients who have not yet received an eviction notice, and for whom housing instability would be a barrier to self-sufficiency or child well-being
  • Having no subsequent permanent resident secured; and
  • Lacking resources or support networks needed to stabilize a recipient’s unique housing situation and secure subsequent permanent housing.

Example:Example: Example Scenario

A family has been couch surfing for months, but identifies concern about the stability of their 
current situation since they will likely need to leave within the next month and has no other support or 
resources.your dropdown text here

A family has been couch surfing for months, but identifies concern about the instability of their current situation since they will likely need to leave within the next month and has no other support or resources.

Services Offered

The Family Stabilization Housing Assistance program includes but is not limited to the services listed below:

  • Payment of security deposit which may include first month rent, deposit and/or last month’s rent (“Double deposit” - first/last/deposit) if required to secure housing.
  • Past due rent/late fees.
  • Emergency lodging/hotel assistance payment.

Note: Refer to the FS Supervisor or Manager for approval guidelines, if needed.

  • Utility payments needed to retain/obtain housing, such as deposits to move in, past due payments to prevent eviction and for utility shut-off.

Note: Name must be on bill statement.

  • Moving costs.
  • Referrals/assistance locating housing.
  • Financial literacy/education referrals.
  • Other service referrals to support housing stability such as housing related fees.


The client must complete the “Family Services Program Request & Application” (SCD 2417), including completion of housing related questions and budget information. The SCD 2417 is used for both the Family Stabilization Housing Assistance and CalWORKs Housing Support Program.

When the Family Stabilization Housing Assistance criteria is met, the FS EC completes the “Family Stabilization Housing Assistance” referral (SCD 2416) and sends to Imaging

Authorization and Vendor Payment

Family Stabilization Housing payments are limited to homeless prevention assistance. The FS EC approves the service need request by completing the SCD 2416 and forwards the form and additional supporting documents to the FS Supervisor and the SSPM. The FS Supervisor and or the SSPM reviews, approves, or denies the request. At the time of referral,  the client must meet the sustainability. Supporting documents need to be attached to the SCD 2416, such as lease/rental agreement. A completed “Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification” (W-9) is also needed for vendor payment, if needed.

Note: The W-9 is the same form used for child care providers for income tax reporting purpose and issuance of 1099.

Payment Limits

The payment can be up to $2,500.00 with a lifetime cumulative of $5,000.00. Additional requests must be escalated by the FS EC to management for review.

Family Stabilization Housing Types

Upon receipt of the SCD 2416 from the FS Supervisor or the SSPM with Part C completed, the DEBS Referral Application, Outcome fields are updated with one of the following:

  • Completed
  • Invalid Referral, OR
  • Withdraw.


On a case-by-case basis, payments are issued through CalSAWS by the FS EC via Warrant or Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) directly to the client using one or more of the following Family Stabilization Housing Service Arrangement Payments:

  • Ancillary/Other Services
  • Rental Assistance
  • Security Deposit
  • Utility Payment
  • Moving Cost Assistance
  • Hotel/Interim/Temp Housing and FS Stabilization Hotel Assistance in the Description field
  • Hotel/Interim/Temp Housing and FS Stabilization Eviction in the Description field
  • Hotel/Interim/Temp Housing and FS Stabilization Homeless in the Description field
  • Other and FS-Other in the Description field.

Authorization and Payment Process

Follow the steps below when processing the Family Services Request & Application:








Family Stabilization Housing Assistance eligibility criteria is met,

Completes Section V (County Use Only) of the SCD 2417.

If the housing documents are not available or complete, follow-up with the client.

Note: Abode will not issue payment until all required supporting documents are received.

Completes Sections A and B of the SCD 2416 with authorized service need(s) and amounts.

Emails SCD 2416, and supporting documents (including Lease/Rental Agreement, W-9) to the FS Supervisor and the FS Lead for review. 

FS Supervisor and/or FS Lead

Receives SCD 2416, with the required supporting documents via email with authorized service need(s) and amount(s).
Completes SCD 2416, Part C and emails back to the FS EC within 5 days of receiving completed packet of information.


Upon receipt of SCD 2416 with Part C completed by the FS Supervisor or the SSPM:

  • Approves and authorize service arrangement payments in CalSAWS and issues “Ancillary Approval” (NA 832) of housing request.
  • Updates DEBS Referral Application, Family Services referral with Completed.

Forwards SCD 2416, SCD 2417, if applicable, and supporting documents to Imaging.
Enters a Journal Entry using WTW in the Type field and Family Services Case Update in the Short Description field.

Family Stabilization Housing Assistance eligibility criteria not met,

Upon receipt of SCD 2416 with Part C completed by FS Supervisor or SSPM, updates DEBS Referral Application Family Services referral with one of the following denial reasons: Withdrew or Referral Invalid.
Issues the FSP 2 denial NOA in CalSAWS for Family Stabilization Housing Assistance request.
Forwards SCD 2416, SCD 2417 and supporting documents to Imaging.
Enters a Journal Entry using WTW in the Type field and Family Services Case Update in the Short Description field.

Family Services (FS) Program Background

Family Services (FS) Program

Family Services (FS) Team

Family Service (FS) Plan (SCD 2392)

Family Services (FS) Program CalSAWS & DEBS Referral Application

Family Services (FS) Program Employment Connection Application (ECA)

Family Services (FS) Youth Services

Family Services (FS) Referrals

Family Services (FS) Housing Assistance

Family Services (FS) Program CalWORKs Housing Support Program (CHSP)

Family Services (FS) Program Housing Retention

Family Services (FS) - Monitoring Plans

Family Services (FS) Program Cal-OAR Measure

Family Services (FS) Correspondence

Family Services (FS) Program CalSAWS Journal Entry