Family Services (FS) Team

 The Family Services Team is multi-disciplinary that specializes in Family Services (FS) comprised of Employment Counselors (EC's), CalWORKs Health Alliance, a Domestic Violence Advocate, Social Workers, including a CWES Supervisor, clerical support, and Office of Supportive Housing (OSH) service provider staff. The FS Team identifies, implements, case manages and monitors all FS Plans by providing a multi-disciplinary approach to intensive case management to assist families with barrier removal services and addressing crisis situations, which may include case conferences with the client. These services are designed to enhance and assist with participation, prior to, or concurrent with WTW activities.

The FS Team also assists in promoting services at staff meetings; with the Adult Education Coalition and Community College Consortium meetings and/or at the Employment Connection Center (ECC).

Family Services Unit

The FS EC within the Family Services Unit are responsible to complete and monitor all FS Plans. The FS Unit provides services county-wide and coordinates services with North and South County clients. Additional CalWORKs Health Alliance staff are out stationed at the North and South County CWES offices. 

They are also responsible to:

  • Arrange appropriate supportive services and resources.
  • Provide frequent and ongoing client contact.
  • Coordinate with multi-disciplinary team for scheduling weekly case conferences for clients as needed.

Note: Any multi-disciplinary team member may initiate the case conference.

  • Participate in Employment and Housing Focus Team supporting the client in the CalWORKs Housing Support Program. Refer to  Family Services (FS) Program CalWORKs Housing Support Program (CHSP) for additional information.
  • Request case transfer from the assigned EC upon development of a FS Plan with on-going FS services, or as needed.
  • Develops WTW Agreement and enters plan in CalSAWS. The case is then transferred to case management once the FS Plan has ended.

Employment Connection Center (ECC)

The ECC EC provides intensive and expedited employment related services to FS participants, including participating in the Employment and Housing Focus Team for CHSP.

Refer to Family Services (FS) Program CalWORKs Housing Support Program (CHSP) for additional information.

Social Work Services

SWs identify family needs and services to support the FS Plan. Social Workers will continue to provide services to clients who do not qualify for a FS Plan or who choose not to sign a FS Plan.

CalWORKs SWs are responsible to:

  • Complete the “CalWORKs Referral Results” (SCD 29) form when addressing school attendance problems, truancy, or other social work service.
  • Complete the “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Participation Status” (SCD 1554) and/or “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Service Plan” (SCD 1555) for Domestic Violence related services.
  • Forward the SCD 29, SCD 1554 and/or SCD 1555 to the FS EC when client agrees to have services and activities integrated as part of the FS Plan.
  • Provide assistance for any other resources for short term emergency situations.
  • Per current procedures, continue to:
  • Receive referrals from EWs.
  • Assist with the filing of SSI/SSP application/advocacy.
  • Provide community referrals for resources such as, but not limited to, food, clothing and/or legal assistance.


YWCA is responsible to develop plans in the area of DV counseling services and advocacy. When the client agrees to incorporate services and activities in the FS Plan, the “Domestic Abuse Service Plan” (SCD 1555) and/or the “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Participation Status” (SCD 1554) is forwarded to the FS EC to incorporate into the FS Plan.

Clients who need DV services who do not qualify for FS or who chose not to enroll in a FS Plan, will be referred and scheduled to non-FS DV activities. Refer to Domestic Abuse (DA) - Program Overview for existing procedures.

Health Alliance

Health Alliance provides behavior health-related services, needs assessments, and services to support the FS Plan. The CalWORKs Health Alliance is responsible to:

  • Provide on-site short-term solution-based therapy/counseling for clients who drop-in or call-in for short-term mental health, behavioral and/or stress management issues.
  • Provide long-term off-site therapy/counseling for clients who require services longer than 5 visits.
  • Complete Part C of the “CalWORKs Community Health Alliance Referral” (SCD 1686) and to forward copy to the designated FS mailbox slot.
  • Develop the “CalWORKs Referral Results” (SCD 29) in accordance with Health Alliance procedures.

Clients who need mental health or substance abuse services who do not qualify for FS or who chose not to enroll in FS, will be referred and scheduled to non-FS Health Alliance activities. Refer to Health Alliance (HA) Overview  for existing procedures.

Office of Supportive Housing (OSH) Service Providers

Abode Services and Sacred Heart Community Service are OSH service providers that support the agency's housing programs. 

Refer to Family Services (FS) Program Family Stabilization Housing Assistance and Family Services (FS) Program CalWORKs Housing Support Program (CHSP) for additional information.

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