Family Services (FS) Referrals

Eligible WTW clients may be referred for FS at any point in the participant flow as follows:

  • Client request (self-referral)
  • Service Provider recommendation
  • EW
  • EC; OR
  • SW

Referral Process

FS referrals may be self-initiated by client or made via service provider when a service need is identified. The steps in the table below describe the required actions by the assigned EC when referring client to the FS Unit. These steps include required actions by the FS Team for providing services.

A. The Assigned EC:

  1. Identifies services or needs with the client:
    1. HPP
    2. CHSP
    3. FS Non-Housing Services
  2. Discusses FS program requirements with the client.
  3. Explains to client the triage assessment process.
  4. Calls assigned FS-AEC/EC to conduct triage (for other units, call FS-OD or FS-Lead).
  5. Asks client for updated contact information.
  6. If Unit’s FS-AEC/EC is not available, locate FS-OD or FS-Lead

Note: FS-OD calendar can be accessed on Outlook Shared Calendars: “CWES Family Services.”

  1. If unable to locate the FS-OD or the FS Lead, sends an email to the Unit FS-AEC/EC, FS Supervisor and the FS Lead regarding client in addition to the FS Referral.

Note: FS-AEC/EC will notify the assigned CM-EC when FS referrals are made by other functional units (Example: ECC, RRT, etc.).

B. The Designated FS- AEC/EC or FS-OD/FS-Lead:

  1. Conducts FS Assessment Triage with client.
  2. Meets with the client to conduct assessment of the clients needs, provides program information, and explains program criteria. Discusses objectives and timelines.
  3. Determine best program to meet client’s current needs:
    1. HPP
    2. CHSP
    3. Additional services combined with HPP and CHSP (DV, Mental Health, At-Risk Youth, or FS Other Services.
  4. Request additional information from client if needed.
  5. Schedules client for follow-up appointment if needed.
  6. Notifies assigned EC of FS Triage outcome.
  7. When not eligible for FS  services, updates the referral need Outcomes tab with Referral Invalid in DEBS Referral Application and ECA

C. The Assigned EC:

If client...


Does not agree to sign a FS Plan,

Follows existing Handbook procedures when assigning WTW activities, such as:

Mental Health

Substance Abuse

CalWORKs Social Work, or

DV Advocacy services

Agrees to a FS Plan,

Refers to FS Unit.

  1. Reviews “Family Services Request & Application” (SCD 2417) to identify FS need, including completion of housing section; assists client with form completion, as needed.
  2. Ensures that the SCD 2417 is thoroughly completed and signed by the client.
  3. Collects the appropriate documents/verification to support needs, such as court-ordered eviction notice, lease agreement, W-9 for landlord, At-Risk Youth documentation, etc.
  4. Reviews documents, schedules return appointment and provides document checklist.
  5. When the client provides all supporting documents, forwards the SCD 2417 along with the documents to Imaging to be scanned.
  6. Refers the client to the FS Unit through the DEBS Referral Application. The DEBS Referral Application is also located under, SSA Applications.  
  7. Reviews, assigns, and authorizes service arrangements as needed to attend appointment with the FS EC.
  8. Submits “Family Services Program Request & Application” (SCD 2417) and all supporting documents to Imaging.
  9. Updates CalSAWS with a Journal Entry in the Journal Detail page.

D. The FS Support:

  1. Receives the referral via email generated from the DEBS Referral Application.
  2. Assigns referral review to FS EC via ECA using FS Referral Review.
  3. Sends the email notification to referring party of assignment to FS EC.
  4. Updates CalSAWS with a Journal Entry in the Journal Detail page by selecting WTW in the Type field and Family Services Case Update in the Short Description field.  

E. The FS Team Member (SW, EC, DV Advocate):

  1. Schedules appointment with the client.
  2. When Assessment Triage was not able to be done same day, reviews SCD 2417 and other supporting documents, and follows up with client within 48 hours.

If Client...


Does NOT want to participate in the FS Program,
but chooses DV Services,

Provides DV services per existing DV procedures as outlined in
Domestic Abuse (DA) - Program Overview.

Notifies the assigned ECFS Lead, and the FS Supervisor by email that the client
withdrew FS Plan.

Coordinates implementation of DV services with the assigned EC.

Does NOT want to participate in the FS Program,
but chooses Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Services,

Provides mental health and/or substance abuse services per existing
procedures as outlined in Health Alliance (HA) Overview.

Notifies the assigned EC, FS Lead, and the FS Supervisor by email that the client
withdrew FS Plan.

Coordinates implementation of Mental and/or Substance Abuse services
with assigned EC.

Does NOT want to participate in FS Program,
but chooses Social Work Services,

Provides social work services based on existing procedures.

Notifies the assigned EC, FS Lead, and the FS Supervisor by email that the client
withdrew FS Plan.

  1. Submits other supporting documents and referral forms to Imaging.  
  2. Enters a CalSAWS Journal Entry using WTW in the Type field and Family Services Case Update in the Short Description field that client withdrew FS request.
  3. When the client agrees to a FS Plan, continue with Step I.

F. The FS EC:

  1. Upon receiving email notification from the FS Team Member that the client withdrew FS, or if client does not meet FS criteria, issues the “Family Stabilization Program Denial” (FSP 2) Notice of Action (NOA). 
  2. Updates DEBS Referral Application referral need Outcomes tab with Withdrew.
  3. Updates CalSAWS with a Journal Entry using WTW in the Type field and Family Services Case Update in the Short Description field.

G. The Assigned EC:

  1. Receives notification from FS Team Member that client withdrew FS services request.

Note: Client may continue to participate in non-FS services.

  1. Follows existing procedures, including integrating non-FS services into the existing WTW Agreement or contacting client for assignment of the next WTW activity and assignment of service arrangements needs.
  2. Updates CalSAWS with a Journal Entry using WTW in the Type field and Family Services Case Update in the Short Description field.

H. The FS Team Member:

  1. Follows the table below when the client agrees to participate in FS services:

If Service Need is...



Completes the SCD 1554 and/or SCD 1555.

FS Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Services,

Completes SCD 1686 and SCD 29.

FS Social Work Services,

Completes SCD 29, SCD 1554 and/or SCD 1555.

  1. Issues copies of FS related forms to the client

Note: Coordinates with the FS EC whenever possible to see the client the same day.

I. The FS EC:

  1. Retrieves FS Referral email.
  2. Reviews ECA “Referral Review” assignment.
  3. Schedules appointment with client to sign “Family Service Plan” (SCD 2392) for FS stand-alone; or SCD 2392 and WTW 2 for FS integrated.

Note: Coordinates with FS Team Member whenever possible to see client same day.

  1. Meets with client to create appropriate FS Plan based on clients circumstances.
  2. Enters the FS Plan in CalSAWS.
  3. Continues to make entries in ECA that follow current business process and workflow.
  4. Updates the DEBS Referral Application referral Outcome tab to Complete.
  5. Assigns and schedules the FS Activity(ies) as appropriate. 
  6. Updates with the appropriate Activity Status for activity(ies). For an integrated FS Plan, adds the WTW activity(ies), and updates the activity status, as appropriate.  
  7. Assigns Need(s) and Service Arrangement(s) for duration of the FS Plan.
  8. Submits SCD 2392 and WTW 2 to Imaging and provides copies to client.
  9. Informs client as to how FS Plan will be monitored, tracked, and subsequent activities implemented, if applicable.
  10. Implements the clients first goal or concurrent goals/tasks and required actions as outlined in the FS Plan.
  11. Requests case via email to clerical staff and cc’s the FS Supervisor and Lead.
  12. Enters a Journal Entry using WTW in the Type field and Family Services Case Update in the Short Description field.

Reminder: For one-day/one-time FS payments without ongoing FS, a SCD 2392 is required and is entered in CalSAWS as a one-day plan.

J. The FS Support/Lead:

  • Emails the respective EC Supervisor/Lead and the assigned EC and cc’s the FS Supervisor/Lead, to request a case transfer to the FS EC.

K. The ECC FS Support/Lead:

  • Receives the FS Referral via ECA.
  • The FS Case is assigned to an ECC EC on a round robin, or language need basis via ECA.

L. The Abode (CHSP Service Provider):

  • The FS Case is assigned to an Abode staff via internal database system.
  • Per current procedures, provides services.

M. The Assigned EC:

  1. Prepares the case for transfer to the Control Clerk for assignment to FS EC within 2 working days of receiving request or when case updates are completed for transfer.

Note: DFCS Common Case (Family Maintenance/Family Reunification) client’s CWES case is not transferred. The Common Case EC follows up with the FS EC.

  1. Ensures all case actions are current and updated per case transfer policy.
  2. Completes the “Contact-Action Summary Case Transfer” (SCD 163T), and in the comments section of the SCD 163T indicates the name of the FS EC to receive the case.
  3. Submits the case to the supervisor for a case transfer.
  4. Enters a Journal Entry using WTW in the Type field and Family Services Case Update in the Short Description field.

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Family Services (FS) Program Background

Family Services (FS) Program

Family Services (FS) Team

Family Service (FS) Plan (SCD 2392)

Family Services (FS) Program CalSAWS & DEBS Referral Application

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Family Services (FS) Program CalWORKs Housing Support Program (CHSP)

Family Services (FS) Program Housing Retention

Family Services (FS) - Monitoring Plans

Family Services (FS) Program Cal-OAR Measure

Family Services (FS) Correspondence

Family Services (FS) Program CalSAWS Journal Entry