Family Services (FS) - Monitoring Plans

The FS EC follows the steps below when monitoring Family Plans:

  1. Receives the case and conducts a case review of FS Plan, actions, needs, barriers, and consults with the multi-disciplinary team as needed.
  2. Consults weekly with Employment and Housing Focus Team.
  3. Monitors the FS Plan activities and timelines by providing on-going contact ranging from daily to weekly, depending on the client’s situation.
  4. Follows up with Abode and updates CalSAWS accordingly.
  5. Updates FS activity status(es) in the Customer Activity Detail page.

If Client...


Agrees to resume,

Updates FS Plan, timelines, goals, needs, barriers, and service arrangements as appropriate.

Requires a deferral for Good Cause for
less than 30 days,

Enters WTW Good Cause in the activity Status field in the Customer Activity Status Detail page.


Reviews FS Plan at the end of deferral period.

Requires deferral for Good Cause for
more than 30 days,

Ends FS Agreement and activity(ies) in CalSAWS.

In the Work Registration Detail page, updates WTW Program Status field to Good Cause, select appropriate Status Reason in the Status Reason field,  and select Mandatory in the Work Registration Status field.

Requires an Exempt-Volunteer Status

Follows established exempt-volunteer procedures.

In the Work Registration Detail page, updates WTW Program Status field to Active, select Enrolled in the Status Reason field, and select Exempt-Volunteer in the Work Registration Status field. 

Monitors FS Agreement and activity(ies).

Requires an Exemption or Exempt-Volunteer Status Ends,

Ends FS Agreement and activity(ies) in CalSAWS.

Updates the WTW Program Status in the Work Registration Detail page to Active in the Program Status field, select Enrolled in the Status Reason field, and select Mandatory in the Work Registration Status field. 

Follows exemption or Exempt-Volunteer procedures.

Does not agree to resume,

Ends FS Agreement and activity(ies).

Issues “FS Change in Program Status” (FSP 3) in CalSAWS.
Schedules client to sign a WTW 2 Plan.

Does not respond,

Ends FS Agreement and activity(ies).

Schedules the client to sign a WTW 2 Plan.

Issues “FS Change in Program Status” (FSP 3) in CalSAWS.


Determines next WTW 2 Plan.

No shows,

Records denial in CalSAWS, DEBS Referral Application System and ECA following step 4 above.
Starts NONC process per current process.

Completes FS Plan requirements
and signs WTW 2,

Ends FS Agreement (FS Stand-alone or FS-integrated) and activities.
Updates the Family Stabilization Detail page by selecting the Case Person from the drop-down list in the Name section and selects Yes under Transitioned to WTW section. 
Schedules the client to sign a WTW 2 Plan and enters the WTW 2 Agreement and activity(ies) in CalSAWS.
Enters appropriate need(s) and service arrangement(s).
Transfers the case per existing procedures.

Completes FS Plan requirements
and does not sign WTW 2,

Attempts to re-engage client into WTW.

If unable to engage client, follows the Noncompliance process.

Not Meeting FS Plan requirements.

Consults with FS multi-disciplinary team for corrective action.

Contacts client to attempt to re-engage in FS or to determine if FS still needed.

Agrees to resume,

Updates FS Agreement, timelines, goals, needs, barriers, and service arrangements as appropriate.

Requires a deferral for Good Cause
for less than 30 days,

Selects WTW Good Cause in the Activity Status field. 

Reviews FS Agreement at the end of deferral period.

  1. When client completes FS Agreement or not meeting FS Agreement requirements:

If Client...


Completes FS Plan requirements and signs WTW 2,

Ends FS Agreement (FS Stand-alone or FS-integrated) and activities.
Updates the Family Stabilization Detail page by selecting the Case Person from the drop-down list in the Name section and select Yes under the Transitioned to WTW section. 
Schedules the client to sign a WTW 2 Plan and enters the WTW Agreement and activity(ies) in CalSAWS.

Enters the WTW 2 Agreement in CalSAWS.
Enters WTW activity(ies) and service arrangements.
Transfers the case per existing procedures.

Completes FS Plan requirements and does not sign

WTW 2,

Attempts to re-engage client into WTW.

If unable to engage client, follows the Noncompliance process.

Not Meeting FS Plan requirements,

Consults with FS multi-disciplinary team for follow up.

Contacts client to attempt to re-engage in FS or to determine if FS still needed:

  1. Schedules an appointment with the client to determine the next activity, exemption, or eligibility status for participation.
  2. Adds a Journal Entry using WTW in the Journal Type field and Family Services Case Update in the Short Description field.

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