Family Services (FS) Program CalWORKs Housing Support Program (CHSP)

The CHSP is designed to assist eligible CalWORKs families who are experiencing homelessness, and who are at risk of becoming homeless. This program is separate from the Homeless Assistance that is issued by the EW, and is in addition to the Family Stabilization Housing Assistance program. The FS EC is to explore CHSP as the primary housing program.

The CHSP is included within the menu of services offered through the Family Services Unit. The FS EC coordinates these services for eligible CWES participants and initiates the referral to the CHSP service provider. The CHSP is run by Abode Housing Services, which is co-located at CWES 1879 Senter Road, San Jose and provides services in the North and South County CWES Offices.

Eligible CalWORKs Families

All CWES clients (Active, Exempt, Curing Sanction, CalLearn, and Family Reunification) are eligible to receive CalWORKs Housing Support services.

In addition, Non-WTW CalWORKs families with an undocumented parent or parent timed-out from the 60-month Time on Aid are eligible.

Homeless/Housing Condition for Program Eligibility

Eligible CalWORKs families must meet the criteria below to be eligible to apply for the CalWORKs Housing Support Program:

  • Having a primary nighttime residence that is a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations, OR
  • Residing in a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, OR
  • Fleeing or attempting to flee a dangerous or life -threatening conditions with no other residence and lacks resources and support (e.g domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, etc.), OR
  • Lacking stable housing (e.g. couch surfing, or living in over-crowded situations), OR
  • In receipt of an eviction or will imminently lose their primary nighttime residence within 14 days of application, has no other residence identified and lacks resources and support, OR.
  • Exiting an institution where he or she resided for 90 days or less AND who resided in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering that institution.
  • Unaccompanied youth under 25 years of age, who do not otherwise qualify as homeless under this definition but who meets definition in Title 24, Code of Federal Regulations.

Eligibility Documentation

  • Families may self-attest that they meet the definition of at-risk for homelessness to qualify for CHSP. No additional verification or documentation demonstration that a family meets the definition of “at-risk of homelessness” is required.

Services Offered

The CHSP includes, but is not limited to the following services:

  • Intensive case management
  • Assistance locating and securing housing
  • Payment of security deposit (first month rent, deposit/last month rent) required to secure housing
  • Emergency lodging/hotel assistance
  • Utility payments needed to retain/obtain housing
  • Moving arrangements and moving costs
  • Assistance understanding leases
  • Renter’s insurance if required to secure housing
  • Short-term housing subsidy where household transitions gradually to full payment of rent.
  • Mediation and outreach to landlords
  • Financial education referrals
  • Incentives
  • Other service referrals to support housing stability

Risk of Homelessness

Homelessness Prevention Services included with HSP:

  • WTW families who are at-risk of homelessness and require one-time, financial assistance to prevent their homelessness should be referred to the Family Stabilization Housing Assistance Program for financial assistance with their housing costs.
  • WTW families who are currently housed and are at-risk of losing their housing due to unpaid monthly rent, who require more than one-time, financial assistance to retain their housing should be referred to the CalWORKs Housing Support Program.
  • These families will be subject to a monthly assessment of the family’s at-risk of homelessness condition to receive a month-to-month extension of their rent payment assistance.
  • Also, it is highly encouraged that participants demonstrate the ability to assume the cost of their housing expenses to achieve housing stability when rental subsidy subsides or ends. These efforts can be met by participation in PWEX or by participating in Supervised Job Search and securing unsubsidized employment. 

Referrals to the ECC

The FS EC will refer the at-risk of homelessness client to the ECC for PWEX and any other employment opportunities once they have agreed to and signed their FS plan.


The client must complete the “Family Services Program Request & Application” (SCD 2417), including completion of housing related questions and budget information. The SCD 2417 is used for both the Family Stabilization Housing Assistance and CalWORKs Housing Support Program.

When the CalWORKs Housing Support Program criteria is met, the FS EC completes the “CalWORKs Housing Support Program” referral (SCD 2419) and forwards to Abode with supporting documents such as lease/rental agreements, eviction notices, W-9, etc).

Introductory and Enrollment Meeting

The Introductory Meeting is an opportunity for the client to meet the staff members from Abode, FS EC, ECC-EC who will be working with them. At the introductory meeting each member will provide the client with an overview of services provided, contact information, and review and discuss the "My Road to Housing" (SCD 2569). The Introductory Meeting should be between 15 to 20 minutes long. After the Introductory Meeting the client continues with the enrollment process with Abode.

Focus Team Meeting

The Focus Team Meeting (FTM) is created to assist the client with housing sustainability and plan coordination. The focus team facilitators is comprised of staff from Abode, FS EC and ECC EC.

The FS EC schedules the initial meeting with the client and team members via the Shared Calendar. The client must be willing and committed to work toward achieving plan goals and objectives; and attending meetings weekly with the team members.

Note: The DFCS Social Worker and/or Common Case EC is contacted to participate in the initial meeting for DFCS/CWES Common Case clients (Family Maintenance or Family Reunification). Refer to “DFCS/DEBS Common Cases,” page 27-1 for additional information.

Introductory and Enrollment Meeting Process

Follow the steps below when processing the CalWORKs Housing Support application request:

A. The Assigned EC:

  • Identifies services or needs with the client by selecting the appropriate housing program:
    • Homeless Prevention Program (HPP)
    • CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP)
    • FS Non-Housing Services
  • Discusses Family Services (FS) program requirements with the client.
  • Explains to the client the triage assessment process.
  • Calls the assigned FS-AEC/EC to conduct triage (for other units, call FS-OD or FS-Lead).
  • Asks the client for updated contact information.
  • If the Unit’s FS-AEC/EC is not available, locate the FS-OD or the FS-Lead

Note: FS-OD calendar can be accessed on Outlook Shared Calendars: “CWES Family Services.”

  • If unable to locate the FS-OD or the FS Lead, sends an email to Unit FS-AEC/EC, the FS Supervisor and the FS Lead regarding the client in addition with the FS Referral.

Note: The FS-AEC/EC will notify the assigned CM-EC when FS referrals are made by other functional units (Example: ECC, RRT, etc.).

  • Thoroughly completes SCD 2417 with the client and refers the client to the FS Unit through the DEBS Referral Application when the FS EC notifies the client may be eligible.
  • Adds a Journal Entry in the Journal Detail page.

B. The Designated FS AEC/EC or the FS OD/FS Lead:

  • Conducts assessment triage with the client.
  • Determines eligibility for CalWORKs Housing Support.
  • Completes Section V (County Use Only) of the SCD 2417.
  • If housing documents are not available or complete, follows up with the client.
  • Reviews "CalWORKs Housing Support Program Enrollment Checklist" (SCD 2581) with the client.
  • Completes Sections A and B of the SCD 2419.
  • Schedules the client for Introductory/Enrollment Meeting with the Abode Housing Specialist, the Employment Connection Center Employment Counselor (ECC-EC), and the Family Service Employment Counselor (FS-EC) in the calendar titled "Introductory/Enrollment/FTM Appointments" in the S-Drive as well as in the Outlook Calendar for Family Services.

Note 1: Make appointment at least 48 hours away and no further than 72 hours, if possible.

Note 2: The Introductory Meeting should be between 15 to 20 minutes long, followed immediately by the 2-4 hour CHSP enrollment conducted by Abode.

If Client...

Then Abode Housing Specialist...

Then FS EC...

Shows to Introductory/ Enrollment Meeting and is enrolled in the HSP,

Notifies ECC-EC, FS-EC,

FS Supervisor and unit lead by email.

Schedules the client for a Focus Team Meeting, if needed.

Reviews and discusses the "My Road to Housing" (SCD 2569).

Completes and has client sign FS Plan (SCD 2392) within 48 hours of email received.

Emails signed copy of SCD 2392 to Housing Case Manager.

No Shows to Introductory/ Enrollment Meeting,

Notifies the FS-EC, the ECC-EC, the FS Supervisor, and the Unit Lead by email.

Reschedules the client based on the Abode staff and the clients availability and notifies the rest of the team.

Note: A minimum of three contacts should be attempted within two weeks before closing a referral. If no contact is able to be made, notifies the FS EC so they may take further action.

Sends the SCD 1783 (10-day notice) on the second rescheduled appointment.

C. Abode:

  • Emails the FS EC the SCD 2419 with Part C completed within 30 days.
  • Issues the client notifications per Abode's established procedures.
  • Meets with client weekly and monitors Family Services Weekly Housing Search Plan.
  • Coordinates with the Employment and Housing Focus Team to ensure client is meeting goals and objectives.
  • Meets with the client per Abode procedures, and issues vendor payments directly to the service provider (landlord, utility company, etc.).

D. The FS EC:

  • Upon receipt of SCD 2419 with Part C approved by Abode, updates ECA and the DEBS Referral Application with the referral outcome.

    • When Part C of SCD 2419 indicates client was not enrolled, updates the outcome to the appropriate outcome per business process.
  • Forwards SCD 2417, SCD 2419 and supporting documents to Imaging.
  • Meets with client weekly as needed to monitor the clients FS Plan.
  • Adds a Journal Entry using WTW in the Journal Type field and Family Services Case Update in the Short Description field.


  • Meets with the client weekly and monitors Family Services Weekly Employment Plan.
  • Coordinates with the Employment and Housing Focus Team to ensure client is meeting goals and objectives.
  • Issues the HSP incentive.

Note: Abode/FS EC/FS ECC ECmay schedule the FTM via Shared Outlook Calendar.


Monthly Employment Plan Incentives

When a client is in need of job search services, they will be scheduled for Supervised Job Search and assigned to an ECC FS EC. A “Family Services Weekly Employment Plan” (SCD 2418-A) is developed during the initial team meeting and integrated into the Family Service Plan (SCD 2392). The plan includes completing job search action plans for the present week and following up on pending applications and job leads. Outcomes are evaluated during the weekly team meetings. The client is also required to attend case conferences that may include other service providers, as needed.

When the client meets criteria, a monthly incentive in the amount of $100 is issued through CalSAWS by selecting HSP in the Category field and HSP Other in the Type field.

Employment Sustainability Incentives

Maintenance of (or an increase in family earnings) during participation in the CHSP will result in a quarterly incentive in the amount of $300 for the family. This practice will enable families to establish savings to cover the cost of unexpected expenses. The following applies to the incentives:

  • Earnings must be sustained for three consecutive months to qualify for the incentive.
  • Incentive may be earned up to a maximum of four times per family.
  • Eligibility for this benefit limited to the time family is enrolled in CHSP.
  • Client eligibility for incentive is to be determined and issued by Abode Services.

Housing Retention Fund

The Housing Retention Fund provides families with financial housing assistance after their rent subsidy period has ended when they experience unanticipated emergency expenses or a sudden reduction in income. The fund is designed to prevent the loss of their permanent housing and a return to homelessness due to a short-term financial emergency. The following applies to the fund:

  • Authorization of benefits from this fund requires approval of the management team.
  • Eligibility for incentive to be determined and issued by Abode Services.

Pathway to Employment

Pathway to Employment leverages upon existing resources to assist the client with financial sustainability goals. FS participants who have been identified as lacking the minimal employment skills, as required by the employer, are referred to Assessment for:

  • Enrollment in a short-term, not to exceed 6 months, employment focused training program. The client must be committed to complete training program.
  • Classwork to obtain a GED to eligible education/training opportunities.
  • Vocational ESL class to eligible education/training opportunities.

Prior to referral to Assessment, the FS ECC is to utilize the Second Chance or Re-entry employer lists.

The client is required to attend a Pathway to Employment orientation appointment with Assessment.

Pathway to Employment Procedures

The FS ECC EC initiates the referral as follows:

  • Identifies the client who lacks minimal employment skills.
  • Meets with the client one-on-one to explain the program and determines the clients commitment.
  • When the client has been identified as a potential candidate, within the FS Plan, refers and schedules activity by selecting, Appraisal activity in the Type field and Appraisal/Assessment in the Category field for 30 days, using Provider: 43 CWES 1879 IND ASM.
  • Reminds the client to continue participating at the Employment Connection Center’s Job Search activity until actual start date of the training program.
  • Calls the Assessment clerical support at (408) 758-3798 to schedule Pathway to Employment Orientation appointment for the client.
  • Emails the client the contact information and orientation appointment date & time to the FS Unit Supervisor, the Designated ECC Unit Supervisor, and the designated Assessment EC.
  • Issues copy of FS Plan and WTW Appointment Notice (SCD 1783) to client with the Pathway to Employment appointment.
  • Follows the existing ECC FS procedures.

Next, the Assessment EC:

  • Conducts the assessment per existing procedures.
  • Meets with the client to discuss Pathway to Employment training options.
  • Updates the Assessment activity with Active status in the Status field and Attending in the Status Reason field. The FS EC will remind client to continue attending Job Search activity until actual start date of training program.
  • Contacts the FS EC for issuance of any additional service arrangements, if needed.
  • Coordinates enrollment with the training service provider.
  • In CalSAWS refers and schedules the training activity per existing procedures
  • Ends the Assessment activity by adding Completed in the Status field and Completed Satisfactory in the Status Reason field. 
  • Contacts the service provider to confirm first day attendance.
  • Notifies the FS EC and the FS ECC EC via email of client’s training activity enrollment.
  • Follows existing Assessment procedures.

Finally, the FS EC:

  • Receives email notification from the Assessment EC of the clients first day training attendance and updates the training activity by selecting Active in the Status field and Attending in the Status Reason field in CalSAWS.
  • Ends Job Search activity by selecting, Closed in the Status field and Closed and Transfer to Another Activity in the Status Reason field.
  • Issues any additional needed service arrangements to the client.
  • Monitors satisfactory progress.
  • Continues to follow existing FS procedures.

Assistance/Payment Amounts Guidelines

The CHSP payments are based on the family needs and the CHSP service provider’s guidelines. In general, the service provider, Abode, makes subsidy payments directly to the landlord or other entity on behalf of the client.

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Family Services (FS) Program Background

Family Services (FS) Program

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Family Service (FS) Plan (SCD 2392)

Family Services (FS) Program CalSAWS & DEBS Referral Application

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Family Services (FS) Referrals

Family Services (FS) Housing Assistance

Family Services (FS) Program Family Stabilization Housing Assistance

Family Services (FS) Program Housing Retention

Family Services (FS) - Monitoring Plans

Family Services (FS) Program Cal-OAR Measure

Family Services (FS) Correspondence

Family Services (FS) Program CalSAWS Journal Entry