Family Services (FS) Program

FS is introduced to clients at Orientation, Appraisal, in between activities, during WTW participation, exemption reviews and as part of the noncompliance process. It is offered as a service to CWES clients and/or an eligible member of the AU, including DFCS Common Case (Family Maintenance and Family Reunification) clients. The purpose of FS is to help the client stabilize any family situation, issue, problem or barrier to employment that is adversely affecting the client's ability to participate in WTW.

Family Services Policy

Family Services is a multi-disciplinary approach to WTW services, through intensive case management strategies designed to ensure a basic level of stability within a family.

The following applies to FS:

  • Participation is voluntary.
  • Requires completion of “Family Services Program Request & Application” (SCD 2417)
  • Requires the development of a “Family Service Plan” (SCD 2392).
  • May be provided at any point in the WTW flow process.
  • Participation is not subject to the WTW hourly participation requirement as long as the client is complying with the FS plan.
  • Appropriate support services are provided.
  • Frequent and on-going contact ranging from daily to weekly, depending on client’s situation.
  • Maximum length of the plan is twelve months as a stand-alone plan or as an integrated plan. Extensions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Failure to comply and complete FS plan without good cause results in termination of FS services; however, the termination is not subject to the noncompliance process. Instead, participant is transitioned to WTW by being scheduled to sign a WTW Plan.

Eligibility Criteria

With the exception of the CHSP criteria, Family Services participants must meet eligibility criteria:

  • Be an active CWES registrant,
  • Be a CalWORKs Family Reunification registrant,
  • Be in Good Cause Status,
  • Exempt,
  • Agree to cure WTW Sanction and sign curing sanction plan, OR
  • Be an active CWES registrant’s family member in the AU

Types of FS

Services through FS include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Substance Abuse Counseling
  • Individual/Family Counseling
  • Domestic Violence Counseling
  • CalWORKs Social Work Services
  • At-Risk Youth and other Child Services
  • At-Risk (OSH Prevention) Services
  • CalWORKs Housing Support Program (CHSP)
  • Family Stabilization Housing Assistance
  • Parenting Classes/Workshops
  • Stress Management
  • Public Health Assistance
  • SSI Application/Advocacy
  • Emergency Needs (food, clothing, shelter)
  • Legal Assistance/Counseling
  • School Attendance/Truancy (young children and teens)

Note: For additional information and eligibility criteria on At-Risk Youth Services, Family Stabilization Housing Assistance and CalWORKs Housing Support Program, refer to the following: Family Services (FS) Youth ServicesFamily Services (FS) Program Family Stabilization Housing Assistance and Family Services (FS) Program CalWORKs Housing Support Program (CHSP).


The client must complete the “Family Services Program Request & Application” (SCD 2417) for all FS requests. The application identifies the crisis to address, issues such as: Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence and Housing. The SCD 2417 is used for all FS related issues, and CalWORKs Housing Support Program based on housing need.

Supporting documents such as rental agreements, W-9, eviction notices, etc. need to be attached at the point of initial referral.

Related Topics

Family Services (FS) Program Background

Family Services (FS) Team

Family Service (FS) Plan (SCD 2392)

Family Services (FS) Program CalSAWS & DEBS Referral Application

Family Services (FS) Program Employment Connection Application (ECA)

Family Services (FS) Youth Services

Family Services (FS) Referrals

Family Services (FS) Housing Assistance

Family Services (FS) Program Family Stabilization Housing Assistance

Family Services (FS) Program CalWORKs Housing Support Program (CHSP)

Family Services (FS) Program Housing Retention

Family Services (FS) - Monitoring Plans

Family Services (FS) Program Cal-OAR Measure

Family Services (FS) Correspondence

Family Services (FS) Program CalSAWS Journal Entry