Domestic Abuse (DA) - Program Overview

AB 1542 required that the CDSS convene a Domestic Violence Task Force. In consultation with the Task Force, CDSS developed protocols to identify and assist CalWORKs applicants and recipients who are victims/survivors of past or present DA to obtain employment and become self-sufficient while not placing them at further risk or unfairly penalizing them by CalWORKs requirements.

A DA issue may limit or preclude successful participation of a CWES client’s WTW activities. DA occurs in many different circumstances and inflicts long-lasting trauma that may create significant barriers which need to be addressed in order for a client to be self-sufficient. Support services are available and included in the WTW plan to assist clients who are victims/survivors of past or present DA to obtain and retain employment.

If a client discloses a DA situation and a child is at risk, the Social Services Agency employee, who is first notified, is mandated to report this incident immediately. Reports should be made to the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline in the following areas:

Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline

San Jose Area

(408) 299-2071

Gilroy/Morgan Hill Area

(408) 683-0601

Palo Alto Area

(650) 493-1186

Refer to Common Place Handbook, “Complaints/Inquiries,” page 39-1 or log on to the SSA Intranet for more information on Child Abuse Reporting.

Related Topics

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Definitions

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Informing Requirements

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Requesting Domestic Violence (DV) Services

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Confidentiality

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Safe At Home

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Mandated Reporting

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Supporting Documentation

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Referral Process

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Individual Service Plan and Case Assessment

Domestic Abuse (DA) - “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Participation Status” (SCD 1554)

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Exemption/Extender

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Waiver Time Frames

Domestic Abuse (DA) - CalWORKs Employment Services (CWES) “Good Cause”

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Orientation and Support Services