Domestic Abuse (DA) - Safe At Home

The Safe at Home Program was implemented by the State in July 1999. The program is to help survivors of DA remain safe after they have left an abusive situation. Each certified participant of this program is assigned a substitute PO Box address to use in place of a home, work or school address. This PO Box address becomes confidential when the client enrolls in the Safe at Home Program.

If a client/applicant is interested in enrolling in the Safe at Home Program, they will need to contact one of the following local agencies.

Safe At Home Enrolling Agency


Phone Number

Asian Americans for Community Involvement

San Jose

(408) 975-2739


San Jose


Victim/Witness Center, Santa Clara County National Conference for Community and Justice

San Jose

(408) 295-2656

Community Solutions


(408) 638-4118

Support Network for Battered Women



Alternate Mailing Address

The safety of the client is considered at all times by our agency. The client may choose to use an alternate mailing address and/or telephone number.

Note: The alternate mailing address and/or telephone number chosen by the client may be indicated on the “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Participation Status” (SCD 1554). The EW must scan the SCD 1554 into IDM, as verification for an alternate mailing address and/or telephone number request.

Related Topics

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Program Overview

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Definitions

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Informing Requirements

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Requesting Domestic Violence (DV) Services

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Confidentiality

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Mandated Reporting

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Supporting Documentation

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Referral Process

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Individual Service Plan and Case Assessment

Domestic Abuse (DA) - “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Participation Status” (SCD 1554)

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Exemption/Extender

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Waiver Time Frames

Domestic Abuse (DA) - CalWORKs Employment Services (CWES) “Good Cause”

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Orientation and Support Services