Domestic Abuse (DA) - Referral Process

When a CalWORKs client discloses DA, use the following information to determine the appropriate action:

Emergency Referral

The EW/EC must do the following when an emergency situation arises:

  • Contact the CalWORKs SW/DV Advocate located in the District Office nearest to the client.

1879 Senter Road
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 758-3763

South County
379 Tomkins Court
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 758-3763

North County
1300 West Middlefield Road
Mtn. View, CA 94043
(408) 758-3763

If the CalWORKs DV Advocate is unavailable call the 24 Hour Support Line at 800-572-2782.

(For Emergency/Unsafe situations, call 9-1-1.)

  • Follow the referral process described in CA 85.

Note: Emergency referrals are assigned to a CalWORKs SW/DV Advocate immediately.

Non-Emergency Referral

The following must be done when a non-emergency DA situation arises:

A. The EW/EC:

  • Completes the Client Referral subsystem in CalSAWS.
  • Completes the “Authorization for Release of Information” (SCD 1029).

B. The CalWORKs Social Work Supervisor:

  • Assigns the case to a CalWORKs SW/ DV (DV) Advocate.

Retroactive Requests

DA waivers may be granted retroactively for up to three months prior to the date the victim of past or present abuse requests a DA waiver.

A DA waiver may be granted retroactively for more than three months only if the failure to grant the temporary domestic waiver, at the time it was requested, was due to an error by the county. In this circumstance, the recipient would need to demonstrate that he or she notified the county that he or she was a DA victim and had requested a temporary waiver of a CalWORKs rule or requirement but the county failed to act and the condition or circumstances during the time period at issue temporarily prevented or significantly impaired the recipient from being regularly employed or participating in WTW activities.

The approved retroactive dates will be entered on the “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Participation Status” form (SCD 1554).

CalWORKs SW/DV Advocate Actions

The following actions are followed by the CalWORKs SW/DV Advocate whether the DA referral is an emergency or a non-emergency situation:

Initial DA Assessment

  1. Meets with the client to determine if the client is a victim/survivor of DA, and the client is or has been in a DA relationship that precludes successful participation in Welfare-to-Work (WTW) activities.
    1. Completes the “Domestic Abuse Risk Assessment” form, including safety plans.
    2. Determines if a DA exemption is needed and completes the “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Participation Status” (SCD 1554).
    3. Verbally informs the requesting client if the exemption is approved or denied.
    4. Enters the outcome in CalSAWS case comments.
    5. On a monthly basis completes the “CalWORKs Referral Results” (SCD 29) form and emails to the assigned EC.
    6. Completes the “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Service Plan” (SCD 1555).
    7. Completes the dates on the SCD 1554 and SCD 1555 as follows:

Timed-Out Individual (Extenders)

  • Safety Net Case: The first of the month following the month verifications are received is the begin date, and the end date is up to three full months later.
  • Family re-applying for cash aid: The date of re-application, or date verification is provided, whichever is later, is considered the begin date and the end date is up to three full months later.
  • Based on client circumstances, the begin date may be retroactive up to three months.

Active CalWORKs Individual (Exemptions)

  • The begin dates of the SCD 1554 and SCD 1555 is the date verifications are received, and the end date is up to three full months later. Unless the client is requesting retroactivity, then the begin date may be sooner.

Note: Dates on both forms (SCD 1554 and SCD 1555) must coincide.

  • Makes the appropriate referrals to service providers.
  • Provides the client with “Important Notice About Domestic Abuse” (SCD 830), along with a copy of the “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Service Plan” (SCD 1555).
  • Sends the SCD 1554 to assigned EC.

Note: The assigned EC will complete and send to client the “CalWORKs and Welfare to Work Time Limit Exemption Determination” form (CW 2186B) with the approval dates matching the dates on the SCD 1554 and SCD 1555.

  1. Completes the “Permission to Release Domestic Abuse Information When Moving to Another County” (WTW 37), if appropriate.
    1. Completes the “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Participation Status” (SCD 1554) within three working days, when a TOA exemption/WTW waiver due to DA is approved, denied, declined by the client or is a “no show.”
    2. In the case of a “no show”, the SW/DV Advocate will enter: “Client did not keep scheduled (enter date) appointment. Unable to determine need for Exemption.”
  2. Emails the SCD 1554 and SCD 1555 to the assigned EC and Social Work CST, within three (3) working days, following assessment or exemption determination.

Note: Social Work CST generate TMT request and attaches the SCD 1554 for EW follow up.

  • CalWORKs SW/DV Advocate emails scanned forms directly to the Employment Counselor.
  1. If the client is not known to Employment Services (ES caseload ID is blank), or the WTW program is unassigned, scans and emails the SCD 1554 to the designated Engagement Unit EC who will be required to make the CalSAWS entries.

Note: Unassigned cases will be assigned an EC via the Engagement Unit. See/call the Scheduling Unit’s OD for assistance.

  1. Documents the appropriate DV activity and outcome in the Maintain Case Comments window of CalSAWS by selecting “Assign SW/DV Advocate” from the type field of the Maintain Case Comments.
  2. Provides ongoing services to the client as needed.

Note: The SW/DV Advocate should contact clients as needed between office visits and document activities in the Maintain Case Comments window of CalSAWS on a monthly basis, including for DV approvals, denials, and extenders.

SWs may be requested to provide feedback and/or attend Fair Hearings as needed.

DA Reassessment/Redetermination

  1. In the month that the DA exemption expires:
    1. Meets with the client to determine if DA continues to be a barrier to employment, before the exemption end date.
    2. IF DA exemption is extended, completes a new SCD 1554 and sends to assigned EC. New exemption dates should be entered sequentially on the SCD 1554 electronic form. Case comments should be added for clarification, when needed.

Note: The assigned EC will complete and send revised CW 2186B to client.

  • IF circumstances have changed, updates the DA Service Plan (SCD 1555), and other related documents:
  • “CalWORKs Referral Results” (SCD 29)
  • “Domestic Abuse Risk Assessment” form (including safety plans)
  • Emails the SCD 1554 and SCD 1555 to EC and SW CTS within three (3) working days following assessment/determination.
  • SW CST generates Task request and attaches the SCD 1554 for the EW to follow up.
  • CalWORKs SW/DV Advocate emails forms directly to the Employment Counselor.

Exemptions Granted After Exemption Expiration Date

  1. If the client shows to meet with the SW/DV Advocate after the exemption expires, and the SW/DV Advocate grants the exemption, the SCD 1554 is completed with the following comment: “Client assessment conducted on (enter date) and exemption granted effective (enter date).” The SW/DV Advocate sends the SCD 1554 to the assigned EC. The assigned EC then completes and sends the new CW 2186B to client with dates matching SCD 1554.

Reminder: If a DA exemption is denied, declined by the client, no shows or the exemption ends without continued DV service needs, the DV case closes anytime within 30 days.

Timed-Out Clients

  1. When a client has timed-out (reached their 60-month CalWORKs lifetime limit):
    1. Follow Steps 1–6 and Step 8 above.
    2. Ensure the EC has entered the activity, “Extender-Domestic Abuse Services” in the Maintain Participant Activity window and “Exempt” status on the [Registration] tab with the Exemption Reason, “Manual Exemption: Domestic Abuse (CalWORKs Time Limit Waiver).”

Note: Unassigned cases will be assigned an EC via the Scheduling and Compliance Unit. See/call the Scheduling Unit’s OD for assistance.

Designated Employment Services Staff

The DA Exemption is applied differently in CalSAWS than all other exemptions. In order to apply the DA Exemption and Extender the following action must be taken in CalSAWS to “Untick” the CalWORKs 60-month time clock:

A. The EC:

  • Determines if a referral to Assessment for an individualized vocational case assessment is needed, upon receipt of the SCD 1554.

If the client....


Has an existing WTW plan and due to the participation in DA services/issues the client’s employment goals change and the plan needs to be modified,

Note: Do not complete a referral to assessment if the DA services have no impact on the client’s employment goal or when adding hours to the activity(ies). Refer to Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan - Modification of a Plan.

Completes a referral for an individualized assessment.

Does not have an existing WTW plan and wants to participate in CWES activities beyond the DA services,

Reminder: An individual with an integrated DV/WTW Plan is not eligible for a TOA Exemption.

Informs the SW/DV Advocate to re-assess client.

Note: (1) There is no need for an individualized assessment, if the client does not have an existing WTW plan, and all they need is supportive services. The DA service plan is developed by the CalWORKs SW/DV Advocate.
‎(2) The client may be referred to orientation and the SCD 1554 may not be in the case file. A copy of the SCD 1554 is given to the client to bring to orientation and a copy is forwarded to the Orientation Unit Supervisor.

To apply the “Exemption...”

  • Ensures the client is in Registered status on the [Registration] tab of the Maintain Employment Services Participation window, and
  • Assigns and schedules the “Domestic Abuse SV” activity on the Maintain Participant Activity window in CalSAWS. The Planned Start Date and Planned End Date will be based on the dates on the SCD 1554,
  • Updates the activity status to First Day Attendance,
  • Creates a Task request to inform EW to run EDBC online or overnight batch and to authorize the case.

To apply the TOA “Extender” for Timed-Out Individuals...

  • End dates the Registered status and adds Exempt status and selects Reason, Manual Exemption: Domestic Abuse (CalWORKs 60-month time limit waiver) from the drop-down menu.
  • Assigns and schedules “Extender-Domestic Abuse Service” activity on the Maintain Participant Activity window in CalSAWS. The Planned Start Date and Planned End Date will be based on the dates on the SCD 1554,
  • Creates a Task request to inform the EW that the entries have been entered in the ES Subsystem and that EDBC must be run (online or overnight in Batch) for the months in which the extender is applicable and to set the Discrepancy switch to “Y” for each applicable month, in order to extend the CalWORKs 60 month time clock for timed-out individual.

Reminder: Do not add the activity “Domestic Abuse SV” or “Integrated DV-WTW Service” for timed-out individuals.

B. The Orientation Supervisor:

  • Follows up on the SCD 1554 for clients who do not have an assigned EC and who have not attended an orientation and determines if they attended the orientation.
  • Returns the SCD 1554 to the SW/DV Advocate if the client does not make it to the orientation within 30 days from the date of the SCD 1554.

C. The AC:

  • Conducts the individualized vocational case assessment, if needed.
  • If needed, develops or revises the WTW plan with input from the CalWORKs SW/DV Advocate and the client. The SCD 1555 is provided by the SW/DV Advocate to assist in the WTW plan development.

D. The EC:

  • Sets up necessary supportive services.
  • The SCD 1554 will have the information needed to complete a WTW 2 and set up supportive services to support attendance in the DA services/activities.
  • The SW/DV Advocate who completed the SCD 1554 may be contacted if additional information is needed to set up supportive services.
  • Reviews the client’s situation for other possible exemptions or Good Cause if the DA exemption/waiver is denied by the CalWORKs SW/DV Advocate.
  • If no other exemption (besides DA) applies, the client is a mandatory registrant. Contact the SW/DV Advocate when any additional information is needed to clarify the client’s situation.
  • Keeps the CWES case for as long as the client remains exempt from work requirements due to DA related issues.
  • Contacts the CalWORKs SW/DV Advocate to discuss the client’s situation when a client exempt from work requirements due to DA does not attend the assessment appointment, or meets any other CWES requirements.

Note: The DA TOA exemption is not shortened or removed when the client fails to attend the orientation/assessment appointment. The referring SW/DV Advocate will continue to work with the client to help remove the barriers to employment and self-sufficiency.

  • Verifies attendance in the DA related activities, in order to pay child care or other supportive services needed to attend the DA related services/activities.

Note: The “Attendance and Child Care Billing” (SCD 1755) in conjunction with the “CalWORKs Referral Results” (SCD 29) or other acceptable documentation may be used to verify attendance in any DA related services/activities.

Note: When the client chooses to incorporate other DV services into the Family Services (FS) Plan, the SCD 29 is forwarded to the FS EC Specialist. Refer to Family Services (FS) Program for additional information.

When a client is only participating in the DA services/activities and CalSAWS indicates the client is under a DA exemption, the CWES case MUST remain with the EC. Do not send DA exempt cases to closed files.

Related Topics

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Program Overview

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Definitions

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Informing Requirements

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Requesting Domestic Violence (DV) Services

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Confidentiality

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Safe At Home

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Mandated Reporting

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Supporting Documentation

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Individual Service Plan and Case Assessment

Domestic Abuse (DA) - “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Participation Status” (SCD 1554)

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Exemption/Extender

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Waiver Time Frames

Domestic Abuse (DA) - CalWORKs Employment Services (CWES) “Good Cause”

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Orientation and Support Services