Domestic Abuse (DA) - Confidentiality

All clients must be given the opportunity to confidentially disclose DA. A client’s confidentiality must be protected at all times. With the exception of mandated reporting requirements, DA information is NOT to be shared with any outside party, other governmental agency, resource and referral program or to any employee of the agency who is not directly involved in the client’s case, unless a written release of information has been signed or the information is required to be disclosed by law.

Once the client gives consent, the only information exchanged will be on a “need to know” basis. The only information shared is that which the other agency needs in order to work effectively for, and with, the client.

Note: A referral to the CalWORKs SW is processed through the Client Referral subsystem of CalSAWS. The EC must document that the “client gave verbal consent for this referral” on the [Referral Notes] tab in the Manage Referral Detail window.

“Authorization For Release of Information” (SCD 1029)

The “Authorization For Release of Information” (SCD 1029) may be used as a release to obtain information to assist the client in identifying and removing barriers to employment and self-sufficiency.

“Permission to Release Domestic Abuse Information When Moving to Another County” (WTW 37)

The WTW 37 must be provided to recipients who have been identified as victims of DA at the time they are identified and at their annual redeterminations. The recipient must be informed that if they move to a new county and have not signed the WTW 37 form, any information regarding their DA situation cannot be transferred to the receiving county unless they sign a new WTW 37 form in the receiving county.

Sensitive Information Indicator

With CalSAWS Release 45, the DA indicator has been associated to the Sensitive Information indicator type. When the indicator is entered, a red color indicator will display in window headers to readily identify the case.

Related Topics

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Program Overview

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Definitions

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Informing Requirements

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Requesting Domestic Violence (DV) Services

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Safe At Home

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Mandated Reporting

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Supporting Documentation

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Referral Process

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Individual Service Plan and Case Assessment

Domestic Abuse (DA) - “CalWORKs Domestic Abuse Participation Status” (SCD 1554)

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Exemption/Extender

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Waiver Time Frames

Domestic Abuse (DA) - CalWORKs Employment Services (CWES) “Good Cause”

Domestic Abuse (DA) - Orientation and Support Services