Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)

Clients receiving CalFresh and/or cash benefits receive their benefits via an EBT card, which works in the same manner as a debit card. Clients use a magnetic strip card, similar to a commercial ATM card, to access their CalFresh benefits to purchase food at authorized grocery stores or to access their cash benefits at participating retail or ATM locations.  For additional general information on EBT, please refer to Common Place Handbook, Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Cards in Chapter 16

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Issuance

EBT Card Issuance

EBT cards are initiated by the EW in CalSAWS. The designated clerk will use CalSAWS to print the EBT card. The following steps are taken to issue EBT cards:

  • Receives a signed SCD 2201 with a screen print of the Maintain Card Request window from the EW.
  • Follows the CalSAWS step by step process, as per district office procedures, to complete the EBT Card Issuance process.

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) On-Line Request (SCD 2201)

The “Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) On-Line Request” (SCD 2201) is to be used by the EW to request the DEBS office designated clerk to perform the following on-line transactions through CalSAWS, the EBT Administrative Terminal or the PIN machine, as appropriate:

  • Deactivate an EBT card
  • Emboss/Print an EBT card
  • Change Issuance Method
  • Activate Dormant Account
  • Repay Benefits from EBT account 
  • Select/Change/Unlock PIN
  • Add Emergency cash/CalFresh Benefits (Requires EW Supervisor’s signature).

This form is also used by clerical staff to indicate that an immediate need EBT card has been issued and to status (deactivate) a card that is returned to the County. The client is required to sign the form, as proof, he/she received his/her EBT card and/or changed the PIN.

PIN Issuance

  • Each client has his/her own PIN to access benefits. 
  • Clients must always be advised NOT to write their PIN on their EBT card and NOT to share it with anyone. 
  • Clients receiving an EBT card for the first time must select a PIN. 
  • Clients that have forgotten their PIN may request a new PIN at any district office as long as they have proper ID. 
  • An EW may submit an SCD 2201 if a client requests a PIN change or a client may complete an SCD 2202 and submit it directly to clerical staff to request a PIN change (this does not require EW involvement). Either form used requires the client’s signature. If a client does not have ID, the client must be identified as per district office procedures. 
  • If a DEBS office cannot change the PIN, the client must be advised to call the ARU to request the PIN change. The client must have a SSN to use the ARU. 

Note: Designated Account Cardholders can’t change PINs.

PIN Reset 

After 4 consecutive invalid PIN entries by the cardholder, the system will “lock” the PIN, which will deactivate the card until midnight of that same day. When this occurs the client will not have access to his/her benefits during that time. A client may request a PIN Reset with his/her EW. 

  • The EW will complete the SCD 2201 and submit it to the designated clerk.
  • The designated clerk will use the CAPS machine to unlock/reset the PIN. 
  • The designated district office clerk will verify the identification of the client and obtain their signature on the SCD 2201. 
  • The client must be informed that he/she cannot use his/her new PIN for two hours.

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Replacement

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Request (SCD 2202)

The “Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Request” (SCD 2202) is completed by the client when the sole request is for clerical staff to change the PIN and/or replace an EBT card. 

Whenever a client comes into the DEBS office and requests a PIN change and/or card replacement, there is no need to involve the EW. Clerical staff must provide the client with an SCD 2202 and either change the PIN and/or replace the card. The client MUST sign and date the form, and be identified, as per fiscal procedures. When the request is completed, the original form is to be retained for clerical records and a copy is to be scanned into the Imaging system.

If the client does not have proper ID, the CST must have the Information Supervisor or designated person complete the client ID form. Once the EBT card is processed, the information must be entered into the EBT Log Book before providing the card to the client.

EBT Card Replacement Request via Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System

A client may request an EBT card replacement through Santa Clara's Contact Center via the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System. The client will be asked a series of questions and the system will determine if a client's request for the EBT Card Replacement through IVR can be completed. These are the possible outcomes:

  1. The client is successfully authenticated, the EBT card is mailed, and an automated journal is created.
  2. The client is successfully authenticated, the EBT card is available for pick-up at district office, and automated journal is created.
  3. EBT card replacement is not completed because the client unsuccessfully authenticated or has requested an EBT card replacement within the last 90 days, then:  
    1. The client will be transferred to an agent for assistance, or 
    2. The client may come to the district office for assistance.
  4. The client is authenticated, but the request is unsuccessful and is exceptioned out. 

EBT Exception Report Processing

When an EBT card replacement request through the IVR is exceptioned out, an EBT Exception Report will be sent to the OMC's or office contacts to review and assign to designated clerical staff to process. Please refer to Chewable Byte CB 2024-93: EBT Card Replacement Request via the Contact Center's Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System.

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) In-Person Personal Identification Number (PIN) Change Requests

Cardholders can change the PIN on their EBT card by calling the phone number on the back of the card to reach the Automated Response Unit (ARU) through the online ebtEDGE cardholder portal or mobile application or in person at the county office.

PIN Change Requests Within County of Benefit Issuance

In-person PIN changes may be conducted at county offices within the county of benefit issuance. The county must verify the identity of the individual asking to change the PIN on the EBT card. The county must also check the PIN change receipt to make sure the last 4 digits of the card number match the physical card number.  The cardholder is the only person authorized to change the PIN on their own EBT card.

Important: The identity information and the physical EBT card presented by the individual must match the case information in CalSAWS prior to any PIN change.

The county offices must use the following criteria to verify the cardholder's identity:

  1. A Photo ID (e.g., a driver's license, State identification card, Permanent Residence card, Passport, Military card); or if the individual does not present a photo ID,
  2. At a minimum, verify two points of personal identifying information from the case:  
    1. Name any other persons and their relationship on the case
    2. Date of birth 
    3. Last four digits of their social security number
    4. Address on the case

After proper identity verification, as indicated above, and all client information matches, the worker must issue the client a new EBT card. The client must select a new PIN on the replacement card issued. The old card must be destroyed based on the county business process. 

When an individual presents a card where the last four digits of the physical EBT card do not match the last four digits of the card on the terminal receipt, or if the office has a card reader and runs the card and the card details embedded in the magnetic stripe do not match the information on the physical card, it is recommended that the worker take possession of the physical EBT card. However, there is no requirement to retain the physical EBT card if the worker has safety concerns.

The worker should journal the transaction and include the case number, EBT card number, cardholder’s name, and date and time of the transaction. These cases and any suspicious or fraudulent activity must be escalated to your supervisor or manager for referral to the Special Investigations Unit (SIU). If the EBT card involved has been retained, it should be turned over to the SIU as part of the investigation. 

Cross-County Card Printing EBT Cards

EBT cards can be printed in another county. When a county owes EBT benefits to a former resident, the county may apply those benefits to the recipient’s account number in the former county and print an EBT card in the new county of residence using cross-county card printing. Prior to initiating cross-county card printing, it is essential to contact the identified county employee at the target county.

The EBT vendor, FIS, maintains the list of county-authorized users and contact information on WebADMIN. 

  1. Step 1: EW
    1. Another county contacts our county because a client is requesting an EBT card.
  2. Step 2: EW
    1. Obtains the following information from the other county: 
      1. Contact name (person to contact after card is printed).
      2. Contact number (number to call after card is printed).
      3. Fax number (to fax SCD2201 EBT on-line request form).
      4. Printer ID (to print EBT card to).
  3. Step 3: EW
    1. Faxes the SCD2201 and asks other county to have the client complete the form and fax back SCD2201 and a copy of the client ID.
  4. Step 4: EW
    1. Receives the fax from the other county and gives SCD2201, EBT request form, copy of client ID and information obtained in step 2 to CST staff.
  5. Step 5: CST
    1. Obtains SCD2201 EBT request form and above information.
    2. Checks client signature and compares with IDM and SCD2201.
    3. If signature is in question, contacts the client by phone and asks the client “Are you requesting an EBT card?” If yes, then asks several questions regarding their case.
    4. If able to ID client, print EBT card to other county printer ID.
    5. Calls the contact person in other county to confirm that card has been printed.

EBT Repayments

If a client has received an incorrect amount of Cash and/or CalFresh benefits that are already deposited into his/her EBT account, the client has the option of repaying the benefits with their EBT account. 

  • A CalFresh benefit overissuance CANNOT be repaid with Cash benefits.
  • A Cash benefit overpayment CANNOT be repaid with CalFresh benefits. 

The following procedure must be followed when a client wishes to repay an overissuance electronically:

  1. Client
    1. Requests to repay an overissuance/overpayment electronically.
  2. Clerical Staff
    1. Clerical staff create a Task and assign to assigned EW.
  3. EW
    1. The EW MUST:
      1. Verify that the benefits have been deposited to the client’s EBT account, and the current balance is sufficient to cover the repayment.
      2. Print a copy of the Repayment Agreement in CalSAWS for CalFresh overissuances, or
      3. Provide the client an “EBT Repayment Authorization Form” (SCD 2322) for cash aid overpayments and/or CalFresh overissuances.
      4. Have the client sign and date the repayment agreement.
      5. Select “Record Repayment Agreement” from Benefit Recovery in CalSAWS, and enter the claim number. From the drop down menu in the Record Repayment Agreement window, select the following entries:
        1. Individual/Provider Name: Client’s Name
        2. Date Agreement Received: Date received by SSA
        3. Recovery Type: Lump Sum Repayment
        4. Status: Signed
        5. Repayment Begin Date: Date of Repayment Transaction
        6. Amount: For cash repayments, enter the repayment amount here
        7. Coupon Amount: For CalFresh repayments, enter the repayment amount here
        8. Click the SAVE icon.
      6. Complete an “Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) On-Line Request” (SCD 2201), indicating a repayment request.
      7. Submit the signed repayment agreement and SCD 2201 form to the district office fiscal clerk.
      8. Refer to CalSAWS Help for step-by-step instructions.
  4. DOFC
    1. Receives the SCD 2201.
    2. Selects the claim that needs to be repaid from the Display Claim Summary by Case window in CalWIN and clicks the [Record Repayment] button.
    3. Makes the following entries in the Record Repayment Detail window.
      1. Repayment Type: Repayment
      2. Repayment Method: EBT for Cash or EBT for CalFresh, as applicable
      3. Amount: Repayment amount.
      4. Balance Detail Group Box: The appropriate claim.
      5. Allocated Details Group Box: Enter the Repayment Amount in the Allocated Amt. field.
      6. Click the SAVE icon. A message will appear which states “An amount of repayment would be withdrawn from EBT Account (for CalFresh or Cash, as applicable) Do you want to continue?” Click the “Yes” button on the message.
    4. Sends a screen print of the EBT Display Claim Summary by Case and Inquire on History Data windows to the EW as notification of the completion of the request.
    5. Faxes a copy of the SCD 2201 and Repayment Agreement to the Benefit Issuance Unit @ 333 W. Julian.
    6. Has the signed Repayment Agreement and SCD 2201 scanned into the Imaging system.
    7. Refer to CalSAWS Help for step by step instructions.
  5. EW
    1. Reviews the amount in the Display Claim Summary by Case and Inquire on History Data from EBT windows to ensure the balances are correct. 
    2. Documents the action taken in the Maintain Case Comments window.

Note: If a client wishes to repay with cash or money order, refer them to Accounts Receivable at 333 W Julian Street. 

EBT Printer Ribbons

Used EBT printer ribbons are considered PII. Therefore, printer ribbons must be kept in the safe after they are removed from the EBT printer and hand delivered to the BI unit at 333 W. Julian Street, 2nd Floor. 

Replacement EBT printer ribbons can be picked up from the BI unit when necessary.

Automated Response Unit (ARU)

Fidelity Information Services (FIS) customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week; however, most of the clients’ requests can be completed through the ARU. The ARU is an automated phone service that accepts data from touch-tone telephones and responds with synthesized voice commands. The phone number is located on the back of the EBT Card (1-877-328-9677). Some of the services provided by the ARU include Balance Inquires, Account history, PIN replacement and Card replacements. 

Administrative Terminal (webADMIN)

An administrative terminal is an EBT administrative application called webADMIN. WebADMIN is installed into designated staff’s personal computers (PCs). This allows them access to the EBT system. 

The EBT system interfaces with CalSAWS, which means that certain information is sent back and forth between the two systems. Information regarding benefits and cards generated online through CalSAWS is sent immediately to the EBT system. Information regarding benefits and cards issued is processed via the batch process in CalSAWS and sent to the EBT system through the nightly batch interface process.

Currently, clerical staff has updating capabilities; eligibility staff has inquiry only access to the EBT system.

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Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)

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