Identifying Common Cases
The majority of the DFCS/CWES common cases will be identified by the ER clerks at DFCS as part of the ID process; however, a common DFCS/CWES case can be identified by the DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison, CWES staff, SWs, or by a data match processed by TSSIS.
Note: Once a common DFCS/CWES case is identified, the Partnership EC or DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison may enter their documentation under CalWORKs Common Case Type in the Maintain Case Comments window in CalWIN.
Co-Located DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison
The DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison may receive notification or inquiries from various sources:
- Court staff,
- DFCS clients,
- DFCS staff,
The DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison takes the following actions when these inquiries, notifications are received:
- Researches CalWIN for CWES status;
- Sends email to Common Case Partnership EC Supervisor for possible assignment to the Partnership EC.
Identifying Common Cases Through CalWIN and CWS/CMS Data Match
A data match involves data analysts from CalWORKs and CWS conducting an automated cross reference of CalWORKs active participants with remaining time on aid and open FM and FR cases in CWS-CMS.
Below are procedures when common cases are identified through the IS data match:
- The DEBS Data Analyst sends listing of CalWORKs clients to DFCS Data Analyst. This list includes ful name, DOB, and SSN.
- The DFCS Data Analyst:
- Performs a data match of DFCS clients, following below process:
- Extracts the SSN from the active CalWORKs list.
- Updates the SSNs in the Business Objects query.
- Runs the Business Object query/report with the new SSNs.
- Provides the Social Services Analyst results of the data match.
- Then, results of the data match are sent to DFCS Partnership Social Services Analyst.
- The DFCS Partnership Social Services Analyst/DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison Coordinator:
- Reviews the matching results
- Reviews CWS case status of those matched
- Reconfirm CalWORKs status of clients and the benefits status of potential common cases.
- Informs the DFCS Social Worker and DFCS Supervisor of
- Potential common cases,
- Sanctioned clients,
- Clients with pending application, and
- Clients with no benefits
- List of closed common cases
- Alerts the Partnership EC Supervisor of potential common cases and requests for cases to be assigned to Partnership EC as appropriate.
Identifying Common Cases - CWES
If a case is identified and verified as a common case before or during the CWES orientation, the client is to complete the CWES orientation presentation and interview prior to transferring the case to the Partnership EC. The client will be informed that the Partnership EC will contact him/her to complete the appraisal. The Engagement EC will coordinate with Partnership EC Supervisor to transfer the case.
If a case is identified and verified as a common case after orientation/appraisal, the assigned case management EC and Unit Supervisor will coordinate with the Partnership EC Supervisor to transfer the case to the CWES Control Clerk for case assignment to the Partnership EC.
- The Continuing CM EC:
- Identifies potential DFCS/CalWORKs common case.
- Refers the case to the Unit Supervisor for review
- The Unit Supervisor:
- Reviews the case for Common Case criteria.
- Sends an email to CommonCase@ssa.sccgov.org to verify Common Case.
- The DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison:
- Monitors Common Case Mailbox.
- Confirms whether DFCS is an open case.
Note: When the DFCS case is sensitive, SW Analyst will confirm.
If... |
Then... |
The case meets the common case criteria, |
Responds to email from assigned CM EC and Partnership EC Supervisor advising the case has been identified as a common case. |
The case does not meet Common Case criteria, |
Responds to email from the assigned CM EC to inform them the case is not a common case. |
- The Partnership EC Supervisor receives email from the DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison and confirms that the case meets Common Case Criteria. Refer to “Identifying Common Cases - CWES,” page 20-7.
If... |
Then... |
The case meets the Common Case Criteria, |
Respond to email requesting the assigned CM EC and Unit Supervisor to prepare and transfer the case to the Partnership EC. Includes the SW Analyst and DFCS/CW EW Liaison. |
The case does not meet Common Case Criteria, |
Sends an email to the assigned CM EC and the Unit Supervisor to inform them the case does not meet the Common Case criteria. |
If... |
Then... |
The case is a common case, |
Prepares the case for transfer to Partnership EC. |
The case is not a common case, |
Retains the case and follows business as usual. |
- The CWES Control Clerk receives common case and assigns it to the Partnership EC.
Note: Banked caseload cases directly assigned by Partnership EC Supervisor.
- The Partnership EC:
- Receives case assignment.
- Conducts case planning meeting with assigned SW
- Revises WTW 2 to incorporate DFCS activities.
- Manages case.
- Transfers the case to the appropriate CWES office for case management when DFCS services end and the CWES case remains active. Refer to CWES HB Chapter 44, Section 44.1 "Case Transfers Between CWES Offices,” page-2.
- Closes the case when DFCS services end; and the CWES case is no longer active. Refer to CWES HB Chapter 44, Section 44.4 "Transfers of Closed Case,” page-5.
Note: Partnership ECs may also participate in Induction Trainings and presentations for SSA staff.
Sanction Outreach
Sanction Outreach cases are determined from a data match between child welfare common cases and current Employment Services sanctioned clients. Once identified, the Partnership EC Supervisor will share the listing with the Partnership EC Lead to outreach to this population. Potential common case will follow CWES sanction lift business process.
Sanction Outreach Procedures
- The DFCS Partnership Social Services Analyst:
- Identifies Outreach case.
- Sends listing to Partnership EC Supervisor for outreach.
- The Partnership EC Supervisor forwards listing to Partnership EC Lead for outreach.
- The Partnership EC Lead:
- Reviews CalWIN for CalWORKs information
- Outreach using message media text and/or email including ORE email to provide to client.
- Potential common case will follow CWES sanction lift business process.
Related Topics
Family Reunification Services Only (AB 429)
DFCS/DEBS Common Cases Overview