DFCS/DEBS Common Cases Overview

Some parents receiving VFM or VFR, IS, Court-ordered FM, or FR services may be eligible to receive CWES to support activities in their child welfare plan. The DEBS in partnership with the DFCS collaborate to coordinate the child welfare services case plan with the WTW plan for “common cases” (i.e., families served by both DEBS and DFCS staff). This requires coordination and cooperation among staff from Benefits, CWES, and DFCS to increase the clients’ chances for success. This responsibility is assigned to one of the Partnership ECs, the DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison, and the DFCS SWs.

The Partnership

Parents who receive voluntary or court-ordered family maintenance or family reunification services may be eligible to receive CWES supportive services to support FM or FR activities. The CWES EC and the DFCS SW form a partnership to collaborate and coordinate the child welfare services case plan with the WTW plan for common cases. We refer to this collaboration as the Partnership.


In accordance with W&I Section 10850 all client data, correspondence, soft or hard copies of documents, records files, communications is confidential and must be treated with utmost consideration in viewing and disposing of such documents. Client information necessary to determine or re-assess eligibility in public social service programs may be shared between departments within the SSA. Client information includes any client data, correspondence, communications, documents, and case file records in any form required to determine eligibility. Each department will treat the shared client information as confidential.

ExampleExample  Child was removed from the client’s home. The Partnership EC, DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison, and/or DFCS social worker may inform the DEBS EW of this fact and disclose only the client information necessary to determine or re-assess eligibility for public social service programs.  

Reminder: Access and disclosure of client information not necessary to determine eligibility for public social services programs is prohibited unless otherwise permitted by law.

Refer to DEBS Common Business Processes (DCBP) and to Chapter 8, Section 8.2 "Confidential Information,” page-1.

Common Case Criteria

Generally, a Common Case is defined as a case for a family served by both DFCS and CWES that meet the following criteria:

  • The family is receiving voluntary or court-ordered family maintenance or family reunification services;
  • The family has a CalWORKs case open;
  • Is currently participating or chooses to participate in CWES;
  • Has remaining time on aid.

Note: Do not transfer the case to the Partnership EC when the client is (a) in an Exempt status, (b) PAS case status, or (c) the DFCS case will be closed within 30 days.

Referrals to the Partnership

Common DFCS/CWES clients are referred to the Partnership by:

  • ER clerical
  • DFCS SWs
  • DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison
  • CWES staff
  • Results from a data match
  • EW

Referrals to DEBS Intake Office

Whenever a referral is made to the DFCS and a client becomes known to the system, the SW will ask the client a few basic economic questions. If the client appears to be potentially eligible, a referral form titled, “CalWORKs/DFCS Intake Referral” (SCZ 1812) will be completed and the client will be sent to the nearest DEBS district office to apply for benefits. Applications referred with an SCZ 1812 must be processed as a high priority assignment within three to five working days.

If the individual is not receiving cash aid, CalFresh, or Medi-Cal benefits the following guidelines are followed:

  • The DFCS SW explores the client’s interest in applying for benefits.
  • If the client is interested in applying for cash aid benefits or other programs, the DFCS SW completes the SCZ 1812, identifies the nearest DEBS Intake Office and provides the SCZ 1812 to the client or refers the client to the DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison for an eligibility screening.
  • DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison assists client completing the application via DocuSign and sends the signed application to AAC EWS Linkages Liaison to app-reg the case.
  • At the time of referral, the client’s benefits case may be open, pending, closed, or not known to the system.
  • These clients must be given priority assignment and scheduled a Face-to Face/Phone interview to determine eligibility within three (3) to five (5) working days when they apply for benefits such as CalWORKs, General Assistance, Food Stamps, and/or Medi-Cal. Timely processing of these applications may prevent a family from entering CWS or assist families towards timely reunification.

Note: When there is a CalWIN case open under any program and a referral is initiated, a comment will be written: “Priority case - Receiving DFCS services.” in the Maintain Case Comments window in CalWIN.

  • When determining eligibility, the EW completes the “Client has been determined eligible for” section of the SCZ 1812 and emails the form to the CalWORKs Liaison at DFCS-CalWORKs.Liaison@ssa.sccgov.org.


When the client arrives/email to the DEBS Intake Office with the SCZ 1812, the application for benefits, whether it be CalWORKs, GA, CalFresh, or Medi-Cal, must be treated as urgent and assigned as a priority within 3–5 working days.

CCS Intake Offices are to follow procedures as written in CCS Intake Business Processes, DCBP Handbook; refer to Chapter 26, Section 26.4 "Triage Business Process,” page-10 with the following variations for common cases.

  1. The Client walks into the lobby.
  2. The Greeter:
    1. Greets the client.
    2. Follows procedures as written in DCBP 26.4.1 Triage Business Process.
  3. The Client takes a service ticket and has a seat in the lobby.
  4. The Application Support follows procedures as written in DCBP 26.4.1 Step 4.
  5. The Client:
    1. Approaches display window when TMT service ticket is announced.
    2. Provides TMT service ticket and the SCZ 1812 to Application Support staff person.
  6. The Application Support:
    1. Confirms and takes the service ticket and SCZ 1812 from the applicant.
    2. Performs file clearance.
    3. Follows Step 6 “If....Then...” table of DCBP 26.4.1.
    4. Since client is identified as a Common Case:
      1. Writes the service ticket number on the right corner of the SCD 41 and case number, if applicable.
      2. Attaches SCZ 1812 to the SCD 41, SAWS 1, and Notice of Language Services (GEN 1365) and gives to the client.
      3. Instructs the client to have a seat.
      4. Enters “Common Case Priority Assignment” in the remarks section of the TMT service ticket.
      5. Follows the remainder of the items in Step 6.
  7. The Client completes the application packet and returns it to the designated window.
  8. The Application Support:
    1. Skips Step 8 and goes to Step 1 of “Immediate Need (IN) Eligible” for all Common Cases.
    2. Gives the client the DFA or SAWS series application packet, as appropriate.
    3. Schedules the client for the next available IN appointment (within one working day) as per office schedule.
    4. App Reg’s the application. 
    5. Enters “Priority case - Receiving DFCS Services” in Maintain Case Comments window in CalWIN.
  9. The Client returns on the date/time of their scheduled appointment.
  10. The IN/ES EW:
    1. Performs the F2F interview, determines (approves or denies) appropriate eligibility and dispositions of all benefits the client applied for.
    2. Completes the “Client has been determined eligible for” section of the SCZ 1812 and emails to the DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison at DFCS-CalWORKs.Liaison@ssa.sccgov.org.

Requests for Special Case Review

There are instances in which the DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison or the Partnership EC has a need to contact the EW either in Intake or Continuing to resolve issues on behalf of the client who also receives DFCS services. Direct contact with the EW will be made by the DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison or the Partnership EC via phone call and/or email.

Examples of items for discussion may include but are not limited to:

  • Review of cash assistance denial
  • Reasons for discontinuance
  • Sanction or penalty
  • Semi-Annual Reporting (SAR 7) related issues
  • Request to terminate FC
  • ICT issues
  • Household composition (new baby, 2P in home) related issues
  • Other issues

Related Topics

Coordinating Case Plan

Identifying Common Cases

Integrated Common Case Plan