Coordinating Case Plan

The following are procedures to follow after a case has been identified and assigned to the Partnership EC as a DFCS/CalWORKs common case.

  1. The Partnership EC:
    1. Conducts one-on-one CWES Orientation, if necessary
    2. Conducts on-site interviews at different district offices, shelters, public places.
  2. Partnership EC, DFCS SW and client, if possible, must coordinate to develop a common case plan.

If the child is...

Ideally, collaboration must be held...

Not in protective custody,

Within 5 working days.

In protective custody,

Before the case is to be presented in court which is usually between 18 to 25 days.

The meeting will include:

  • Identifying the clients strengths, barriers, needs and concerns and make appropriate referrals.
  • Review and identify the client’s CWES activities and hours within the plan to be integrated with DFCS.
  • Review and identify the client’s DFCS plan (may be under development or already set) activities and hours within the plan to be integrated with CWES.
  • Review expectations and verify the client’s requirements.
  • Have the client sign an SCD/SCZ 1811 and a WTW 2 and forwards a copy to IDM for scanning.
  • Identify and approve supportive services to support the plan.
  • Plan the next steps with the client at completion of their CW DFCS Integrated Plan or end of Common Case status.
  1. Partnership EC provides assistance and case management services for the client including working with DFCS SW to:
    1. Monitor the client’s DFCS/CalWORKs plans for progress and compliance
    2. Communicate client issues and barriers
    3. Make adjustments as needed
    4. Coordinate supportive services and authorize ancillary expense payments.
    5. Attend DFCS CFT and FUP as needed (mandatory DFCS clients)

In coordination with the DFCS SW, identifies clients who may benefit from FSP and DFCS BFH:



Case is FSP

  • Coordinate triage and initiates referral to FSP when requested
  • Follows-up with the FS EC Specialist as necessary for participation outcomes.
  • Invites SW to FSP case conference Refer to “Family Services Program,” page 11-1 for detail information on FSP.

Case is DFCS BFH

  • Initiates Referral to BFH as needed
  • Follows-up with the BFH Service Contractor on outcome
  • Attends BFH Team Meeting to coordinate case plan and services
  1. DFCS SW sends an email to assigned partnership EC Supervisor.
    1. DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison and/or SW Analyst sends an email to when the DFCS case is closed.
  2. The Partnership EC:



The case is still active with CWES, Submit case transfer to appropriate CM district office.

The case discontinues,

Over income: PAS

Failure to comply with DEBS: closed files

  • Notifies the DFCS SW if the CalWORKs case or CWES case closes.
  • End dates the Special Indicator in CalWIN.

Participation Hours

The time CWES client spends participating in a DFCS activity is counted towards his/her CWES participation hours. DFCS activities include, but are not limited to, AA meetings, counseling, parenting classes, visitations, court appearances, domestic violence service, and drug treatment.

Note: The activity must be listed on the SCD/SCZ 1811 and WTW 2.

The “Activity Tracking” form (SCD/SCZ 1811 A) is used to track client’s DFCS activities. Progress in a DFCS activity is based on attendance and participation as defined by the service provider.

Related Topics

Family Reunification Services Only (AB 429)

Identifying Common Cases

Integrated Common Case Plan