Integrated Common Case Plan
The court mandated or voluntary DFCS plan is integrated into the client’s WTW plan. In CalWIN, the activity DFCS, is used for SW Home visits/contact, Court, doctor visits (if listed on case plan), parenting class, CFT, child visitations, and all other case plan activities. MHS, Substance Abuse Services, and Domestic Abuse SVs are individually recorded.
The Partnership EC must evaluate the DFCS court plan, review the case with the SW and meet with the client to initiate the integration of the court mandated activities to the WTW plan. During the meeting the Partnership EC must review with the client:
- CWES participation requirements (hours of participation, satisfactory progress),
- Time-limits (60-month TOA Clock),
- Exemptions from CWES,
- Good cause,
- Advantages of integrating the DFCS court plan into the WTW plan, and
- Supportive services.
The Partnership EC makes a referral to assessment/re-assessment, as appropriate. A referral to assessment is not necessary for clients whose approved activity is SIP or if the client is FT employed.
Reminder: Domestic abuse, drug, alcohol, and/or mental health issues should be explored using established procedures. Refer to CalWORKs Handbook Chapter 42 (Domestic Abuse). For more information on Drug, Alcohol, and/or Mental Health, refer to CWES Handbook, “Health Alliance,” page 41-1.
The client must comply with DFCS and CWES requirements separately, if plan integration is declined.
Note: Client must agree to CWES plan integration prior to referral to FSP.
CalWORKs 2.0
At the point of contact with Partnership EC, the “My Road Map, Potholes, & Detours” tool (SCD 2503) may be reviewed. Refer to CWES Handbook for additional information.
Supportive Services
Child care, transportation, and ancillary expenses are paid by the Partnership EC, if needed, for any DFCS services that become part of the WTW plan or are included in an integrated FR Plan.
Participation Problem
With the exception of FR (AB 429), clients who cease to participate, and/or refuse to attend the required number of hours are considered to have a participation problem. A case conference which includes the Partnership EC, DFCS SW, and the client must be scheduled to determine the cause of non-participation. When there the client is receiving FS, the FS EC Specialist shall also be part of the case conference. If the client fails to show to the case conference appointment, the Partnership EC must initiate the non-compliance process.
Note: FR (AB 429) clients are not subject to the non-compliance or sanction process. Please refer to CWES Noncooperation.
The Partnership EC and SW must keep each other informed of any participation problems. In order to prevent a sanction, the Partnership EC may accompany the DFCS SW on the home visits on a case-by-case basis.
Reminder: Because DFCS/CalWORKs common clients have many barriers, multiple measures to avoid a client sanction will be used including phone calls, message media (text), emails, home visits and sending certified letters. A client must not be sanctioned if the reason for non-compliance is related to a DFCS activity.
Upon issuance of the NA 840 or NA 845, the Partnership EC Supervisor informs the SW Analyst and DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison.
Good Cause
The client is considered to have good cause if a DFCS court case plan has not been issued and required court appearances/legal issues prevent the client from participating in a CWES activity. The client must provide documentation of any court appearances. Other good cause reasons may include, but are not limited to, lack of necessary supportive services, homelessness, and if the client is a victim of domestic abuse.
Related Topics
Family Reunification Services Only (AB 429)
DFCS/DEBS Common Cases Overview