Job Readiness General Overview

Under the TANF federal WPR, categories of WTW activities that includes Job Search and Job Readiness are defined. Hours within these categories are subject to participation limits for federal WPR.

Job search is defined as an activity type in which the participant's principal activity is to seek employment by looking for suitable job openings, making contact with potential employers, applying for vacancies, and interviewing for jobs.

Job Readiness Assistance is an activity type that provides training to learn basic job seeking and interviewing skills, to understand employer expectations, and to learn skills designed to enhance an individual's capacity to move towards self-sufficiency. Job Readiness Assistance also prepares an individual with preparing a resumé, job application, interviewing skills, instructions in the work place expectations, and life skills training. This activity type includes job search.

In Santa Clara County, for federal WPR, Job Readiness includes the following activities:

  • Assessment
  • RRT Job Readiness Assistance (used only by WPR RRT)
  • Supervised Job Search and Part-Time Job Search
  • Orientation and Appraisal
  • Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Domestic Abuse Services

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Job Readiness Participation Requirements

Job Readiness Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Job Readiness Job Search Services

Job Readiness Rapid Response Team (RRT) Assistance

Job Readiness Assessment

Job Readiness Orientation and Appraisal

Job Readiness Domestic Abuse Services