Job Readiness Job Search Services

Job search services are available to all CalWORKs clients who either are mandated to participate or volunteer. The goal and purpose of job search services is to teach the client lifelong skills to prepare and seek employment. CWES staff is responsible to ensure, upon exit and completion of these services, that the client is competent in seeking employment and/or has secured employment.

A client is assigned to job search services (Supervised Job Search or Part-time Job Search) when it is determined:

  • As a result of an Appraisal, client meets the Supervised Job Search referral criteria, or
  • Needs Part-Time Job Search to meet hours of participation while concurrently enrolled in another WTW activity, or
  • Has completed an assigned WTW activity and it has been determined that the next activity will be a form of job search services.

Locations of Job Search Services - Employment Connection Centers (ECCs)

Job search services are provided at facilities referred to as Employment Connection Centers. The centers are located at Central San Jose, Mountain View (North County), and Gilroy (South County).

These facilities are fully staffed and equipped with the tools and technology necessary to assist clients with preparing and seeking employment. ECC staff serve the role of on-site trainers and coaches for clients who are considered to be job ready.

Specialized sessions in CalSAWS for SJS, and PTJS have been created utilizing the activity provider [Location Name] for clients participating in specialized sessions.

Family Services

A specialized session for clients referred by the FS EC Specialist to SJS or PTJS is created by using “Family Stabilization” [Location Name] tab. This is one of several specialized sessions under the [Location] Name tab.

CalWORKs 2.0

At the point of contact at the ECC, the “My Road Map, Potholes & Detours” tool (SCD 2503) is to be reviewed.

Refer to Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs 2.0 for additional information.

Bilingual Job Search Services

Although the local labor market requires that job seekers be able to read, write, and communicate in English, some labor markets hire limited English speaking clients. To assist the limited English speaking client in the job search effort, limited bilingual services are available at the ECC in Vietnamese and in Spanish.

All other clients who speak a language other than English or are limited English speaking and the primary language is other than Vietnamese or Spanish will be referred to the appropriate VESL or ESL service provider concurrent with another WTW activity.

Employer Linkages

The ECC staff establishes job leads for clients who are seeking employment. Job leads are often made by contacting local industries and employers who are recruiting in areas that match the skills and interests of the clients. Job fairs and on-site recruitment efforts or presentations are held at the centers along with subject matter experts from various industries, both public and private.

Scheduled Hours of Participation

A client is scheduled to attend Supervised Job Search or Part Supervised Job Search 20, 30 or 35 hours per week depending on their required number of weekly hours. The initial Job Search activities are scheduled for (8) consecutive weeks with (4) week incremental extenders if needed.

All clients attend an orientation that provides basic information on job search requirements.

Supervised Job Search clients must attend an orientation on Monday or Tuesday in the morning or in the afternoon. Part-Time Job Search Orientation is Monday through Friday.

As needed, a client may attend specialized workshops that focus on job readiness components. The workshops are embedded within job search service.

Employment Connection Application (ECA)

Job Placement and Retention (JPR) EC updates activity “hours of participation” by close of business in ECA (daily).

Refer to Chapter 5, Section 5.5. Clients must participate Job Search Orientation/Job Readiness,” page-10, step 4 for JPR actions.

Job Search Client Flow

Refer to the steps below for job search client flow.

A. The Orientation Job Placement Retention (JPR) EC:

  • Provides orientation for new and returning clients as follows:
    • Weekly sessions are available on Monday and Tuesday in the morning or afternoon for Supervised Job Search; or Monday through Friday for Part-time Job Search.
    • The most recent workshop schedule will be available on the Employment Services shared drive.
  • Reviews:
    • Client rights and responsibilities
    • Expectations
    • Job Search packet, including “Client Emergency Information Card” (SCD 2529), “Job Search Client Agreement” (SCD 2533) and “Employment Connection Program Client Notification of Computer Usage” (SCD 2532)
    • Pre-Job Search Survey
    • Subsidized and unsubsidized job placement opportunities, and
    • website.
  • Gives client a tour of the Employment Connection Center.
  • Facilitates workshops and provides job search assistance.

B. The Clerical staff:

  • Assigns client to JPR EC using Case Assignment tool.
  • Updates ECA.
    • ECA auto-generates notification to CM EC.
  • Enters first day attendance (FSTD) in CalSAWS.

Note: Only clients who show to orientation are assigned.

C. The Orientation JPR EC:

  • Calls “no show” clients after orientation.
  • Schedules “no show” clients for next orientation, if client is available.
  • If client is not available, communicates with CM EC to discuss next steps.
  • All client deactivations MUST be discussed with and approved by a supervisor.
  • Enters case comments in CalSAWS (Type: Employment Connection).

D. The Assigned JPR EC (first day):

  • Reviews the following documentation in IDM prior to meeting with client.
    • OCAT appraisal (Questionnaire and Appraisal Summary Report (ASR).
    • Getting to Know You (SCD 1772).
    • WTW 2.
    • CalSAWS case comments.
  • Meets with client following orientation to review OCAT summary.
  • Develops individualized My Action Plan (SCD 2508) with client.
    • Evaluates and assesses subsidized employment opportunities.
    • Reviews labor market trends for desired job.
    • Reviews work history, education and skills.
    • Designs a job search plan according to client skill level.
    • Selects workshops and registers client for workshops in ECA.
    • Assists with providing job leads.
    • Coaches soft skills.
    • Coaches and assists with on line job techniques.
    • Directs client to complete post-Job Search Survey after workshop series is completed.
    • Updates activity “hours of participation” by close of business in ECA (daily).
    • Enters case comments in CalSAWS (Type: Employment Connection).

E. The JPR EC (ongoing):

  • Meets with client weekly to review previous weeks’ My Action Plan (MAP) and develops current week’s plan.
    • Uploads updated MAP to ECA weekly.
  • Reviews workshops with client to determine interest in other topics and registers client for applicable workshops in ECA.
  • Matches client to job postings in ECA and/or other current openings.
  • Contacts employers and sets up interviews.
  • Follows up with client after unsubsidized employment interviews, and with client and employer after subsidized employment interviews.

Refer to Employment Connection Tier I - Subsidized Employment Overview and Employment Connection Tier II - Paid Work Experience (PWEX) for Tier I and Tier II placements.

  • Client hired in unsubsidized employment:
    • Obtains SCD 549A from employer.
    • Completes WTW 2 signed by the client and CalSAWS and ECA entries. All dates
    • MUST match SCD 549A start date.
    • Pays ancillary, if needed.
    • Enters “First Day Attendance” in CalSAWS when client shows on first day.
    • Sends a copy of WTW 2 and SCD 549A to CM EC, processes Task and places Task# on top of page.
    • Notifies the assigned CM EC to set up support services, if needed.
    • Sends Task and SCD 549A with WTW 2 to IDM.
  • When a participant needs additional time beyond week 8 of job search, the Employment Connection Center (ECC) Employment Counselor (EC) meets with client as follows:
    • Tuesday of week 4 develops new WTW 2 for (4) four additional weeks of job search,
    • Emails case manager EC to review/extend supportive services,
    • Ends the appropriate job search activity in CalSAWS with “completed,”
    • In CalSAWS amends Plan by referring and scheduling new activity for four (4) additional weeks.
    • When client needs additional time beyond the CalSAWS timeline limitations, refer and schedule per CalSAWS functionality.
  • Case conferencing with CM and/or ERS EC at midpoint of client activity is recommended to evaluate progress and course of action.
  • All client deactivations MUST be discussed with and approved by a supervisor.

Reminder: Updates activity “hours of participation” by close of business in ECA (daily).

Length and Content

An orientation is required. Job Readiness essentials workshops are embedded within job search services and may include interviewing skills development, mock interviews and conducting a job search in a wide range of occupations in the local labor market. Other workshops may include but are not limited to:

  • self-esteem,
  • work ethics,
  • skills assessment,
  • resume writing and
  • completing a master application.

The workshops include setting up email and conducting group exercises. In addition to completing the workshops, the client continues to report to the center on a daily basis and begins to work individually with a counselor who assists the client in developing an individualized Job Search Plan. The individualized Job Search Plan consists of tailoring resumes and cover letters for a specific job, providing job leads, helping with interviewing techniques, assisting with online applications and assisting with other tools.

Job Readiness Plan of Action

The Job Readiness Placement Plan-Of-Action (SCD 2508) is completed during job search to assist with employment preparation.

Job Search Referral Criteria

The following serves as a guide when a client has completed an Orientation and Appraisal to determine if the first activity may result in a referral to Supervised Job Search.

Does Client Have a Work History within the last two years?

And is Client’s High School Diploma or GED from the U.S.?

And is Client English or Limited English Speaking?

Then the next Activity could be...

At (location)




Job Search

Vietnamese/English and Spanish/English bilingual services are available at the Central San Jose (Senter Road) ECC. All other limited English speaking clients may be referred on a case-by-case basis.




ESL or ABE/ GED concurrent with Assessment

Adult Education Center

The above criteria apply to a client who is in her 1st trimester of pregnancy.

  • If the client is in her 2nd trimester of pregnancy, she is given the option to participate in Supervised Job Search or referred to another activity.
  • Unless the client is exempt, if the client is in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy, do not refer to Supervised Job Search.
  • CWES staff need to ensure the client participates in an appropriate activity in order to meet required hours of participation.
  • If an appropriate activity is not available, good cause may be granted on a case-by-case basis after case conference with the unit supervisor.

Note: An example of an appropriate activity includes WEX. Granting good cause is the last option if there are 30 days or less prior to due date, there is no medical exemption and the client cannot be placed into an appropriate activity. The worker must document in case comments the reason for granting good cause. And if good cause was granted, refer the case to the Unit Supervisor for [Registration] tab update in CalWIN.

Scheduling Job Search Activity

Once an overview is completed of the activity and it has been determined that the client’s next activity will be Supervised Job Search or Part-Time Job Search, the EC arranges entry into the activity.

Arranging entry into the activity includes, but is not limited to:

  • Selecting and assigning the appropriate session on the CalWIN system
  • Arranging and authorizing support services needed
  • Reviewing and signing of the WTW Plan (WTW 2)
  • Updating the CalSAWS system and documenting in the Maintain Case Comments window in CalSAWS actions taken and forwarding any required documents to IDM for scanning

Note: Referrals to job search must be entered in CalSAWS by 4:00 pm Friday.

Job Services Flyer

The “Job Services Flyer” (SCD 2342) is issued to clients at the point of referral to job search. The flyer provides information regarding the job search services.

First Day Attendance Notification

The ECC Clerical staff updates Supervised Job Search or Part-Time Job Search status in CalSAWS and ECA with first day attendance or no show status, and notifies the assigned EC of the status. Use provider: CWES 1879 Senter Road, CWES NC, or CWES SC).

Monitoring Progress and Attendance

The ECC staff supervises and monitors the daily progress and attendance of the client via “Job Search Activity Log” (SCD 2534). A daily and weekly job search log is maintained per client.

The client is required to submit the “Attendance Verification” (SCD 1755A) with an ECC staff signature (as service provider) and "Child Care Billing” (SCD 1755B) directly to the assigned EC. The EC will process and authorize payments of supportive services to allow the client to continue in the assigned activity.

Participation Problems/Case Conference

When the client fails to cooperate with the terms and conditions of any of the job search services, the ECC EC is to attempt to re-engage client. If after 5 days client does not cooperate, the ECC EC is to notify the assigned EC. The assigned EC will proceed with initiating the noncompliance process.

Support Services

A client is eligible for any necessary supportive services including, but not limited to:


A completion is defined when the client either completes the length of the assigned activity and does not find employment and will be referred to the next WTW activity, or obtains full time or part-time employment, whichever comes first. If the client obtains part-time employment, he/she must be informed by the Employment Connection counselor of the need to continue participating in a concurrent activity in order to meet the 20, 30 or 35 weekly average participation requirements.

A termination is defined as a client not completing the length of the activity and is terminated for any other reason other than finding employment.

Related Topics

Job Readiness General Overview

Job Readiness Participation Requirements

Job Readiness Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Job Readiness Job Search Services

Job Readiness Rapid Response Team (RRT) Assistance

Job Readiness Assessment

Job Readiness Orientation and Appraisal

Job Readiness Domestic Abuse Services