Employment Connection Tier II - Paid Work Experience (PWEX)

Tier II primarily differs from unpaid WEX in that clients are paid, not subject to FLSA requirements and are referred to subsidized positions through the activities of Supervised Job Search and Part-Time Job Search.

PWEX positions are in the non-profit sector. The County of Santa Clara is the employer of record and pays wages directly to the client.

Tier II Wages, Hours and Participation

Tier II clients are paid at a rate determined by the county and are employed 20 hours per week. These positions are six months in length. The income earned is considered Nonexempt income for the purpose of determining eligibility for public assistance.

Tier II Adult Education/Community College Referrals

A client who is concurrently enrolled with a community college or adult education service provider and is interested in subsidized employment can be referred to EC Works. Clients must agree to continue their concurrent activity while working with EC Works staff in securing employment.

Prior to referral, service providers must screen clients for the following criteria:

  • Client must be able to work 20 hours per week,
  • ESL clients must be at least a Level 2.
  • Must have a California ID, Social Security card and right-to-work documentation.
  • Have a resume (preferred).

A. The Adult Education Site Representative or Community College Liaison:

  • Reviews the services and requirements of EC Works with client. Client must agree to continue with concurrent activity.
  • Completes “Welfare-to-Work Activity Referral Form” (SCD 1723) and emails to ecworks@ssa.sccgov.org with following message on subject line: “Adult Ed Referral” or “Community College Referral.”


  • Retrieves email and forwards to JPR lead.

C. The JPR Lead:

  • Assigns to JPR EC in ECA.

D. The JRP EC:

  • Contacts client to set up appointment for job search and placement.
  • Meets with client, reviews/assists with resume and/or master application. Works with client for up to 4 weeks.
  • Continues to meet with client, as needed, for job placement assistance.

Note: JRP EC will contact the service provider if the client misses appointments during the 4 week period.

  • Informs Site Representative or Liaison once client obtains subsidized employment.



client obtains part-time subsidized employment

site Representative or Community College Liaison updates WTW 2 to reflect educational activity with EC Works Subsidized Part-Time Employment.

service provider gives copy of WTW 2 to client.

sends the WTW 2 to assigned CM EC for CalWIN entries and support services.

client obtains full-time subsidized employment

JRP EC follows documented process. Refer to Employment Connection Job Retention Tier I & Tier II step C, the JPR EC (Tier I & II).

JRP EC will inform service provider and assigned CM EC via email of client’s employment.

E. If the client obtains full-time subsidized employment, the Assigned CM EC:

  • Reviews WTW 2
  • Enters activities in CalSAWS.
  • Reviews supportive services.
  • Transfer case to CM Retention EC via SCD 163T.

Tier II Subsidized Job Placement

A. The JPR EC:

  • Checks client’s TOA
    • Clients must be active on cash aid or Safety Net.
    • Supervisor may authorize placement on a case-by-case basis for clients with less than 6 months TOA for Tier II.
  • Provides client with PWEX program overview.
  • Reviews possible worksites with client and determines appropriate placement.
  • Arranges interview with worksite supervisor, prepares client for interview.
  • Follows up on worksite interview.



not hired in Tier II

reviews results with client.

Repeats Step 1 until placement occurs and/or continues with other job search
until assigned WTW activity ends.

hired in Tier II EC Works

Obtains employment packet with the following documentation:

  • I9
  • W4
  • DE4
  • City of San Jose opt out form (only in San Jose)
  • Confidentiality Agreement (SCD 197)
  • Personal physician form
  • “Client Emergency Contact Card” (SCD 2529) form
  • Social Security card
  • Photo ID
  • Sick leave form.

Submits employment packet to supervisor for review.

Routes to APU when approved by supervisor.

Completes the following fields in the EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION section of the
“Schedule A” (SCD 2466):

  • Organization (adds “PWEX” in front of organization name), Doing Business As, and
  • Worksite Name and Address fields. (MUST match information in ECA).
  • Checks “Non-Profit” box on “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) to indicate employer is non-profit.

Completes EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION section: Job Title, Hourly Pay Rate, Number of hours per week,
How often will employee be paid, Weekly Schedule, Organization Contact Person, Telephone number,
Contact Email, Authorized Official of the Organization, Title, Telephone Number and Date.

Sends “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) to Worksite Supervisor.

B. The Worksite Supervisor:

  • Receives “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) via DocuSign.
  • Completes information in EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION section.
  • Electronically signs “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) using DocuSign and document is routed to JPR Supervisor.

C. The JPR Supervisor/Lead:

  • Receives “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) via DocuSign.
  • Reviews “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) for completeness and accuracy.
  • If “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) is not correct, reviews with JPR EC.

D. The JPR EC:

  • Completes WTW 2 (ensures signed by client and submits to Imaging ), CalSAWS entries, ECA entries, and pays ancillary (if needed). ALL dates on “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) MUST match ECA and CalSAWS.
  • Creates Task.
  • Adds the employment record in the Employment Detail page:

    • Use  “Subsidized-Public” in the Category field and “Subsidized” in the Type field.

    • Enters and confirms “PWEX” has been entered in front of the employer’s name in the Employer field.  Example: PWEX Santa Clara County.

    • Click the [Save and Add Activity] button to add the Employment activity in CalSAWS.

  • Navigates to the Customer Activity Status Detail page in CalSAWS and adds “Active” in the Status field and “Attending” in the Status Reason field when client shows on first day.
  • Notifies assigned CM Retention EC of Tier II placement.

E. The APU:

  • Receives electronically signed copy of “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) for subsidized employment file and reviews for completeness and accuracy.
  • If “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) is not correct, notes discrepancies.
  • Sends corrected “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) to Imaging.

F. The Assigned CM EC:

  • Reviews new WTW 2 and “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) in Imaging from JPR EC.
  • Reviews WTW plan and CalSAWS entries.
  • Resolves any discrepancies with the assigned JPR EC.
  • Transfers case to CM Retention EC via SCD 163T.

Note: For Adult Education placements, the assigned EC receives the WTW 2 plan from the Adult Education liaison.

Tier II Timesheets and Payroll Processing - DocuSign

The PWEX Payroll Calendar indicates the pay period number, start and end date of each pay period, the due dates for timesheets and the payday.

A. Upon receiving the employee file number from FMS, the APU:

  • Pre-fills top section of Timesheet (Tier II)
    • Employee File #
    • Pay Period #
    • Employee Name
    • Employment Start Date
    • Company Name
    • Expected End Date
    • JPR EC
    • CalSAWS Case Number
    • Date range of pay period.
  • Saves in client folder on “S” drive.
  • Post sick leave hours on shared drive.
  • Identify and post-aid code for each client prior to sending envelope.
  • Create an envelope using DocuSign.
  • Send timesheet/invoice to client for review and signature.

B. The Client:

  • Completes total hours worked during pay period.
  • Signs and forwards to Worksite Supervisor.

C. The Worksite Supervisor:

  • Reviews hours worked.
  • Approves document and forwards to APU.

D. The APU:

  • Reviews document.
  • Makes updates and changes if necessary (corrects errors or returns to employer for corrections).
  • Communicates with employer and client if minor changes are made.
  • If all is correct, forwards document to FMS.

E. The FMS:

  • Receives timesheets and issues payments.
  • Contacts APU if adjustments to timesheets are needed.
  • Enters payroll data into ADP system.
  • Retains electronic records (scanned timesheets) in file.
  • Provides ADP with final authorization of payroll.
  • Deposits funds (electronically) in client’s account.

Tier II PWEX Subsidized to Unsubsidized

A. The Worksite Supervisor:

  • Offers unsubsidized position to client.
  • Informs JPR EC of hire.

B. The JPR EC:

  • Completes a “Request for Information on Termination of Employment” (SCD 549B) for the position being vacated and sends to Imaging.
  • Completes “Request for Employment Information” (SCD 549A) for the new position and sends to Imaging.

Note: The 549A should not have EC Works prefix by the employer's name.

  • Completes separate Task to notify EW. 
  • Completes a new WTW 2 for the unsubsidized employment and sends a copy to Imaging.
  • Ends the employment record in CalSAWS

  •  Adds a new employment record in the Employment Detail page:

    • Use “Unsubsidized” in the Category field and “Unsubsidized” in the Type field.

    • Enters and confirms “PWEX” has been entered in front of the employer’s name in the Employer field in the Employment Detail page.  Example: PWEX Santa Clara County.

    • Clicks the [Save and Add Activity] button to add the Employment activity in CalSAWS

    • The correct Employer Naming Convention must be used to show in DSR Reports.  Refer to Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting for list of corresponding Employment: Categories, Types and Employer Naming Convention.

  • Enters a Journal entry in CalSAWS.
  • Updates ECA by completing a new Self-Placement screen and by checking “sub to unsub” box. ECA will automatically send an email alert to JPR Supervisor and CM Retention EC.
  • Sends an email to CM Retention EC regarding the change.

C. The CM Retention EC:

  • Updates CalSAWS activities and adds an entry to the CalSAWS Journal.  The correct Employer Naming Convention must be used to show in DSR reports.
  • Monitors case throughout the subsidized and 90 day unsubsidized follow-up period.

D. The JPR Supervisor:

  • Receives update from ECA indicating client’s position has become unsubsidized.

Note: Subsidized to unsubsidized employment occurs within 30 days of the last date of subsidized employment with any employer (does not have to be the same employer) for placement credit purposes.

Tier II PWEX Separations

A. The Worksite Supervisor & JPR EC:

  • Discuss terms of separation.

B. The JPR EC:



Client is released from worksite or placement mismatch

Tries to place client at new Tier I or Tier II worksite per placement processes for remaining months.

Completes and sends SCD 549B to Imaging.

Ends the employment record in Employment Detail page in CalSAWS.

Completes Task to EW to review SCD 549B.

Notifies Admin Payroll unit.

Adds an entry to the CalSAWS Journal and updates ECA.

Sends an email to CM Retention EC.

Client quits or is a no show

Tries to contact client.

Completes and sends SCD 549B to Imaging.

Completes Task to notify EW to review SCD 549B.

Submits timesheet to Admin Payroll unit.

Adds and entry to the CalSAWS Journal.

sends an email to CM Retention EC.

C. The CM Retention EC:

  • Calls client to assign next activity, if still on aid.

Note: A conference must be held between the worksite supervisor/employer and the JPR EC before a client is released from the worksite. The client is included, as appropriate.

Tier II Client Work-Related Injuries

The following process must be followed for work-related injuries.

A. The JPR EC:

  • Communicates with client and reports injury to respective Employment Program Supervisor.

B. The EPS:

  • Contacts client and completes the following worker’s compensation paperwork within 24 hours.
    • Treatment Authorization form.
    • Employer’s Report of Occupational Injury or Illness (State Form 5020).
    • Bottom section of the Worker’s Comp Claim Form DWC1. Client completes the top section of the form.
    • Accident or Injury Investigation Report
  • Obtains client’s signature on completed paperwork.
  • Informs client to visit US Healthworks, Alliance or pre-designated physician for an examination.
  • Submits completed paperwork to ESA within 24 hours (instructions on form).
  • Informs JPR EC of client’s return to work outcome, and submits a copy of completed paperwork to APU for filing.

C. The JPR EC:



Client is approved by doctor to return to work

Maintains contact with worksite supervisor and client to monitor progress.

Receives written release from doctor and submits to Imaging.

Adds an entry to the CalSAWS Journal.

Emails CM Retention EC.

Client is not approved by doctor to return to work

Informs worksite supervisor that client is not released to return to work.

End dates placement in CalSAWS.

Notifies APU.

Emails CM Retention EC.

Completes and sends 549B to Imaging.

Ends the employment record in the Employment Detail page in CalSAWS.

Completes Task to notify EW.

Updates CalSAWS Journal and ECA.

Related Topics

Employment Connection Background

Employment Connection Center (ECC) Overview

Employment Connection Definitions

Employment Connection Job Development and Referrals

Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting

Employment Connection Tier I - Subsidized Employment Overview

Employment Connection Job Retention Tier I & Tier II

Employment Connection Tier III - Subsidized College Work Study

Employment Connection Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

Employment Connection WTW Participants Approaching 54 Months

Employment Connection Safety Net (60-Month Timed-Out) Individuals

Employment Connection Sexual Harassment

Employment Connection Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE)

Employment Connection California Outcomes and Accountability Review (Cal-OAR)