Employment Connection Job Retention Tier I & Tier II

The job retention process begins when the client shows on the first day of employment and the JPR EC updates ECA. As a result, ECA automatically sends a referral to the JPR EC that the account is assigned to. The assigned EC transfers the case to the CM Retention EC using the SCD 163T to the control clerk. The procedural table below includes steps when transferring from subsidized to unsubsidized employment.

A. The JPR EC:

  • Ensures that client receives subsidized employment orientation, including completion of required forms.

Refer to Job Search Client Flow for the required form.

For Tier I:

  • Orientation includes: emergency contact, employer evaluations, EC responsibilities and client responsibilities.

For Tier II:

  • Orientation includes: timesheets, pay periods, work hours, Aline card activation, emergency contact, employer evaluations, EC responsibilities client responsibilities and DocuSign tutorial.
  • Contacts client and employer within 72 hours of placement to check on progress.
  • Ongoing communication/case conferences as needed with assigned CM EC.
  • Conducts employer orientation.

B. The Employer:

For Tier I:

  • completes monthly evaluation:
    • “Tier 1 Month 1” (SCD 2542)
    • “Tier 1 Month 2” (SCD 2543)
    • “Tier 1 Month 3” (SCD 2544)

For Tier II:

  • completes bi-monthly evaluation:
    • “Paid WEX Month 2” (SCD 2539)
    • “Paid WEX Month 4” SCD 2540)
    • “Paid WEX Month 6” (SCD 2541)

C. The JPR EC (Tier I & II):

  • Maintains weekly contact with client involving issues other than payroll or employer relations.
    • After the initial start, an in person visit to the job site should be made at least once a month. 
  • Continues contact with client (and employer if needed) throughout subsidized employment to provide coaching and conflict resolution.
  • Posts employer evaluations in ECA.
  • Case conferences with CM Retention EC and/or client as needed.
  • Provides job order received from employer to ECC CST for entry into ECA and job order spreadsheet, if needed.
  • Updates ECA and adds an entry to the CalSAWS Journal.
  • Amends WTW 2 and in CalSAWS if activity changes.

Note: This step may be the ECC EC, or CM EC, whoever at the point of discovery.

  • Updates Journal in CalSAWS (Journal Entry Type: “WTW”, Short Description: Employment Connection).

D. The Assigned CM EC:

  • Reviews WTW 2, CalSAWS entries, and supportive services.
  • Transfers case to CM Retention EC via SCD 163T.

Note: For Tier II Adult Education/Community College referrals, refer to Employment Connection Tier II - Paid Work Experience (PWEX).

E. The CM Retention EC:

  • Receives SCD 163T from assigned CM EC.
  • Monitors employment attendance and progress through the subsidized employment activity.
  • Updates Attendance hours in the Activity Progress Summary page in CalSAWS (monthly).
  • Updates the Attendance window in CalSAWS (monthly).
  • Ensures continuity of any support services needed and/or resource referrals.
  • Case conferences with JPR EC to resolve any issues identified and assist with resolutions.
  • Updates Journal in CalSAWS.
  • Sends email to JPR EC of any case status changes or client needs.
    • If the client is discontinued from cash aid due to subsidized employment income, then:
      • Updates the Customer Activity Detail page by:
        -Extending the end date of the current Employment activity through the end of the Post Aid Services (PAS) period, and 
        -Adding “Employed Subsidized PAS EC Works” and the PAS period as appropriate in the Additional Comments field.  
        Example: Employed Subsidized PAS EC Works 10/1/2023 – 9/30/2024. 
      • Adds “Active” Status with “Post Emp/Job Retention” Status Reason on the WTW Status Detail page.
      • Requests that unit supervisor change to CM Retention EC’s PAS worker number to reflect assigned retention case is in retention period and PAS.
      • Continues to monitor the case for retention services.

    • If the client is discontinued from cash aid for any other reason during subsidized employment period, then:

      • Follows Case Closing Procedures.

  • Sends email to JPR EC of any case status changes.

From Subsidized Employment to Unsubsidized Employment:

F. The JPR EC:

  • Completes a “Request for Information on Termination of Employment” (SCD 549B) for the position being vacated and sends to Imaging.
  • Completes “Request for Employment Information” (SCD 549A) for the new position and sends to Imaging.

Note: The 549A should not have EC Works prefix by the employer name.

  • Completes separate Task to notify EW, to update employment information in CalSAWS.
  • Completes a new WTW 2 for the unsubsidized employment and sends a copy to Imaging.
  • Ends the Employment record in CalSAWS.
  • Adds a new employment record in the Employment Detail page with “Unsubsidized” in the Category field and “Unsubsidized” in the Type field, and ensures the correct employer naming convention in the Employer field. 
  • Adds an entry to the CalSAWS Journal.
  • Updates ECA by completing a new Self-Placement screen and by checking “sub to unsub” box. ECA will automatically send an email alert to JPR Supervisor and CM Retention EC.
  • Sends an email to CM Retention EC regarding the change.

G. The CM Retention EC, if the client is on cash aid AND being transferred to unsubsidized employment same employer, then:

  • Updates CalSAWS by:
    • Ending the applicable current activity with “Closed” status along with a Status Reason of “Transferred to Another Activity” on the Customer Activity Status Detail page. 
    • Adding the new WTW 2 plan if client is on aid and sends a copy to Imaging.
    • Entering the applicable employment activity. Refer to Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting.
  • Monitors the unsubsidized employment period for 90 days.
  • Conducts employment follow-up to determine if client is employed at 30, 60 and 90 days.
  • After 90 days of unsubsidized employment and follow-up has been completed, submits the SCD 163T to unit supervisor for approval to transfer to control clerk CST for continuing case management.
  • Updates Journal in CalSAWS.

H. The JPR EC, if the client is on cash aid AND being transferred to unsubsidized employment, different employer, then:

  • Completes a “Request for Information on Termination of Employment” (SCD 549B) for the position being vacated and sends to Imaging.
  • Completes “Request for Employment Information” (SCD 549A) for the new position and sends to Imaging.

Note: The 549A should not have EC Works prefix by the employer name.

  • Completes separate Task to EW to review SCD 549A and SCD 549B in CalSAWS.
  • Ends the employment record in CalSAWS.
  • Adds a new employment record in the Employment Detail page with “Unsubsidized” in the Category field and “Unsubsidized” in the Type field and ensures the correct employer naming convention in the Employer field. 
  • Completes a new WTW 2 for the unsubsidized employment and sends a copy to Imaging.
  • Adds an entry to the CalSAWS Journal.
  • Updates ECA by completing a new Self-Placement screen and by checking “sub to unsub” box. ECA will automatically send an email alert to JPR Supervisor and CM Retention EC.
  • Sends an email to CM Retention EC regarding the change.

I. The CM Retention EC, if the client is on cash aid AND being transferred to unsubsidized employment, different employer, then:

J. The JPR EC, if the client is off cash aid AND being transferred to unsubsidized employment, same employer or different employer, then:

  • Completes a “Request for Information on Termination of Employment” (SCD 549B) for the position being vacated and sends to Imaging.
  • Completes “Request for Employment Information” (SCD 549A) for the new position and sends to Imaging.
  • Note: The SCD 549A should not have EC Works prefix by the employer name.
  • Completes separate Task to notify EW.
  • Ends the employment record in CalSAWS.
  • Adds the new employment record in the Employment Detail page with “Unsubsidized” in the Category field and “Unsubsidized” in the Type field.
  • Completes a new WTW 2 for the unsubsidized employment and sends a copy to Imaging.
  • Adds an entry to the CalSAWS Journal.
  • Updates ECA by completing a new Self-Placement screen and by checking “sub to unsub” box. ECA will automatically send an email alert to JPR Supervisor and CM Retention EC.
  • Sends an email to CM Retention EC regarding the change.

K. The CM Retention EC, if the client is off cash aid AND being transferred to unsubsidized employment, same employer or different employer, then:

  • Ends current subsidized employment activity with “Closed” Status along with a Status Reason of “Transferred to Another Activity” on the Customer Activity Status Detail page.
  • Adds “Active” Status with “Post Emp/Job Retention” Status Reason on the WTW Status Detail page.
  • Adds applicable new employment activity. Refer to Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting.
  • After 90 days of unsubsidized employment and follow-up has been completed, prepares the SCD 163T and notes balance of time remaining in PAS 12-month period.
  • Submits SCD 163T to unit supervisor for approval for case transfer to PAS Unit.
  • Updates Journal in CalSAWS.

L. The JPR EC, if the client ends subsidized employment activity with no unsubsidized employment and is on cash aid, then:

  • Obtains SCD 549B.
  • Creates Task to assigned EW.
  • Adds an entry to the CalSAWS Journal
  • Notifies CM Retention EC.

M. The CM Retention EC, if the client ends subsidized employment activity with no unsubsidized employment and is on cash aid, then:

  • Receives notification from JPR EC.
  • Determines next activity for client.
  • Reviews next activity with client and completes WTW 2.
  • Provides copy of WTW 2 to client.
  • Updates CalSAWS:
    • Ends employment activity and closes plan.
    • Enters new plan and next activity.
    • Adds a Journal entry.
  • Forwards new WTW 2 to Imaging.
  • Prepares the case for transfer to Control Clerk CST for continuing case management assignment.

N. The CM Retention EC, the the client ends subsidized employment activity with no unsubsidized employment and is off cash aid, then:

  • Follows case closing procedures.

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