Employment Connection Tier I - Subsidized Employment Overview

ECC staff develop and place eligible clients into subsidized employment positions throughout the county in the private sector. The employer of record is the employer who hires the client and pays the earned wages directly to the client based on their payroll cycle. The goal of the program is to transition clients to unsubsidized employment by the end of the assignment.

Note: Client cannot exceed 6 months of subsidized employment in Tier I. Typically positions are three months in length. With management approval, a three month extension may be available.

Tier I Wages, Hours and Participation

Hourly wage varies and must be equivalent to or higher than the City of San Jose minimum wage ordinance or local city ordinances. Clients are employed up to 40 hours per week, full or part-time, and positions are three to six months in length. The income earned is considered Nonexempt income for the purpose of determining eligibility for public assistance, which means it must be budgeted towards the CalWORKs grant, CalFresh and Medi-Cal.

Agreements and Invoicing Standards

Agreements and authorized representative forms are official binding documents. Any changes, errors or corrections will require new documents to be submitted for review and approval by the participating parties.

Tier I New Agreement Process

A. The ERS EC reviews Tier I agreement with employer and explains the following:

  • Agreement term dates
  • Reimbursement rates and required documents for invoicing the county (pay stubs and signed invoices, including the “EC Works Authorized Representative” (SCD 2538) form
  • Employee pay rates (must be at/or above City of San Jose minimum wage or local city ordinances)
  • Time worked, sick leave, holiday and overtime pay
  • Payments (timelines and electronic payments)
  • Fiscal monitoring
  • Staffing agencies clause, if applicable
  • Confidentiality
  • Indemnity and Insurance
  • Termination of worksite agreement
  • Job order form
  • City, county, state and federal employment regulations.

B. The ERS EC:

  • If the employer agrees to participate, the ERS EC obtains the following documents, reviews for completion and submits to ER Supervisor with EC Checklist for review:
  • Signed
    • Identifies and records business legal name and DBA.
    • Identifies and records term dates.
    • On signature page, obtains employer signature, printed name, date, organization name and address.
  • “EC Works Authorized Representative” (SCD 2538) form
    • Works with organization to identify and record names and signatures of authorized representatives that may sign on behalf of the organization.
    • Obtains signature, printed name, date, organization name and address from authorized representative of the organization (the organization name must be identical to name listed on agreement).
  • Electronic payment registration form
    • Employer will provide their bank and branch name, account number, routing number and an email address.
    • Employer will provide company name, address, signature and title.
    • Voided check, to verify bank account and routing information.
  • W9
    • Employer provides completed form (business name must match name on agreement).
  • 500 Series forms (587, 588, 589, 590)
  • (Only required for out of state address or P.O. Box)
  • Insurance
    • Employer will provide verification of liability and worker’s compensation coverage.
  • Job order form
    • Detailed description of jobs available.

C. ERS Supervisor:

  • Reviews agreement packet and checklist.
  • Signs and forwards approved agreement packet with approved checklist to Admin Payroll Unit.
  • Rejects any incomplete agreements to ER EC for correction.

D. The APU:

  • Reviews all documents for completeness and accuracy.
  • Checks business names and all dates.
  • Checks effective dates of coverage amount for general liability insurance and workers compensation.
  • Reviews all forms listed above in step B (The ERS EC).
  • Signs off approval of agreement and forwards to designated manager for review and signature.
  • Creates a master file for each employer with the original documents.
  • Any agreement packets that are not approved by the APU will be returned to the ERS Supervisor for correction.

E. The Designated Manager:

  • Signs agreement and returns to APU.

F. The APU:



New Tier I Agreement

Reviews Electronic Payment Registration form for completion, compare bank account and routing numbers on check and Electronic Registration form, review status on W9 (ensuring tax clarification code is checked).

Forwards Electronic Payment Registration to FMS for new Vendor Id Number (VIN) and copies ESI Fiscal unit.

Emails scanned copy of the Agreement to the Employer.

Forwards signed Agreement and VIN to ESI Fiscal unit when client is placed at worksite.

Tier I Agreement Renewal

Retains signed Agreement and forwards VIN and Renewed Agreement to ESI Fiscal unit when client is placed at worksite.

Note: FMS step 7 is skipped.

G. The FMS:

  • Performs TIN Match.
  • Forwards Electronic Payment Registration documents to Controller's office for VIN number assignment.
  • Emails VIN number to APU (ecworkspayroll@ssa.sccgov.org) and ESI Fiscal unit.

H. The ESI Fiscal Unit:

  • Assigns Agreement for SAP upload and new PO #.
  • Creates PO # in SAP.
  • Fills out Blue Sheet, forwards to ESI SSPM for signature. When signed, scan and save in “S” drive and sends original to FMS.
  • Records VIN and PO # in Master Excel spreadsheet in “S” drive.
  • Email VIN and PO # to Admin Payroll Unit (ecworkspayroll@ssa.sccgov.org).
  • Saves copy of agreement in ESI “S” drive.

I. The APU:

  • Saves electronic copy of agreement, VIN and PO #.
  • Enters VIN and PO# in ECA employer account profile on “S” drive.
  • Notifies ECC CST and ERS Supervisor.
  • Logs insurance information.
  • Mails scanned copy of agreement to employer.

Tier I Agreement Renewal

If the employer no longer wishes to participate:

  • ERS EC informs APU and JPR Supervisor.
  • APU removes employers who are no longer participating in Tier I from the Certificate of Insurance spreadsheet.
  • ERS Supervisor changes status of employers no longer participating in the subsidized employment program to inactive or unsubsidized in ECA.

If employer agrees to continue to participate:

A. The ERS EC obtains the following documents, reviews for completion and submits to supervisor for review:

  1. Reviews agreement and verifies the following:
    1. Dates on first and last page are accurate and not past end of current fiscal year (term start date is at least two weeks from date packet is being submitted).
    2. FULL legal name of business is used.
    3. If employer is DBA, agreement must include legal names and DBA name on first AND last page.
    4. All fields on signature page are complete.
    5. Business name matches on first page and signature page.
    6. Signature page is signed and dated.
    7. Complete cover sheet/checklist, sign and submit to supervisor. Cover sheet is not needed if DocuSign is used.
  2. Reviews and verifies “EC Works Authorized Representative” (SCD 2538) form.
    1. Signer is same person who signed agreement.
    2. Names and signatures of authorized representatives are current.
    3. If names are not current, obtain a new ARF or company letter with the name of the person or position changed.
  3. Evidence of liability insurance.
    1. Collects updated insurance information.
    2. Updates if insurance is scheduled to expire within the month.
    3. Business name must match agreement.
  4. Evidence of Liability Insurance
    1. Collects updated insurance information.
    2. Updates if insurance is scheduled to expire within a month.
    3. Business name must match agreement.
  5. Evidence of Worker’s Compensation Insurance
    1. Collects updated insurance information.
    2. Updates if insurance is scheduled to expire within a month.
    3. Business name and address matches agreement, or provide explanation why address is different from the box marked “Insured” on the Certificate of Liability Insurance form.
    4. Automobile insurance when appropriate (if client will be driving company vehicle).
    5. Document must be signed.
    6. SSA DEBS address (1879 Senter Road) is written in the Certificate Holder box on the insurance form.

B. The ERS Supervisor:

  • Reviews agreement, ARF and Certificate of Insurance.
  • Forwards approved agreement to APU.
  • Rejects any incomplete or incorrect agreements to ERS EC for correction.

C. The APU:

  • Reviews all documents for completion and accuracy.
  • Checks business names and all dates.
  • Forwards to designated manager for review and signature.
  • Updates master file for each employer with original documents.
  • Any agreement not approved by designated manager will be returned to JPR Supervisor for correction.

D. The Designated Manager:

  • Signs agreement and returns to APU.

E. The APU:

  • Forwards VIN and renewed agreement to ESI Fiscal.

F. The ESI Fiscal:

  • Assigns Agreement for SAP upload and new PO #.
  • Creates PO # in SAP.
  • Fills out Blue Sheet, forwards to ESI SSPM for signature. When signed, scanned and saved in “S” drive, sends original to FMS.
  • Records VIN and PO # in Master Excel spreadsheet in “S” drive.
  • Emails VIN, and PO # to APU (ecworkspayroll@ssa.sccgov.org).

G. The APU:

  • Saves electronic copy of agreement, VIN and PO # to “S” drive.
  • Enters VIN and PO# in ECA employer account profile on “S” drive.
  • Notifies ECC CST and ER supervisor.
  • Logs insurance information.
  • Emails scanned copy of agreement to employer. Blind copes ERS EC and ER supervisor.

H. The ERS Supervisor:

  • Updates spreadsheet to show agreement has been completed with designated manager signature.

Tier I Subsidized Job Placement

A. The JPR EC:

If client is...


not hired in Tier I

Reviews results with client.

Repeats Step 1, A through E, until placement occurs and/or continues with other job search until assigned WTW activity ends.

hired in Tier I EC Works

From the DocuSign home page, click on the “New” button and select “Use a Template”.

From the “Select Template” screen clicks on “All Templates”, types in “CWES” and selects the radio button for “SSA CWES Schedule A Subsidized Employment Verification” and clicks on “Add Selected”.

Identifies recipients and inputs email addresses: Employer (Worksite Supervisor), JPR Supervisor and Admin Payroll Unit (APU).

Completes all applicable fields in the EMPLOYEE INFORMATION section of form.

Completes the following fields in the EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION section:

  • Organization (adds “EC Works” before organization name), Doing Business As, Worksite Name and Address fields, (MUST match information in ECA.
  • Business Type (selects Non-Profit or Profit).

DocuSign routes “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) to Worksite Supervisor.

Submits Tier I employment documents to APU (last page of current year Tier I Agreement and/or “EC Works Authorized Representative” (SCD 2538) form.

If client is hired in Tier I EC Works:

B. The Worksite Supervisor:

  • Receives “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) via DocuSign.
  • section: Job Title, Job Order #, Hourly Pay Rate, Number of hours per week, How often will employee be paid (selects frequency from drop-down menu), Tentative Weekly Schedule, Organization Contact Person, Telephone No, Contact Email, Authorized Official of the Organization, Title, Telephone Number and Date.
  • Electronically signs “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) using DocuSign and document is routed to JPR Supervisor.

C. The JPR Supervisor/Lead:

  • Receives and reviews copy of “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) for completeness and accuracy.

D. The JPR EC:

  • Completes WTW 2 (ensures signed by client and submits to Imaging, CalSAWS entries, ECA entries, and pays ancillary (if needed). ALL dates on “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) MUST match ECA and CalSAWS.
  • Creates Task, for EW to review "Schedule A" (SCD 2466) in Imaging
  • Adds the employment record in the Employment Detail page:
    • Use "Subsidized-Public" or "Subsidized-Private" in the Category field and "Subsidized" in the Type field.
    • Enters and confirms "EC Works" has been entered in front of the employer's name in the Employer field.  Example: EC Works Legacy Transportation Services, Inc.
    • Click the [Save and Add Activity] button to add the Employment activity in CalSAWS.  
  • When client shows on the first day navigates to the Customer Activity Status Detail page in CalSAWS and adds "Active" in the Status field and "Attending" in the Status Reason field.
  • Notifies assigned CM Retention EC of Tier I placement.

E. The Assigned CM EC:

  • Reviews WTW2 in Imaging, CalSAWS entries, and supportive services.
  • Transfers case to CM Retention EC via SCD 163T.

Tier I Invoicing - DocuSign

A. The APU:

  • Pre-fills top section of invoice:
    • Organization
    • DBA
    • Vendor ID
    • PO Number
    • Remit Payment to
    • Contact Person
    • Phone
    • Employee name
    • Case Number
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • JPR EC.
  • On the first business day of each month:
    • Logs into DocuSign.
    • Creates a “New Envelope”
    • Selects “Browse from Computer” and selects employer’s invoice from “S” drive file.
    • Applies a DocuSign template.

If DocuSign...


auto-matches the uploaded document

select “SSA CWES Tier I Invoice” template.

does not auto-match the uploaded document

chooses “Apply Template” from the document actions drop-down menu.

“Apply Template” window will open

from left hand column choose “Shared Templates” and choose “SSA CWES Tier I Invoice template and select.

  • Identify signatories and email addresses in signature routing sequence:
    • Employer
    • Admin Payroll unit signing group
    • MA
    • FMS
  • Tailor email message for employer and due date.
  • On “Tags” page, make sure all of the tags are aligned.
  • Send.

B. The Employer completes invoice and returns to APU by the 10th of each month:

  • Receives DocuSign email from APU.
  • Enters employee pay rate, number of hours worked and total reimbursement requested.
  • Clicks on “Attachments” tag at the bottom of sheet and uploads paystubs.
    • Paystubs should cover 4 weekly pay periods, 2 bi-weekly pay periods or 1 monthly pay period.
  • Electronically signs document.

C. The APU:

  • Reviews invoice and verifies the following:
    • P.O.
    • VIN
    • Employer name
    • Invoice month
    • Cross reference (invoice and paystubs), invoice month, pay periods, hours worked, pay rate
    • Insurance
    • Supervisor (authorized to sign).
  • Initials to verify insurance.
  • Forwards to co-worker for secondary review.
  • When approved, signs invoice indicating that invoice is authorized for payment.
  • Resolves any invoicing issues.
  • Forwards document to FMS.

D. The FMS:

  • Initiates payment.

Tier I Subsidized to Unsubsidized

A. The Worksite Supervisor:

  • Offers unsubsidized position to client.
  • Informs JPR EC of hire.

B. The JPR EC:

  • Completes a “Request for Information on Termination of Employment” (SCD 549B) for the position being vacated and sends to Imaging.
  • Completes “Request for Employment Information” (SCD 549A) for the new position and sends to Imaging.

Note: The 549A should not have EC Works prefix by the employer name.

  • Completes separate Task to notify EW. 
  • Completes a new WTW 2 for the unsubsidized employment, and sends a copy to Imaging.
  • Ends the employment record in CalSAWS.
  • Adds a new employment record in the Employment Detail page:
    • Use "Unsubsidized" in the Category field and "Unsubsidized" in the Type field.
    • Enters and confirms "EC Works" has been entered in front of the employer name in the Employer field in the Employment Detail page.  Example: EC Works Legacy Transportation Services, Inc.
    • Click the [Save and Add Activity] button to add the Employment activity in CalSAWS.
    • The correct Employer Naming Convention must be used to show in DSR Reports.  Refer to Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting for list of corresponding Employment: Categories, Types and Employer Naming Conventions.
  • Enters a Journal entry in CalSAWS.
  • Updates ECA by completing a new Self-Placement screen and by checking “sub to unsub” box. ECA will automatically send an email alert to JPR Supervisor and CM Retention EC.
  • Sends an email to CM Retention EC regarding the change.

C. The CM Retention EC:

  • Updates CalSAWS activities and adds a Journal entry. 
  • Monitors case throughout the subsidized and 90 day unsubsidized follow-up period.

D. The JPR Supervisor:

  • Receives update from ECA indicating client’s position has become unsubsidized.

Note: Subsidized to unsubsidized employment occurs within 30 days of the last date of subsidized employment with any employer (does not have to be the same employer) for placement credit purposes.

Tier I Separations

A. The Employer or Client:

  • Informs JPR EC of employment change.

B. If the client is released or quits, the JPR EC:

  • Provides employer with “Request for Information on Termination of Employment” (SCD 549B).
  • Sends completed “Request for Information on Termination of Employment” (SCD 549B) to Imaging.
  • Ends the employment record in CalSAWS.
  • Completes Task to EW to review SCD 549B.
  • Enters a Journal entry in CalSAWS and updates ECA.
  • Sends an email to CM Retention EC for re-engagement of client.
  • Notifies APU.
  • Receives final evaluation from employer.

Related Topics

Employment Connection Background

Employment Connection Center (ECC) Overview

Employment Connection Definitions

Employment Connection Job Development and Referrals

Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting

Employment Connection Tier II - Paid Work Experience (PWEX)

Employment Connection Job Retention Tier I & Tier II

Employment Connection Tier III - Subsidized College Work Study

Employment Connection Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

Employment Connection WTW Participants Approaching 54 Months

Employment Connection Safety Net (60-Month Timed-Out) Individuals

Employment Connection Sexual Harassment

Employment Connection Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE)

Employment Connection California Outcomes and Accountability Review (Cal-OAR)