Employment Connection Job Development and Referrals

The following chart details the process and responsibilities of assigned ECC EC staff regarding job development and referrals.

Employer Relations

A. The ERS EC:

  1. Identifies potential employers.
  2. Schedules meeting with employers to review EC Works services.
  3. Reviews program policies, procedures and agreements with interested employers.

If employer is interested in...


in EC Works (Tier I) subsidized positions,

Reviews and ensures EC Works required documents are completed.

  • Agreement
  • Voided check
  • Proof of insurance
  • Job Order request (includes description)
  • IRS tax forms (including 500 series)
  • W9 form
  • “EC Works Authorized Representative” (SCD 2538) form

Prepares checklist and employer file for approval.

Enters job order request into the ECA if employer is interested in subsidized positions.

and/or PWEX (Tier II),

Reviews and ensures EC Works required documents are completed:

  • Agreement
  • Proof of insurance
  • Job Order request (includes description)
  • “EC Works Authorized Representative” (SCD 2538) form

Prepares checklist and employer file for approval.

Enters job order request into ECA if employer is interested in subsidized positions.

B. The ER Supervisor:

  • Approves agreement packet and submits to APU.

C. The APU:

  • Reviews employer file submitted by ERS Supervisor.
  • Reviews file for errors. If errors are found, files are returned to the ERS Supervisor for corrective action.
  • Submits file with approved checklist to manager for approval.
  • Upon manager approval, return to ERS Supervisor to update spreadsheet. ERS Supervisor forwards to the ECC CST for scanning to “S” drive.
  • Original documents are maintained and stored by APU after ECC CST completes scanning.


  • Returns file to APU for updating spreadsheet and creating hard file.

Employment Recommendations for Clients

A. The ERS EC:

  • Participates in the Job Search Community Resource presentation.
    • Completes the client employment synopsis.
    • Reviews ecstaffing.com with clients.
  • ER unit meets weekly to review client profiles from all offices that are participating in job search and networking.
  • Discusses current job orders, specialized job opportunities and employers that may be a fit for the client. The ER EC that presents at the Job Search Community Resource presentation will send an email to JPR ECs with job recommendations.
    • Email subject line will read: “Client Consultation Session” and will include:
      • Client name
      • Case number
      • Career objective
      • Job order number and/or job title and employer name
      • Additional comments that might assist with interview and/or employment placement.
    • Job recommendations are noted in the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS using Journal Type, “WTW” along with “Employment Connection” in the Short Description field.

B. The JPR EC:

  • Continues assisting clients with job search and/or job leads found in ECA and other available employment resources.
  • When referring a client to an interview from a lead in ECA:
    • Emails the employer with an attached resume, client profile and a brief description of the job.
    • Copies the ERS EC on the same email.

C. The ERS & JPR ECs:

  • Continues on-going communication on employment opportunities for clients by email, in person or phone.
  • Meets one-on-one or group, as needed, to discuss additional job opportunities.
  • Participates in case conferencing as needed.

D. The ERS EC:

Worksite Issues/Concerns

  • All worksite issues/concerns should be addressed by the ERS EC.

Note: If the JPR EC becomes aware of an issue/concern and is not able to contact the ERS EC to address the issue, the JPR EC can address the issue/concern and must inform the ERS EC of the issue.

  • Discusses issues/concerns with both worksite and client
  • Works with JPR EC to address the situation
  • Schedules a case conference
  • Creates a plan to address the situation (employer and client).

Note: JPR EC responsible for client. ERS EC responsible for worksite employer.

  • Enters a Journal entry in the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS using Journal Entry Type, “WTW” along with “Employment Connection” in the Short Description field.

Recruitment Debriefs

Recruitment is the selection and scheduling of employers by the ER unit to have the employer give a presentation and description of their company/business and their available jobs to our job seekers.

  • After every recruitment a debrief will be emailed to staff and supervisors. Debrief will include:
    • Employer name
    • Jobs available
    • Number of attendees, both public and ECC job seekers
    • Names of clients who showed interest or interviewed with employer, along with assigned JPR EC.
    • Other information as required/needed.

Related Topics

Employment Connection Background

Employment Connection Center (ECC) Overview

Employment Connection Definitions

Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting

Employment Connection Tier I - Subsidized Employment Overview

Employment Connection Tier II - Paid Work Experience (PWEX)

Employment Connection Job Retention Tier I & Tier II

Employment Connection Tier III - Subsidized College Work Study

Employment Connection Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

Employment Connection WTW Participants Approaching 54 Months

Employment Connection Safety Net (60-Month Timed-Out) Individuals

Employment Connection Sexual Harassment

Employment Connection Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE)

Employment Connection California Outcomes and Accountability Review (Cal-OAR)