Employment Connection Sexual Harassment

Refer to the County of Santa Clara sexual harassment policy for detailed information on what is considered sexual harassment.

If a Tier I, Tier II or WEX participant, when the County is the employer of record, reports an incident of sexual harassment, the following process must be followed.

A. The EC:

  • Documents the reported allegation of sexual harassment.
  • Communicates to the alleged victim that the county takes the complaint seriously, is taking action accordingly and will keep him/her updated with any developments.
  • Removes client from worksite.
  • Notifies the EPS, Admin Payroll unit, and SSPM of the incident.
  • Notifies EPS to flag worksite.

B. The EPS:

  • Flags worksite in ECA to suspend new placements.

C. The APU:

  • Drafts formal notice, to be reviewed and approved by county counsel, to worksite supervisor to inform him/her of the reported allegation of sexual harassment and requests a review of the incident.
  • Mails formal notice via certified mail after review and approval by county counsel.

D. The Worksite Manager:

  • Conducts impartial investigation/review of reported sexual harassment and provides update to county within two weeks.

E. The EPM/APU Supervisor:



worksite manager does not respond

drafts letter for review by county counsel to end the agreement.

after review and approval by county counsel, ends the agreement.

updates worksite in ECA.

worksite manager responds

EPM/APU supervisor provides a response to worksite manager.

based on response, determines if agreement should be continued, suspended or ended.

updates worksite in ECA.

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Employment Connection Center (ECC) Overview

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Employment Connection Tier II - Paid Work Experience (PWEX)

Employment Connection Job Retention Tier I & Tier II

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