Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting

When transferring a client from subsidized to unsubsidized employment, a new employment record for the unsubsidized employment must be added to the Employment Detail page along with a new Employment activity added to the Customer Activities List page.

Note: For the subsidized employment activity a status of “Closed” is to be entered in the CalSAWS Status field in the Activity Status Detail page along with “Transferred to Another Activity” in the Status Reason field.

CalSAWS Employment Record

All employment activities are generated in CalSAWS from the employment record entered in the Employment Detail page.  The following table reflects the appropriate selections for the Category and Type fields on the Employment Detail page in CalSAWS:



Type When to Use Employer Naming Convention Example




Paid Work Experience- Private 

N/A- not in use

N/A- not in use


Customer starts a subsidized job Tier I (EC Works including Safety Net) with a private employer who is partnering with CWES.    

EC Works Legacy Transportation Services, INC.


Safety Net Legacy Transportation Services, INC. 

Work Study

Customer starts a subsidized job.

-Tier III (Sub. College Work Study) or Federal Work Study and a participating community college identifies the employer as private because the worksite is a private company.  Some community colleges partner with private employers.

Tier III De Anza College


Federal De Anza College

Subsidized- Public



Customer starts a subsidized job with Non-Profit or Public employer who is partnering with CWES including: 
•    Tier I (EC Works including Safety Net), 
•    TSE or 
•    Tier II (PWEX)     

EC Works ConXion to Community 

Safety Net ConXion to Community

TSE Sacred Heart Community Services 

PWEX Santa Clara County

Work Study

Customer starts a subsidized job
  -Tier III (Sub. College Work Study with a participating community college and worksite is at a Non-Profit or Public employer).

Tier III De Anza College 
Federal De Anza College




Customer begins employment that is Self-Employment. 

John Smith’s Handyman Services
Makeup by Jane Doe


Customer begins an unsubsidized job including IHSS, EC Works Unsubsidized employment (Subsidized to  Unsubsidized), and Safety Net EC Works Unsub Employment (Subsidized to Unsubsidized).

Michaels Stores, Inc.


Legacy Transportation Services, Inc.


Legacy Transportation Services, Inc.

When the client is off cash aid due to EC Works subsidized or unsubsidized employment, the CM Retention EC will update the Customer Activity Detail page by:
•    Extending the end date of the current Employment activity through the end of the Post Aid Services (PAS) period, and
•    Adding “Employed Subsidized PAS EC Works” and the PAS period or “Employed Unsubsidized PAS EC Works"
Example: Employed Subsidized PAS EC Works 10/1/2023 – 9/30/2024.

Related Topics

Employment Connection Background

Employment Connection Center (ECC) Overview

Employment Connection Definitions

Employment Connection Job Development and Referrals

Employment Connection Tier I - Subsidized Employment Overview

Employment Connection Tier II - Paid Work Experience (PWEX)

Employment Connection Job Retention Tier I & Tier II

Employment Connection Tier III - Subsidized College Work Study

Employment Connection Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

Employment Connection WTW Participants Approaching 54 Months

Employment Connection Safety Net (60-Month Timed-Out) Individuals

Employment Connection Sexual Harassment

Employment Connection Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE)

Employment Connection California Outcomes and Accountability Review (Cal-OAR)