Employment Connection Tier III - Subsidized College Work Study

Tier III subsidizes College Work Study at participating community colleges. These positions are administered and paid for by the community college. The CalWIN activity name is Employment with the Type and Category fields both being "Employment" in the Customer Activity Detail page.  Refer to Chewable Byte 2023-77 Entering Work Study Activity for WTW 25 Report.

Note: Not all work study positions at participating community colleges will be funded by expanded subsidized employment. Community College Liaisons will only submit a “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) to ESI if the placement is subsidized.

Tier III Wages, Hours and Participation

Wages, hours and length of employment are determined by the community college. Clients are paid directly. Earnings from all work study positions is exempt and is not counted for the purpose of determining eligibility for public assistance.

Tier III Agreements, Placement and Invoicing

The provisions, work plan and budget for Tier III, Subsidized College Work Study, are incorporated into the Community College Liaison Services agreement. All negotiations, general planning, correspondence, signatory process and execution are managed by the ESI unit as part of the unit’s annual agreement cycle. Agreement terms adhere to the County’s fiscal year term and operate from July 1st through June 30th. Assignments must be twelve (12) months.

Participating colleges determine the rate at which they are reimbursed and are responsible for client recruitment, placement and determination of student wage rates (earnings vary by position and skills requirement).

Tier III New Placement Process

A. The Community College Liaison:

  • Submits “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) to ESI for approval.

B. The ESI:

  • Reviews “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) for accuracy.
  • Obtains approval of “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) from the authorized county official for new placements.


  • Forwards approved “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) to assigned CM EC.

D. Assigned CM EC:

  • Receives “Schedule A” (SCD 2466).
  • Amends the WTW 2 to add work study if work study is not part of the WTW 2.
  • Adds Employment record with Category: "Subsidized-Public" or "Subsidized-Private", Type: "Subsidized", and ensures the naming convention in the Employer field includes "Tier III" before the actual name of the college.  Refer to Chewable Byte 2023-77 Entering Work Study Activity for WTW 25 Report.
  • Adds Employment activity in CalSAWS.
  • Navigates to employment record that corresponds to the newly created activity in the Employment Detail page and update the employment Type field to "Work Study".
  • Adds “Sub. College Work Study” activity in CalSAWS.

Note: Both work study activities [Start] and [End] dates must match “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) dates and activity statuses.

  • Forwards "Schedule A" (SCD 2466) to Imaging.  
  • Creates Task to notify assigned EW of the “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) to record the work study as exempt income.
  • Updates Journal in CalSAWS.

E. The Assigned CM EC:

  • Confirms EW entered information in CalSAWS within 3 days.  

Tier III Schedule A (SCD 2466) Change

A. The Community College Liaison:

  • Receives “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) with Revision box checked.

B. The ESI:

  • Reviews “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) for accuracy.
  • Obtains approval of “Schedule A” (SCD 2466)” from the authorized county official.
  • Forwards copy of approved “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) to designated CWES SSPM and Community College Liaison.


  • Forwards approved “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) to assigned CM EC.

D. The Assigned CM EC:

  • Receives “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) with Revision box checked.
  • Creates Task to notify EW if needed.
  • Reviews WTW 2 and amends if needed.
  • Updates employment record in the Employment Detail page, if needed.
  • Updates CalSAWS and adds an entry to the Journal.

Note: Only “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) changes approved by ESI are to be processed. Do NOT process “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) changes received directly from community college liaisons.

Note: (1) If WTW plan is current, extend End Date for Employment activity in CalSAWS. Do not enter new, or change original date. (2) If the WTW 2 plan has ended and the Subsidized College Work Study continues, end the activity with “Closed” status along with a Status Reason of "Transferred to Another Activity" on the Customer Activity Status Detail page. Add a new WTW 2 plan in CalSAWS and re-enter the activity. The new plan will retain the original Actual Start Date (original placement date). Enter the new End Date for the Subsidized College Work Study Activity. (3) Send the revised “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) form to Imaging.

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