Employment Connection Background

With the implementation of AB 74 in July 2013 and AB 1603 in February 2017, additional funding was provided to counties to expand their current SE programs. The goal of AB 74 and AB 1603 is to increase engagement and participation of program participants through expansion of SE.

SE is the WTW activity that allows a client to earn wages while developing marketable job skills and work experience for a limited period of time. The goal of SE is to enhance the client’s employability to transition to a full-time, higher paying position that will lead to self-sufficiency. Employers who hire clients into SE positions are reimbursed for wages earned by the client.

In October 2013, SCC expanded its SE services program. Refer to Employment Connection Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE). Employment Connection is administered and promoted through the county’s CWES Program. TSE is primarily used by the RRT.

The expanded SE program includes full-time and part-time SE, job development, job placement and retention services. It also provides job placement to individuals (Safety Net) who have timed-out from their CalWORKs 60-month Time on Aid limit whose family members are still aided. Employment Connection increases the number of clients that can be served and provides for a longer period of employment retention support.

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Employment Connection Safety Net (60-Month Timed-Out) Individuals

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Employment Connection Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE)

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