Employment Connection Safety Net (60-Month Timed-Out) Individuals

Safety Net individuals are eligible for subsidized employment placements.

CalSAWS Entries

The following is used in CalWIN for Safety Net subsidized employment program participants:

  • The Employment Detail page is to include:
    • “Subsidized-Public” or “Subsidized-Private” in the Category field
    • “Subsidized” in the Type field 
    • Employer: Enter the appropriate employer naming convention with “Safety Net” added in front of the employer’s name.  Example” Safety Net Legacy Transportation Services, Inc. 
  • Activity is Employment (added from the Employment Detail page) with Type and Category fields as "Employment" in the Customer Activity Detail page. 

To track positive completions, end date the existing subsidized employment record and add a new unsubsidized record with the correct employer naming convention in the Employer field on the Employment Detail page when client goes from subsidized to unsubsidized employment within 30 days.

Registration Status

Safety Net individuals participating in the “Safety Net EC Works Sub Empl” activity are manually registered in the WTW Status Detail  page in CalSAWS using one of the two WTW registration statuses as follows:

  • Select “Active” in the Status field and "Post Time Limit" in the Status Reason field for participants who have timed-out from their CalWORKs 60-month TOA within 12 months of date of subsidized employment placement.

Note: These participants are eligible for Post-Aid Services.

  • Select “Deregistered” in the Status field and “Terminated due to time limit” in the Status Reason field for participants who have timed-out from their CalWORKs 60-month TOA more than 12 months from date of subsidized employment placement.

Note: These participants are not eligible for Post-Aid Services.

Supportive Services

Safety Net individuals are eligible for PAS provided they are placed into subsidized employment within 12 months from the date of discontinuance from CalWORKs for reason of timing-out from their 60 month TOA.

Example 1 Example 1 Individual is discontinued due to timing out effective 1/31/17. She is placed into a subsidized job on 5/1/17. The client is eligible for PAS beginning 5/1/2017 through 4/30/18, because the job placement date is within 12 months from discontinuance date. 

Example 2 Example 2 Individual is discontinued due to timing out effective 3/31/16. He is placed into a subsidized job on 5/1/17. Client is Not eligible for PAS, because he has been discontinued for more than 12 months prior to placement date. 

Child Care

When there is a need for child care, the CM EC makes a direct referral to the Alternative Payment Provider (APP) for enrollment in child care by utilizing the "Alternative Payment Program Direct Referral" (SCD 1717) and following existing APP procedures.

Outreach and Placement

Designated staff provide outreach to Safety Net individuals. Outreach efforts include mailing “Subsidized Employment Program Informational Letters/Fliers” (SCD 2467) at designated intervals followed up by phone call to explain program and enrollment process. The steps below outline the outreach process:


  • In coordination with Central Services and Program, mails “Subsidized Employment Program Informational Letter/Flier”
  • (SCD 2467) to Safety Net individuals at designated intervals.
  • 1 to 2 weeks after SCD 2467 is mailed, distributes the “CalWORKS TOA Approaching 54 Months” (DSR506952) listing to designated ECC EC Supervisor.

B. The ECC EC Supervisor:

  • Receives and splits the listing by ECC ECs.
  • Forwards listings to ECC ECs for telephone outreach follow-up.

C. The ECC EC:

  • Calls individuals from listing, making at a minimum two phone call attempts.
  • References the SCD 2467 letter/flier and explains to the client the benefits of subsidized employment.
  • Selects "WTW" in the Journal Type field and types "Employment Connection" in the Short Description field in the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS. Documents the outcome of the phone call using the following verbiage as leading sentence of the comment, “Timed Out Subsidized,” followed by the outcome.

Example: “Timed Out Subsidized: Client interested and will drop-in on May 5 at the ECC.”

If client...


agrees to participate

Informs client to drop-in at the ECC during regular business hours to meet with designated ECC EC.

Prepares client for job interview.

Refers client to work site.

When selected for position, adds an entry to the CalSAWS Journal and coordinates with PAS unit supervisor/lead who will assign case to appropriate caseload tracking ID based on support services eligibility.

Refers and schedules the Employment activity in CalSAWS for up to 6 months.  Ensure that the correct employer naming convention is being used when adding the Employer to CalSAWS.

Note: WTW 2 is not required for individuals in Safety Net.

Adds the employment record in the Employment Detail page:

  • Use “Subsidized-Public” or “Subsidized-Private” in the Category field and “Subsidized” in the Type field.
  •  Enters and confirms “Safety Net” has been entered in front of the name in the Employer field.  Example: Safety Net Legacy Transportation Services, Inc.
  • Clicks the [Save and Add Activity] button to add the Employment activity in CalSAWS.

Obtains “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) for subsidized employment and “Request for Employment Information” (SCD 549A) for unsubsidized employment from employer and updates activity Status to "Active" and Status Reason to "Attending" in the Customer Activity Status Detail page.

If client is a parent in a 2-Parent case, notifies the CM EC who will provide case management services (refer to step E table below, beginning with Timed Out (Post Aid) "Processes first SCD 1755A..." through Timed-Out Safety Net "At 30, 60 and 90 days ...").

does not participate,

Informs individual to contact the ECC in the future.

D. The PAS EC:

  • If eligible for Post-Aid Services:
    • Discusses requirement to submit monthly SCD 1755A along with pay check stubs.
    • Assigns and approves supportive services for 6 months.
    • Issues supportive services for the current month.
  • If CalWORKs timed-out date is more than 12 months from current date:
    • Client is not eligible for Post-Aid Services
    • The ECC EC follows step C table "agrees to participate" above.
    • The CM EC or PAS EC follows step E below, beginning with Timed Out (Post Aid) "Processes first SCD 1755A..."  through Timed-Out Safety Net "Assigns to A9PS Caseload Tracking ID."

E. The PAS Unit Staff:

  • Receives Case Transfer from ECC EC staff.
  • Assigns case to designated A9 Unit caseload Tracking ID.

If WTW Registration Status is...


Timed Out (Post Aid)

Assigns to A9PS Caseload Tracking ID.

Processes first SCD 1755A, and issues supportive services.

At 30, 60 and 90 days after job placement, performs employment follow-up.

Continues to process monthly SCD 1755A, update activity status, and issue supportive services.

When client is no longer employed:

Updates activity Status with “Completed" and the Status Reason field to "Completed Satisfactory" in the Customer Activity Status Detail page in CalSAWS

Ends supportive services assignment.


On the WTW Status Detail page adds "Deregistered" in the Status field, and "Terminated due to time limit" in the Status Reason field the first of the month, following end of employment.

When client goes from subsidized employment to unsubsidized employment within 30 days of subsidized employment ending:

  • Ends the employment record in CalSAWS.
  • Adds a new employment record in the Employment Detail page:
    • With “Unsubsidized” in the Category field and “Unsubsidized” in the Type field.
    • Enters and confirms “Safety Net” has been entered in front of the employer’s name in the Employer field. Example: "Safety Net Legacy Transportation Services, Inc"
    • Click the [Save and Add Activity] button to add the Employment activity in CalSAWS.
    • The correct Employer Naming Convention must be used to show in DSR Report.  Refer to Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting for list of corresponding Employment: Categories, Types and Employer Naming Convention. 

Continues retention services per existing procedures.

Closes case at the conclusion of retention period per existing procedures.

Adds an entry to the CalSAWS Journal.

Timed-Out Safety Net

Assigns to A9PN Caseload Tracking ID.

At 30, 60 and 90 days after job placement, performs employment follow-up. 

When client is no longer employed:

Updates activity Status to “Completed” and Status Reason to "Completed Satisfactory" in the Customer Activity Status Detail page.

When client goes from subsidized employment to unsubsidized employment within 30 days of subsidized employment ending: 

  1. Ends the employment record in CalSAWS.
  • Adds a new employment record in the Employment Detail page: 
    • With "Unsubsidized" in the Category field and "Unsubsidized" in the Type field.
    • Enters and confirms "Safety Net" has been entered in front of the employer's name in the Employer field.  Example: "Safety Net Legacy Transportation Services, Inc." 
    • Clicks the [Save and Add Activity] button to add the Employment activity in CalSAWS.
    • The correct Employer Naming Convention must be used to show in DSR Reports.  Refer to Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting for list of corresponding Employment: Categories, Types and Employer Naming Convention.    

Continues retention services per existing procedures.

Closes case and adds an entry to the CalSAWS Journal.

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Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting

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Employment Connection WTW Participants Approaching 54 Months

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