Employment Connection WTW Participants Approaching 54 Months

Case Management (CM) ECs provide outreach to WTW participants who are approaching 54 months of their CalWORKs 60-month TOA and are referred to subsidized employment as follows:

  • Reviews monthly report listing “CW TOA Approaching 54 Months” (DSR506952), which is provided to the CM EC by designated staff.
  • Reviews listing and client’s current WTW Plan to determine if subsidized employment is an appropriate activity.
  • Mails “Subsidized Employment Program Informational Letter/Flier” (SCD 2467) to clients who may benefit from subsidized employment.
  • 1 to 2 weeks after SCD 2467 is mailed, contacts client by phone to discuss the benefits of the subsidized employment program.
  • If client is interested, instructs client to call the number on the letter/flier to schedule an appointment or instructs client to go to the ECC, and informs client to continue participating in his/her current WTW plan.
  • Upon an offer of employment, meets with client to amend or create new WTW plan, adding subsidized employment activity as follows:
  • ECC EC adds Tier I or Tier II activity if client is active on CalWORKs.

Note: Individuals who are discontinued due to earnings are eligible to remain in the Tier I/Tier II activity through the duration of the placement period.

  • If client becomes timed-out from CalWORKs 60-month TOA during subsidized employment period, ends the Tier I/Tier II activity and follows Timed-Out procedures. Refer to Employment Connection Safety Net (60-Month Timed-Out) Individuals.
  • Assigns and authorizes supportive services.
  • Follows existing case management procedures.

Reminder: A client is eligible for subsidized employment if he or she is discontinued from CalWORKs cash aid due to earnings or due to timing-out from the 60 month TOA.

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