Employment Connection Center (ECC) Overview

The Employment Connection is the venue in which the WTW activities of SJS and Part-Time Job Search (PTJS) are provided. The Employment Connection facilitates these activities by providing job readiness, job development and job placement and job retention services. Services are provided by a staff of ECs in partnership with a network of employers and other service providers.

  • Employment Connection centers makes available a wide array of equipment and services that support the participants’ job search. The centers include computer labs, fax machines, phones, and copier services. Additional information on job search, resource publications, and job postings are made available to job seekers. The ECC sponsors on site hiring events on a recurring basis.
  • Professional development workshops on job retention and career planning are also offered.
  • Employment Connection promotes both unsubsidized and subsidized employment. Unsubsidized employment is defined as a position in which an employer pays the wages directly to the client and the employer is not reimbursed for wages. Subsidized employment is defined as on the job training in which an employer pays the wages earned directly to the client. The employer wages are then reimbursed by the county.
  • Unsubsidized and subsidized employment positions are developed in a wide array of industries. Employers interested in wage subsidies are required to enter into a subsidized employment agreement with the county. Unsubsidized employment positions are direct referrals to employers who interview and/or hire clients for positions with no subsidy.
  • Approved and participating employers in subsidized employment, interview, hire and train clients selected to participate. Employers agree to pay wages and provide training for a specified period of time in exchange for work performed by clients. The county reimburses the employer for wages earned by the client. The goal is that upon completion of the subsidy period, employers continue to employ clients without any wage reimbursement (unsubsidized employment).
  • Subsidized employment positions may range from 3 to 6 months in duration and are either part-time or full-time. The hourly wage must be equivalent to or higher than the City of San Jose minimum wage ordinance.
  • Suitable and job ready clients assigned to the activities of SJS or PTJS are referred to both subsidized and unsubsidized employment positions. Adult Education or Community College service providers may also refer clients.
  • A new WTW plan must be signed when a client enters into subsidized or unsubsidized employment from SJS, or PTJS.

Employer Relations (ER) Unit

The ER unit is responsible for job development of subsidized and unsubsidized positions, job recruitments, job fairs, and other events/projects.

  • They design and create marketing material and strategies for advertisement and marketing methods.
  • They attend business networking events and build relationships with businesses to increase job opportunities for clients.
  • The ER unit is the point of contact for ecstaffing.com updates and redesign.
  • The goal of the unit is to link job seekers to employers who are interested in interviewing and/or hiring clients who are job ready. ERS EC staff develop working relationships with local employers and informs them of recruitments, job advertisements, job referrals, assignments and hiring process, to match job seekers to employers seeking to fill positions and provide employer feedback to assigned EC staff through debriefs.
  • The ERS establishes lasting relationships with employers by having ongoing communication with both subsidized and unsubsidized employers.
  • The ER unit is also responsible for developing subsidized employment opportunities with employers who are interested in wage subsidies.
  • ERS EC staff introduces, explains and executes County Subsidized Employment Agreements with employers and provides an overview of program requirements.
  • The ER unit collaborates with JPR EC staff to develop positions in alignment with client profiles.

Job Placement and Retention (JPR) Units

The JPR units train and facilitate job readiness workshops that prepare clients on how to conduct an effective job search, interviewing techniques, how to properly apply for positions and how to secure and maintain employment.

  • The JPR units obtain, verify and complete all right-to-work and employment related (I-9, W4, DE4, etc.) documentation for subsidized employment.
  • Staff will match the client’s interests, abilities and experience to available subsidized and unsubsidized employment positions.
  • Once the client accepts a job offer, the scheduled start date is confirmed and the subsidized or unsubsidized employment activity begins.
  • The JPR units also have the responsibility to support the employers and clients participating in subsidized employment.
  • Clients are supported to retain employment through the subsidy period, with the goal of helping to obtain unsubsidized employment with the current employer or another employer.
  • The units have the responsibility to ensure subsidized employers and worksite supervisors are in compliance with the worksite agreement, and assist in conflict resolution between the client, employer and/or program requirements.
  • The JPR EC and Case Management (CM) Retention EC continue to support and work closely with clients during the subsidized and unsubsidized employment periods.

Subsidized Employment Administrative Payroll Unit (APU)

The APU supports the subsidized employment program by processing all employment documents required to make payments to employers and clients.

The unit processes all incoming wage reimbursement invoices received from employers.

The unit also processes time cards for clients participating in paid work experience and provides the employer with any needed technical assistance.

The unit works in coordination with Financial Management Services (FMS) and maintains all files and documents required for subsidized employment program operation.

Case Management (CM) Retention EC

The CM Retention EC is a specialized worker assigned to the case once the client is placed in subsidized employment.

  • This worker is responsible to monitor, track and provide employment retention services in partnership with the JPR unit.
  • The goal is for the CM Retention EC to provide support services and any other resource referrals that will ensure the continuity of employment during the subsidized activity and the 90-day unsubsidized employment period.
  • These efforts will continue regardless if the client is discontinued from cash aid due to subsidized or unsubsidized employment.
  • The case will remain with the CM Retention EC throughout the subsidized period and 90-day unsubsidized periods.

Note: The Family Stabilization (FS) Unit will continue to manage cases with FS clients. FS cases will not be transferred to a CM Retention EC when a FS client is placed in subsidized employment. The FS and CM Retention supervisors coordinate between the assigned FS and CM Retention case managers in order to provide comprehensive services to the FS client. The CM Retention EC will coordinate subsidized employment support services with the FS EC and the client.

EC Works Tiers

Note: There is a 12 month maximum on subsidized employment placement across any combination of tiers (Tier I, Tier II and/or Tier III). One day attended in the month counts as one month used.

The steps below provide a general overview of the different subsidized employment tiers available through EC Works.

Tier I - Subsidized Employment:

  1. For eligible active CWES clients, and Safety Net individuals who have timed-out from their CalWORKs 60-month time on aid limit.
  2. Up to 40 hours per week.
  3. Private sector (“For Profit”) and Public or non-profit organizations.
  4. Employer pays wages directly to client.
  5. Employer can be reimbursed in part or in whole for wages earned by client.
  6. Hourly wage must be equivalent to or higher than the City of San Jose minimum wage ordinance.
  7. Positions are 3 to 6 months in length.

Note: One day attended in the month counts as one month used.

  1. Earnings are Nonexempt.
  2. Employment verification form is “Request for Employment Information (SCD 549A), or “Schedule A” (SCD 2466).

Tier II - Paid WEX:

  1. For eligible active CWES clients.
  2. Limited to 20 hours per week.
  3. Public or non-profit organizations.
  4. Santa Clara County is the employer of record and pays wages directly to client.
  5. Hourly wage must be equivalent to or higher than the City of San Jose minimum wage ordinance.
  6. Positions are up to 6 months in length.

Note: One day attended in the month counts as one month used.

  1. Earnings are Nonexempt.
  2. Request for Employment Information form is SCD 549A or “Schedule A” (SCD 2466).

Tier III - Sub. College Work Study:

  1. For eligible CWES clients enrolled at a participating community college.
  2. Hours per week based on approved “Schedule A” (SCD 2466).
  3. Length of positions are determined by community college, not to exceed 12 months. The 12 months maximum includes any previous months in Tier I and/or Tier II assignments.

Note: One day attended in the month counts as one month used.

  1. Community college is employer of record, determines wages and pays client directly.
  2. All Sub. College Work Study earnings are exempt.
  3. Request for Employment Information form is (SCD 549A) or “Schedule A” (SCD 2466).

Note: Not all work study positions at participating community colleges will be funded by expanded subsidized employment. The community college liaison will only submit a “Schedule A” (SCD 2466) to the assigned EC if the payment is subsidized and approved by the Employment Support Initiative (ESI) unit.

Note: Tier III cases remain with the assigned EC.

Related Topics

Employment Connection Background

Employment Connection Definitions

Employment Connection Job Development and Referrals

Employment Connection Subsidized to Unsubsidized Reporting

Employment Connection Tier I - Subsidized Employment Overview

Employment Connection Tier II - Paid Work Experience (PWEX)

Employment Connection Job Retention Tier I & Tier II

Employment Connection Job Retention Tier I & Tier II

Employment Connection Tier III - Subsidized College Work Study

Employment Connection Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

Employment Connection WTW Participants Approaching 54 Months

Employment Connection Safety Net (60-Month Timed-Out) Individuals

Employment Connection Sexual Harassment

Employment Connection Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE)

Employment Connection California Outcomes and Accountability Review (Cal-OAR)