Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs 2.0

CalWORKs 2.0 is a state-wide initiative with a premise of utilizing a goal-oriented approach to engaging the whole family toward self-sufficiency. The “My Road Map, Potholes & Detours” tool (SCD 2503) is designed to outline family goals and should be completed with the client as an interactive process, typically at any point of contact including:

  • Intake, Employment Connection Center, Family Services
  • During the Noncompliance process
  • When creating or amending a WTW Plan
  • When client’s goals change

Goal Tracking/Plan/Do

When identifying goals, client does not have to set three goals at one time. Client can, instead, set one or two goals at a time. To track goals associated with the SCD 2503, select the appropriate CalWORKs 2.0 Goal from the “Skill Type” drop-down within the [Skills] tab of the Maintain Employment Services Information window in CalSAWS.

Complete the following from the [Skills] tab:

  • Within the “Description field” of the [Skills] tab, enter the corresponding goal(s) description from the SCD 2503.
  • Within the License Group Box, “Number field,” enter the corresponding My Road Map No. from the SCD 2503.
  • In the “Date Obtained” field, enter date the goal(s) is/are created.
  • And in the “Expiration” field, enter corresponding date from SCD 2503 Target Date(s).

Goal Outcome

When client achieves goal(s), select “Y” from the “Make Job Ready [Y/N]” field. And in “Last Date Used,” enter date goal(s) is/are achieved.

If client reports goal not achieved such as a change in goal, a detour, or Target Date change, select “N” from “Make Job Ready [Y/N];” and in “Last Date Used” field, enter date client reported information.

Note: When client identifies a new goal or new target date, enter as a new goal on the SCD 2503 and update CalSAWS by entering as a new goal in the [Skills] tab.

Goals 4–15

After client completes the first three goals, a new SCD 2503 is used to identify the next three goals. In the [Skills] tab, select “CalWORKs 2.0 Goal #4” to represent the fourth goal; “CalWORKs 2.0 Goal #5” to represent fifth goal; etc. New SCD 2503 forms are completed for all subsequent goals along with next goal entered in CalSAWS.

Related Topics

Orientation and Appraisal Procedures

Orientation and Appraisal - Optional: Group Orientation for Assigned Employment Counselor (EC)

Orientation and Appraisal - WTW Plans for Employed Clients

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Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs 2.0

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Orientation and Appraisal - Conducting the CWES Orientation

Orientation and Appraisal - Completion of the Appraisal Interview

Orientation and Appraisal - Online CalWORKs Appraisal Tool (OCAT)

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Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs Home Visitation

Orientation and Appraisal - Plan # and Activity Chart

Orientation and Appraisal - WTW Activity Assignment Chart

Orientation and Appraisal - Maintain Activity Status in CalWIN

Orientation and Appraisal - Verification

Orientation and Appraisal - Case Documentation