Orientation and Appraisal - OCAT Work Readiness Resource

The Work Readiness Resource is an optional resource that is available for use by EC staff. It is an interactive hub of resources and tools to help the client achieve self-sufficiency. Clients may use the Work Readiness Resource to help develop their resumes, prepare for interviews, determine their interests, examine their work history, and identify education and training requirements as it relates to available jobs and careers in their geographic area which is vital to the attainment of self-sufficiency.

An OCAT user ID is not required to access this information.

  • Trip Planning can be conducted via the VTA Trip Planning site. Refer to VTA Trip Planning.

Work Readiness Resources for Participants (Clients)

Under the “For Clients” section, clients will be able to access resources for developing a roadmap for their career. There are three levels tailored to a client’s level of work readiness. The three levels start with basic work exploration activities and resources, then provide clients with tools for understanding their education and training and skill-levels, and then conclude with a set of tools and resources to better assist OCAT users and clients in understanding labor market information and building a plan to more effectively improve a client’s ability to progress on a career path.

  • Level One

Allows clients to start to explore the initial stages of work exploration. Clients can learn how to develop an effective resume, draft cover letters, prepare for and conduct an interview, create a career portfolio that includes tools for users to more effectively respond to employer needs, and learn how to budget and manage money.

  • Level Two

Once clients have completed Level One they can move on to Level Two. In this level, clients receive resources to more closely identify their work related skills and abilities and how to match skills and interests to those often in the job market. Clients should work with their case manager to establish career goals and objectives. If a case manager is not available, Level Two will provide some important insights on setting a path for personal development and work preparation.

  • Level Three

Level Three is for clients who are work ready and have some work history. Clients should work with their case managers whenever possible to maximize the use of Level Three.

Work Readiness Resources for Case Managers (ECs)

The “For Case Managers” section provides information, resources, and tools that OCAT users can use to help clients become self-sufficient. This tool is optional. The tools that are available on this page include a description of the three levels that clients will use as they explore careers, a brief overview of common concepts that users might come across when exploring jobs and careers with clients, and information about difference jobs and careers. This information is divided into subsections which users can click on and review:

  • For Clients Overview
  • Key Words and Concepts and Exploring Jobs, Occupations, and Careers Overview
  • Identifying and Addressing Barriers to Employment and Budget Management
  • Different Work Assessments
  • Explore Useful Web Sites for Entering the World of Work
  • Overview of Career Pathways and Clusters
  • Understanding Labor Market Information
  • Labor Market Information Resources

OCAT Reports

County level reports provide case load trends to aid in identifying program and referral needs for clients. There are two types of reports:


These standard reports contain month to date data. The reports are:

  • Summary

Number of Appraisals, Number of Clients with Multiple Potential Barriers and Number of Referrals Recommended.

  • Clients by Type of Benefits Received

CalFresh, CalWORKs, CAPI, Child Care, Child Support, etc.

  • Client Demographics by Race/Ethnicity
  • Clients by Type of Referral Recommended
  • Clients by Type of Potential Barriers
  • Distribution of Clients by Number of Potential Barriers.


These reports require Start Date, End Date and Household Type. The reports are:

  • Clients By Potential Barriers - Legal, Housing, and Transportation

Summarizes counts and percentage of clients by potential transportation, housing and legal barriers.

  • Clients By Employment History and Career Preferences

Summarizes counts and percentage of clients by current employment status, reasons not currently working and career interests.

  • Clients By Potential Barriers - Child Care, Domestic Abuse and Well-Being

Summarizes counts and percentage of clients by potential domestic abuse, family member health problems, child care issues and barriers.

  • Clients By Demographics

Summarizes counts and percentage of clients by demographic factors, including gender, race/ethnicity and age.

  • Clients By Potential Barriers - Health

Summarizes counts and percentage of clients by potential general health concerns, emotional and mental health concerns and alcohol and substance use.

OCAT-Related Cal-OAR Measures

OCAT/Appraisal to Next Activity Timeliness Rate

The Cal-OAR includes the OCAT/Appraisal to Next Activity Timeliness Rate (percentage). After the OCAT Appraisal is completed, the Collect Individual Cal-OAR Detail window becomes auto-populated with “Yes” and date of completion in the OCAT/Appraisal has been completed [Y/N] group box. The EC is to ensure that the next WTW activity Planned Start Date in the Maintain Participant Activity window is scheduled within 30 days of the OCAT completion date.

Educational Skills Development Access Rate

Cal-OAR includes the Educational Skills Development Access Rate (percentage) to capture WTW participants who are scheduled to attend an educational program who have not completed a program while receiving CalWORKs cash aid. To capture the measure Denominator, ensure that the CalWIN Student Detail window, Certificate/Degree/Diploma Obtained [Y/N] field is correctly marked with “Yes” or “No”, and that the following questions are marked “Yes” in the OCAT System Questionnaire:

  • Question B1, “Are you planning or interested in attending an education or training program?”
  • Question B2, “If you do not have a diploma or GED, would you like to pursue a diploma, GED training?”

In CalSAWS, when client is referred to an educational activity, the measure Numerator is captured based on information in the Maintain Participant Activity window. Ensure that participant is scheduled with a Planned Start Date in an educational WTW 25 activity grouping type of such as Adult Basic Education, or Vocational Training.

Note: If the Certificate/Degree/Diploma Obtained [Y/N] field is marked with “Yes,” client will not be included in the measure Denominator.

The Student Detail window is a window that must now be completed by the EC to capture individuals who have completed a degree/certificate/diploma while receiving CalWORKs cash aid.

Related Topics

Orientation and Appraisal Procedures

Orientation and Appraisal - Optional: Group Orientation for Assigned Employment Counselor (EC)

Orientation and Appraisal - WTW Plans for Employed Clients

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWIN Plan Tab

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs 2.0

Orientation and Appraisal - CWES Orientation Presentation

Orientation and Appraisal - Conducting the CWES Orientation

Orientation and Appraisal - Completion of the Appraisal Interview

Orientation and Appraisal - Online CalWORKs Appraisal Tool (OCAT)

Orientation and Appraisal - OCAT Work Readiness Resource

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs Home Visitation

Orientation and Appraisal - Plan # and Activity Chart

Orientation and Appraisal - WTW Activity Assignment Chart

Orientation and Appraisal - Maintain Activity Status in CalWIN

Orientation and Appraisal - Verification

Orientation and Appraisal - Case Documentation