Orientation and Appraisal - WTW Activity Assignment Chart

Once the client has completed Orientation and Appraisal process, the client must be referred to the next appropriate WTW activity. The EC can use the following chart to determine next activity, length of the activity based on the information on the OCAT ASR and the last Post-Assessment WTW Plan, CalSAWS activity assignment (plan tab/activity tab/session), length of supportive services and required documents:

Activity Type


Length of Approval

Required Verifications/ Referral Forms

Full-Time Employment

Full-time employed is defined as 30 hours or more per week.

The WTW2 is required for employment and the Plan tab in CalSAWS is completed. FTE clients who are enrolled in school or requesting skills upgrade or job advancement services need to be referred to in-house Assessment.

Child Care: If child care approved refer to Stage II CC via the "APP/CWES Referral & Communication Form” (SCD 1776). Forward all copies to A9P2 and document in CalSAWS.

Activity  12 months (Ex: 4/1/09 to 3/31/10) Supp. Svcs. 3 months

SCD 549A, Request for Employment Information

Check Stubs

Letter from Employer


Work Number: www.theworknumber. com

Employer Phone Verification

Note: If current pay stubs submitted or in Imaging, the client can complete the SCD 549 (don't sign as employer) and attach a copy of the pay stub.

Plan Tab Session Provider not Specified

Part-Time Employment

Part-time employment is defined as less than 30 hours per week.

The WTW2 is required for employment and the Plan tab in CalSAWS is completed.

Child Care: If child care approved refer to Stage II CC via the Referral & Communication Form” (SCD 1776). Forward all copies to A9P2 and document in CalSAWS.

Activity 12 months

Supp. Svcs. 3 months

SCD 549A,

Request for Employment Information

Check Stubs

Letter from Employer


Work Number

Plan Tab Session Provider not Specified

Self-Employed (part-time/ full-time)

Plan Tab Session Provider not Specified

Full time self-employment is defined as 30 hours or more per week.

Self-employed clients not meeting the hours due to their salary are allowed one year to increase their wages. To calculate the weekly hours, take the monthly gross income less business expenses and divide it by the federal minimum wage then by 4.33 to get the weekly hours. Notify the client they have one year to increase their wages on the comments section of the WTW 2.

In CalSAWS record actual hours during the one-year period prior to client increasing earnings.

After the one-year grace period, use calculated hours.

The WTW2 is required for self-employment and the Plan tab in CalSAWS is completed.

Self-employed clients typically pay their own Social Security and income taxes and are not covered by worker's compensation (this includes day care providers).

Exception: An insurance and real estate person is not considered self-employed, since they work for a broker. However, a broker could be considered self-employed.

Child Care: If child care approved refer to Stage II CC via the "APP/CWES Referral & Communication Form” (SCD 1776). Forward all copies to A9P2 and document in CalSAWS.

Transportation: Not approved if claimed as a business expense deduction.

Activity 12 months

Supp. Svcs. 3 months

Employer self-employment statement

CSF 32, Profit & Loss Statement (optional)

Tax Return, if available

SCD 101,

General Affidavit



Activity Type


Length of Approval

Required Verifications/ Referral Forms


Work Study (Paid), if appropriate

Sub.College Work Study &

Enrolled (applied and accepted) in vocational training program on the date of the appraisal.

Note: Use “Sub. College Work Study” when the placement is subsidized.

The program is on the county's list of programs leading to employment (Refer to Matrix for approved training programs).

If program is not listed, the client needs to demonstrate program will lead to self-supporting employment by submitting a Labor Market Study (LMS).

Exception: Clients enrolled in a Cosmetology program may be required to do the LMS if the school site is not listed on Matrix (non-SB 1232 students).

For non-SB 1232 students, other criteria apply, including SIP and study time rules. SIP clients not meeting required hours of participation are allowed 30 calendar days from the date the WTW 2 is signed to increase hours. Notify client of this requirement on the Comments Section of the WTW 2.

Supportive Services: SIPs approved of April 7, 2008 may be eligible for supportive services if they were on cash aid, attending school and expense(s) occurred during that time.

The child care can only be retroactive up to 30 days from the date the client requested child care (ORE/individual contact date).


End of program (not to exceed TOA)

Supp. Svcs.

End of quarter/ semester/ program module/ academic calendar

SCD 1723, Activity Referral

SCD 1758, Educational Plan

Class Schedule/TBA

Printout of classes

Program module or academic school calendar

Enrollment Verification, including online class documentation

WTW 8, Student Financial Aid Statement

Labor Market Study

Letter on school letterhead with required info (private school)


Provider: SCD 1723

Client: WTW 2, SCD 1723, CSF6 (cc)

Return Appt to sign WTW 2

Plan Tab Session By provider

Plan Tab Provider Not Specified


Activity Type


Length of Approval

Required Verifications/ Referral Forms

SIP Not Approved (SNA)

Attending school/training program not approved as SIP and LMS not submitted.

School is not accredited.

Note: Schools without CalWORKs Site Liaison will not receive an email referral. SNA does not apply to SB 1232 students.

Supportive Services begins from the date the WTW1/WTW 2 is signed. Not eligible for retro supportive services including child care.

Activity End of current semester/ quarter, not to exceed 4 months

Supp. Svcs. End of quarter/ semester

Letterhead with required info.

Educational Plan

Printout of classes

Enrollment Verification, including online class documentation

Labor Market Study

WTW 8, Student Financial Aid Statement

GIS 704, SIP Denial Notice


Provider: SCD 1723

Client: WTW 2, SCD 1723, CSF6 (cc)

Return Appt to sign WTW 2

Plan Tab Session By provider

Plan Tab Provider Not Specified

VTR (Post-Assessment


Resuming WTW Plan

Resuming Learning Disabilities related plan

Activity End of program (not to exceed TOA)

Supp. Svcs. End of quarter/ semester/ module/ academic calendar


Provider: SCD 1723

Client: WTW 2,

SCD 1723

Reschedule Client: SCD 1783

Plan Tab Session By provider

Plan Tab Provider Not Specified

Part-Time Job Search

Plan Tab Session CWES 1879 Senter Road

Part-time employed

Part-time self employed

Note: Can be assigned in 12-week increments.

Activity 12 weeks

Supp. Svcs. Assign under PTE (3 months)


Provider: CalSAWS

Client: WTW 2

Reschedule Client: CSF6


Activity Type


Length of Approval

Required Verifications/ Referral Forms

Supervised Job Search

Has Work History Within last 2 years?

Has HS Diploma or GED in US?

Is client English Speaking?

Is client Limited English Speaking?

(schedule per CalSAWS language session)

Is client Non-English Speaking - Monolingual

Activity 8 weeks

Supp Svcs 8 weeks

Note: Can extend in 4-week increments.


Provider: CalSAWS

Client: WTW 2

Reschedule Client: SCD 1783

Note: Please email ECC for clients resuming Job Search indicating # of weeks remaining.

To determine appropriateness of Job Search, determine if client:

Has worked in the last 2 years, and

Has a HS Diploma or GED in the US, and

He/she speaks English, or

Speaks Limited English, or

Is Non-English Speaking other than Spanish and Vietnamese



Job Search

Vietnamese and Spanish Speaking: 1879 Senter Rd.

All other languages: ESL/ Assessment






Job Search

Vietnamese and Spanish Speaking: 1879 Senter Rd.

All other languages: Adult Ed referral for ESL.


Plan Tab Session CWES 1879 Senter Road



Job Search Option: ABE/ GED

Vietnamese and Spanish Speaking: 1879 Senter Option: Adult Ed referral for ESL/ABE








All other languages: Adult Ed referral for ESL.






Adult Ed referral for ESL/ABE.




Activity Type


Length of Approval

Length of Approval

Initial Adult Ed Referral (Assessment)

No High School Diploma or GED/equivalent

Limited English speaking or Non-English speaking

Enrolled in GED/ESL program

Note: Unsupervised study time is embedded within the educational activity. For non-SB 1232 students ratio is 1:1.

Assessment is to be assigned for initial Adult Ed referrals. Once the POSTPLAN is developed, refer to GED/ESL/ABE, as appropriate.

Reminder: Notify site provider via email when client stops attending for any reason.

Note: If client does not wish to participate in secondary educational activities, client may participate in an appropriate initial engagement activity. Client will make that election, in writing, on the WTW Plan, by documenting in the “Additional Comments” section, using a statement such as “Client elects to not pursue a high school diploma or equivalent at this time.”

Activity 1 month Supp. Svcs. 1 month



Provider: SCD 1723

Client: WTW 2, SCD 1723

Reschedule Client: SCD 1783

Plan Tab Session By provider


Activity Type


Length of Approval

Length of Approval

Assessment only

(if participating in another activity)

Employed FTE and enrolled in school or requesting skills upgrade or other job advancement services.

Discloses a mental, emotional, physical, medical limitation, or an illiteracy that negatively affects the client's ability to obtain and/or retain employment.

Does not read or write in English or in their native language.

Displays irregular behavior patterns that staff or service provider feel may negatively impact the ability to obtain employment.

Fails to benefit from, or make progress, in assigned activity due to significant barriers.

Referred or receiving services from Department of Rehab

Does not obtain employment after completing Job Search/Networking activity

Change in the WTW Plan completed by in-house assessment as WTW Plan no longer appropriate and time remains on their 60-month clock.

Completion of all activities listed on the previous WTW Plan and time remains on the 60-month clock.

Re-Assessment as WTW Plan completed, no job, time left on the 48-month clock.

No WTW Plan completed and wants to participate in CWES activities beyond the Domestic Abuse services.

Existing WTW Plan completed by in-house assessment and due to Domestic Abuse services/issues employment goals changes.

Recommendation for in-house assessment received from service provider.

Participating in Mental Health or Substance Abuse services and career goal changes.

Scores 12 or more on LD Screener and client at client’s option, chooses a LD Evaluation.

Note: Do not refer to ASMT if the client claims unable to participate due to medical reason. Issue CW61 for possible exemption. For assessment or a re-assessment, use Assessment activity.

Activity 1 month Supp. Svcs. 1 month


SCD 1771, Self-Appraisal

Note: Write reason why client referred to ASM under the comments section of the WTW2 and submit to Imaging immediately so Counselor can view prior to ASMT appt.


Call 758-3500 for the next available appointment.

Client: WTW 2

Reschedule Client: SCD 1783

Plan Tab Session CWES 1879 IND ASM Or CWES 1879 ASM (out of SJS)



Activity Type


Length of Approval

Length of Approval


Plan Tab Session CWES 1879 IND ASM

Referred by FS ECC EC for clients who lack minimal skills as defined by employer

Concurrent participation in Job Search until actual day of training program.

Activity 30 days

FS Plan

Call 758-3798

Work Experience

School hours less than 20/30/35 hours after allowing 30 days to increase hours to meet required hours of participation.

Needs additional hours to meet participation requirements.

Work Experience specified on the WTW Plan.

Activity information:

Contact the WEX/CS CST, at 758-4017 for the next available WEX appointment.

Refer to LinkedIn Learning.

Reminder: FLSA hours must be calculated for max WEX hours. For auto FLSA computation request WTW 15 in CalSAWS.


30 Days for LinkedIn Learning or until placed.

Supp. Svcs. 30 days



SCD 1789, Work Experience/ Community Service Program Work site Referral (Section I only)


Provider: SCC Works

Client: SCD 1783, SCD1789

Reschedule. SCD 1783

Plan Tab Session: CWES 1879 Senter Road Public Non-Profit Private Non-Profit Private for Profit

Community Service

Self-initiated Community Service assignment, when not in the private sector, in consultation with unit supervisor.

Community Service (CS) specified on the WTW Plan.

Community Service assignments are limited to projects that serve a useful community purpose in fields such as health, social services, environmental protection, education, urban and rural development, welfare, recreation, and public safety. Activity information: (CS not self-initiated).

Contact the WEX/CS CST at 758-4017 for the next available WEX/CS, as appropriate.

Refer to LinkedIn Learning for 30 days.

Reminder: FLSA hours must be calculated for max CS hours. For auto FLSA computation request WTW 15 in CalSAWS.

Activity 30 days for Appt with CS EC

1 to 6 months for CS CWES


Supp. Svcs. 30 days

Community Service Work Experience Program Fact Sheet (2 copies one for client and the other for the CWEX site), if self-initiated



SCD 1789, WEX/CS Work site Referral (Section I only)


Provider: Copy of CWEX Fact Sheet, if self-initiated

Client: Copy of CWES Fact Sheet

Plan Tab Session: CWES 1879 Senter Road Public Non-Profit Private Non-Profit


Activity Type


Length of Approval

Length of Approval


FT Employed Ret Off


PT Employed Ret Off

Discontinued from Cash Assistance and working full-time or part-time. The following are NOT PAS eligible:

Per client request

No longer eligible child in the home

No longer resident of CA


Loss of contact

The unit Sup/Lead needs to end the Registered status the last day of the cash aid discontinuance month per case inquires and add Post-Aid Services the first day of the following month.

Note: If known ahead of time the client will become PAS do not refer to APP. Stage II unit will complete the APP referral.


12 months (Ex: 4/1/09 to 3/31/09)

TRE 12 months

Child care 3 months under PAS activity, if APP pending

SCD 384, Attention Off-Aid Employed Clients! Letter


PAS checklist

Activity Tab Session

Provider not specified

Excused Second Parent

One parent is meeting the required work participation hours and other parent does not want to participate.

Exception: If FTE/SEM parent is not meeting required hours, then the other parent cannot be Excused Second Parent.

Note: The WTW2 is not required for Excused Second Parent

Activity Begin/ End dates of 2nd parent's activity


Activity Tab Session CWES 1879 Senter Road

Orientation & Appraisal

Nonexempt clients

Exempt Volunteer clients

Sanctioned clients

Activity 1 day

Child care 4 hours

SCD 1859

SCD 103



WTW 2, if appropriate

Activity Tab Session CWES 1879 Senter Road


Activity Type


Length of Approval

Length of Approval


(CIU Voc Trng No ASM)

CIU provides services as follows:

Clients who are receiving Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) receive highest priority

WTW clients who have been in the U.S. for 24 months or less and are not enrolled in adult education or community college receive second priority

Third priority are WTW clients who meet ALL of the following criteria:

Are monolingual (except Spanish and Vietnamese) or Low English Proficient (LEP), and

Have been in the U.S. between 25-60 months, and

Are interested in obtaining employment, and

Has not attended a CIU activity.

Note: CIU is a full-time (20/30/35 hours per week) 6-month program. Part-time referrals will not be accepted. As a result, FTE and SIP are not referred to CIU. To participate through CIU, the individual must be authorized to work in the United States. Refugee families where the adult does not have work authorization, must be referred to WTW for other appropriate activities.



Other Family Stabilization Activities

Used for Dept Family Children Services (DFCS)

Used when the activity is other than an available activity, such as parenting classes, court,

Available activities such as: Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Domestic Abuse SV are assigned.

Note: Intake worker completes ORE/APR/LD Screening and updates information checklist.


Sends email to co-located EC and cc EP Sup with the following to confirm DFCS common case:

Client's name


Case #


name and phone #, if available

Other helpful information.

Domestic Abuse Services

Approved for Domestic Abuse exemption/waiver by the Social Worker.

Attending DA related services/activities.

Attending DA related services/activities per "CalWORKs Referral Results” (SCD29) completed by Service Provider.

Post-Assessment WTW Plan completed by In-House Assessment.

Pending: Supervisor/Lead needs to update Registration Tab to 30 days GC.

Approved: Registration tab needs to be updated to Registered and DA activity assigned using the same Start and End dates indicated on the SCD 1554.

Note: The EW must also record the Domestic Abuse information on the Collect Domestic Abuse Detail window in CalSAWS. For Family Services (FS) DV, Refer to Types of Family Services for policy and procedures.


3 months (start/end dates per SCD 1554) TRE

3 months (start/end dates per SCD 1554

Child care 3 months (start/end dates per SCD 1554

SCD 1554, CalWORKs Participation Status

SCD 1555, CalWORKs Domestic Abuse (DA) Service Plan

SCD 29


Provider: CalSAWS

Activity Tab Session: CWES 1879 Senter Road


Activity Type


Length of Approval

Length of Approval

Substance Abuse Services

Attending Substance Abuse related services/activities.
Attending Substance Abuse related services/activities per "CalWORKs Referral Results” (SCD29) completed by Service Provider.
Post-Assessment WTW Plan completed by In-House Assessment.
For Family Services (FS) Substance Abuse Services. Refer to Types of Family Services for policy and procedures

Activity start/end dates per SCD 29 TRE start/end dates per SCD 29
Child care start/end dates per SCD 29

SCD 29
Other acceptable verification

Plan Tab Activity Tab Session: CWES 1879 Senter Road

If Plan (WTW 2) is completed, then no new WTW 2 required. Assign Substance Abuse activity under the Activity Tab.
If Plan (WTW 2) is not completed, then add Substance Abuse to the WTW 2 as Job Readiness. Assign Substance Abuse under the Plan Tab

Mental Health Services

Attending Mental Health related services/activities.
Attending Mental Health related services/activities per “CalWORKs Referral Results” (SCD29) completed by Service Provider.
Post-Assessment WTW Plan completed by In-House Assessment.
For Family Services (FS) Mental Health Services. Refer to Types of Family Services for policy and procedures.

Activity start/end dates per SCD 29 TRE start/end dates per SCD 29
Child care start/end dates per SCD

SCD 29
Other acceptable verification

Plan Tab (plan not developed)

Activity Tab (plan already developed)
CWES 1879 Senter Rd.

If Plan (WTW 2) is completed, then no new WTW 2 required. Assign Mental Health activity under the Activity Tab.

If Plan (WTW 2) is not completed, then add Mental Health to the WTW 2 as Job Readiness. Assign Mental Health under the Plan Tab.


Activity Type


Length of Approval

Length of Approval


Disabled 30 days or longer

Taking care of ill or incapacitated person living in the home

Care of first child under 6 months

Care of 2nd and subsequent child under 3 months

Time limited exemption for providing care to a child from 0-23 months of age. Must be requested.

Note: Exempt clients have an option to volunteer with Employment Services as an exempt volunteer. If a client wants to volunteer, see unit sup or lead to update Registration Tab to exempt volunteer.

If medical, end of temporary disability or RRR date, if permanent

CW 61, Coversheet & Authorization to Release Medical Information

SCD1782, Doctor Verification for care for incapacitated family member

Doctor Statement


CW 2186A/B


Used for CalWORKs HVI participants when the HVI related activity does not meet the definition of activities assigned to CalWORKs federal standards.

Welfare-to-Work Plan is developed based on the HVI related activities designated by the HVI service provider.

Service provider will provide progress report.

Based on Service Provider

CalSAWS Referral Subsystem, Provider, CalWORKs Home Visitation

Referral Need: CalWORKs Home Visitation

Related Topics

Orientation and Appraisal Procedures

Orientation and Appraisal - Optional: Group Orientation for Assigned Employment Counselor (EC)

Orientation and Appraisal - WTW Plans for Employed Clients

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWIN Plan Tab

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs 2.0

Orientation and Appraisal - CWES Orientation Presentation

Orientation and Appraisal - Conducting the CWES Orientation

Orientation and Appraisal - Completion of the Appraisal Interview

Orientation and Appraisal - Online CalWORKs Appraisal Tool (OCAT)

Orientation and Appraisal - OCAT Work Readiness Resource

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs Home Visitation

Orientation and Appraisal - Plan # and Activity Chart

Orientation and Appraisal - WTW Activity Assignment Chart

Orientation and Appraisal - Maintain Activity Status in CalWIN

Orientation and Appraisal - Verification

Orientation and Appraisal - Case Documentation