Orientation and Appraisal - Conducting the CWES Orientation

An Orientation facilitator along with Orientation assistants are assigned to the group Orientation. As part of the Orientation, a HA Screening is done by one of the HA service providers:

  • Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) - serves San Jose Only,
  • Gardner Family Care Corporation (GFCC) - serves San Jose and South County,
  • Mental Health Services Team (MHST) - serves San Jose and South County, or
  • Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County (CCSCC) - serves only North County.

Work Flow Process

A. The Orientation Assistant:

  • Sets up the Orientation room at 8:50 am and 12:50 pm which includes: Turns on TV and computer, set-up video, placing orientation folders, CWES participant guide, produce van flyers and other announcements on the tables prior to the start of Orientation.
  • Sets up snacks.
  • Picks up Gift Card binder from designated support staff prior to orientation starting.



Two or less clients show,

Group orientation is canceled and clients are scheduled as one-on-one orientation by control clerk.

Note: A raffle is still conducted if a group orientation is not conducted.

Three or more clients show,

The orientation facilitator will conduct the scheduled orientation.

Note: South and North locations conduct Orientation as scheduled regardless of how many clients show.

B. The Orientation Facilitator:

  • Welcomes the group - clients begin entering at 9:00AM and 1:00PM.

Note: Clients need to be sitting in the orientation room by 9:15AM and 1:15PM. If client shows after that time a one-on-one will be scheduled.

  • Goes over items such as location of bathroom, cell phone usage, total time of orientation and snacks.
  • Introduces and starts the video.

Note: Video run time is 26 minutes.

C. The Orientation Assistant:

  • Prepares and conducts raffle as follows:
  • Puts all client names that show for Orientation including English, Spanish and Vietnamese one-on-ones on raffle tickets for drawing.
  • Selects four winners.
  • Completes the name and case number of raffle winners on the gift card slips.
  • Verifies who is the assigned EC, writes first/last name and worker number on gift card slip.
  • Gives all gift card slips to orientation facilitator.

D. The Orientation Facilitator:

  • Asks if there are any questions about the video. Reminds clients that they will be seen by two counselors, Health Alliance and Employment Services Counselor and to not leave ORE room until they have been seen by both counselors.
  • Introduces Health Alliance.
  • Gets gift card slips from Orientation Assistant:
  • Signs gift card slips.
  • Hands gift card slips back to Orientation Assistant for issuance.

E. The Health Alliance Counselor:

  • Goes over the Health Alliance Screener with the client.
  • Collects screener and begins interview with client.
  • Forwards completed Health Alliance Screener to EC.
  • Returns client to Orientation Room.
  • Completes with client sensitive questions OCAT questions.

F. The Orientation Facilitator:

  • Starts SCD 1755 video and leaves the room.

G. The Orientation Assistant:

  • Emails assigned EC that client is ready to be seen. Include in email if client won a gift card for attending. Assigned EC will have 5 minutes to retrieve their client from the orientation room.



EC does not show within 5 minutes,

Orientation Assistant will call the EC and remind them about their client.

EC does not show within 10 minutes,

Orientation Assistant will call the assigned EC’s supervisor or lead.

  • Replays SCD1755 video.
  • Cleans up the orientation room. Logs off and shuts down the computer and TV. Puts away the snacks, keyboard, mouse and TV controller in the cabinet.

Note: CalWORKs clients who are sanctioned but who are in the process of curing their sanction are eligible for Health Alliance Services.

Refer to Health Alliance.

Related Topics

Orientation and Appraisal Procedures

Orientation and Appraisal - Optional: Group Orientation for Assigned Employment Counselor (EC)

Orientation and Appraisal - WTW Plans for Employed Clients

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWIN Plan Tab

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs 2.0

Orientation and Appraisal - CWES Orientation Presentation

Orientation and Appraisal - Conducting the CWES Orientation

Orientation and Appraisal - Completion of the Appraisal Interview

Orientation and Appraisal - Online CalWORKs Appraisal Tool (OCAT)

Orientation and Appraisal - OCAT Work Readiness Resource

Orientation and Appraisal - CalWORKs Home Visitation

Orientation and Appraisal - Plan # and Activity Chart

Orientation and Appraisal - WTW Activity Assignment Chart

Orientation and Appraisal - Maintain Activity Status in CalWIN

Orientation and Appraisal - Verification

Orientation and Appraisal - Case Documentation